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Report on HFAG

Report on HFAG. Y.Sakai (KEK) for HFAG. (General). Inherit activities of LEP HF Working group Role provide Averages for Conferences (up-to-date, including preliminary, often) PDG (published results) with “Consistent manner” (mentioned later) History

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Report on HFAG

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  1. Report on HFAG Y.Sakai (KEK) for HFAG CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  2. (General) • Inherit activities of LEP HF Working group • Role • provide Averages for • Conferences (up-to-date, including preliminary, often) • PDG (published results) • with “Consistent manner” (mentioned later) • History • - discussions at 1st CKM workshop (Feb-2002, CERN) • - discussions at FPCP (May-2002, Philadelphia)  new HFAG • (for ICHEP02, averages were provided with existing WGs) • - Nov-2002: new HFAG started restructuring • for Winter conference updates CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  3. (General 2) • First averages from new HFAG for 2003 winter conferences • Averages for PDG2003(end March) • B lifetimes, Dmd, semi-leptonic Br, sin2b…, rare-decay Br/Acp Web page: please surf http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hfag/ [ http://belle.kek.jp/mirror/hfag/ (KEK mirror) ] Hope they serve as basis of discussions of WS CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  4. Organization Chairs: Daivid Kikby (BaBar) and Yoshi Sakai (Belle) HFAG members: contacts from BaBar,Belle,LEP,CLEO,CDF,D0,PDG Subgroups leader - B-lifetimes/Oscillations: O.Schneider (Belle) - Semi-leptonic (Vcb,Vub): U.Langenegger (BaBar) - Rare-decay Br/Asymmetry: P.Chang (Belle) - UT-angles: A.Hoecker (BaBar) New ! CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  5. Philosophy • use common input 'physics parameters' • ex) Dmd B0 lifetime •  re-scale each result • take into account correlated systematic errors in av. • 'physics parameter' uncertainty  sign of systematic error • use common method to extract 'physics parameter' • ex) semi-leptonic Br  Vcb • follow PDG method for established averages (Br etc.) (updated averages) determine the Best Averages CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  6. Tools • COMBOS (COMBine B OScillation results) • - originally developed for oscillation average • - c2 fit taking into account statistical uncertainties, • correlated/uncorrelated sys. errors • - extended to other averages  ex) Vcb • try to use for other averages (UT-angles) [also, other utilities/programs are used] CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  7. B lifetime/Oscillation O.Schneider (Belle) B lifetime, Oscillation, DG groups: merged • B meson/baryon lifetimes: (L.Ciaccio  CDF) • B hadron fractions: • Oscillation frequency: Dmd ,Dms • DG : DGs , DGd (O.Schneider) (F.Parodi, C.Weser) Inputs to other subgroups Procedures: well established (except DGd ) COMBOS based (specific prog. for b-fracton, DGs) DGd : new measurements available (DELPHI, BaBar) |q/p|, CPTV parameters to be included CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  8. B lifetime B Hadron Liftimes b hadron species average lifetime t/t B0 1.539  0.014 ps B+ 1.656  0.014 ps 1.073  0.014 Bs 1.461  0.057 ps 0.949  0.038 Bc 0.46 ps Lb 1.229  0.080 ps Xb-, Xb0 mixture 1.39 ps b-baryon mixture 1.208  0.051 ps 0.785  0.034 b-hadron mixture 1.573  0.007 ps B0 +0.18 -0.16 +0.34 -0.28 CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  9. Dmd Dmd 0.502  0.006 ps-1 CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  10. DmsandDGs DGs/Gs <0.54 (95%CL) >14.4 ps-1 (95%CL) CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  11. Smileptonic Vcb and Vub working groups: merged U.Langenegger(BaBar) V.Luth (BaBar) T.Iijima (Belle) M.Shapiro (CDF) M.Artuso (CLEO) P.Roudeau (DELPHI) E.Barberio (OPAL) • Determine the best average values: • semileptonic B decay branching ratios • F(1)|Vcb|, |Vcb|, and |Vub| (Incl/Exclusive) • Use a consistent approach(currently): • - Consistent approaches in all the experiments • based on the latest theoretical etc. developments • - Checking consistency of results between the expts, • - Evaluating the systematics common to all the expts, • - Comparing the results of the different methods • Trying to understand their theoretical errors • How to control/minimize them • [in discussion with theorists]This Workshop ! CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  12. Smileptonic(2) Br: Inclusive BX ln, Exclusive B0D*-ln Vcb : Exclusive B0  D*-ln Common inputs, systematics are identified newly f+/f0 included use COMBOS Vcb : Inclusive use GSL [average of LEP and U(4S)] L, L1 : CLEO (bsg spectrum, hadronic mass moment) Vcb = 40.7(1  0.010exp 0.012L’s 0.021/m3)x10-3 - CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  13. Br Br: Inclusive BX l n Exclusive B0D*-l n CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  14. Vcb: exclusive Vcb : Exclusive B0  D*-l n CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  15. Vub Vub No average is given (to be discussed at this Workshop) CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  16. Rare Decay P.Chang (Belle) J.Smith (BaBar) J.Alexander (CLEO) Method 1. Preliminary results reported in any conference with written documentation are accepted. 2. Average is performed using the PDG method. 3. The most stringent limit will be used for upper limits. 4. All central values will be used for the averages for decay channels observed by at least one experiment. 1. radiative and leptonic B decays: 2. hadronic B decays: 3. baryonic B decays: 4. Acp: Now available: (no decays with cham) (to be linked from HFAG web page) http://hep1.phys.ntu.edu.tw/~pchang/rare_hfag.html CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  17. B+ charmless Compilation of B+ Mesonic Branching Fractions Pre-Winter03 CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  18. B0 charmless Compilation of B0 Mesonic Branching Fractions Pre-Winter03 CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  19. Pre-Winter03 B+- DCPV Charmless Hadronic CP Asymmetries B B0 CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  20. UT-angle A.Hoeker (BaBar) M.Shapiro (CDF) H.Evans (D0) J.Smith (BaBar) O.Long (BaBar) Y.Sakai (Belle) • World averages for measurements related to • angles of the Unitarity Triangle (~Time-dep. CPV) • g related measurements in future • Effective UT angles (e.g., aeff in B0 p+p-): • - no attempts are made at this early stage • to derive angles if this requires input from QCD. • Interpretation of the results will be given at a future stage close collaboration with theorists has to be established This Workshop - Now available: (cc)K0, fKs, h’Ks, K+K-Ks, J/yp0, D*+D*-, D*+D- p+p-, r+p- CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  21. sin2b sin2b(f1) • Re-scaled to • common inputs • (updatedDmd, tB) • correlated sys. • errors • use COMBS CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  22. J/y p0: S, A B0 J/yp0 (= -A) CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  23. p;p-: Spp, App B0 p+p- (2D averages with correlation) (= -A) CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  24. p+p-: d vs |P/T| givn (r,h) measured Spp,Cpp constraint on |P/T|, arg(T/P)had A(B0 p+p-) = Rueig T + RcP (top-loop eliminated using unitarity) CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  25. Dependencies Br(bcln),Vcb b fractions B lifetime Br(buln),Vub Dms DGs Dmd PDG: Br(D etc.) Time-dep CPV Rare-decay Br/CPV UT-angles CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  26. Summary New HFAG is now providing World Averages • Hope they serve as basis of discussions • Have useful feedback/interactions with • experiment/theorists at this Workshop Please visit to take a look Web page: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hfag/ http://belle.kek.jp/mirror/hfag/ (KEK mirror) Welcome to use plots etc. for your convenience CKM WS 2003 at Durham

  27. current member list • Jim Alexander (Cornell, CLEO) • Marina Artuso (Syracuse, CLEO) • Marco Battaglia (CERN, LEP) • Elisabetta Barberio (CERN, LEP) • Tom Browder (U.Hawaii, BELLE) • Paoti Chang (NTU, BELLE) • Hal Evans (Columbia, D0) • Lawrence Gibbons (Cornell, CLEO) • Andreas Hoecker (LAL-Orsay, BABAR) • Toru Iijima (Nagoya, BELLE) • David Kirkby (UC Irvine, BABAR) • Urs Langenegger (SLAC, BABAR) • Yoshi Sakai (KEK, BELLE) • Olivier Schneider (U.Lausanne, BELLE) • Marjorie Shapiro (LBL, CDF) • Jim Smith (Colorado, BABAR) • Achille Stocchi (LAL-Orsay, LEP) • Weiming Yao (LBNL, PDG) CKM WS 2003 at Durham

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