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www.tr.pte.hu. This website (and servers behind it) is used by more than 30.000 students and over 2000 workers. Sometimes they wish to use it at the same time (e.g. period for booking subjects, in exam period) – do not be surprised if it gets REAL slow….
www.tr.pte.hu This website (and servers behind it) is used by more than 30.000 students and over 2000 workers. Sometimes they wish to use it at the same time (e.g. period for booking subjects, in exam period) – do not be surprised if it gets REAL slow… Username also called as EHA-kód. Not changes through your studies. Identifies you in the ETR. e.g. NAKFAAB.PTE Jelszó = password. Generated by software, usually has no meaning. Once lost it cannot be looked up anywhere, a new one must be given. If you lost it, try „Elfelejtettem a jelszavamat” or ask Kata at RO for a new password. KEEP PASSWORD in SECRET!!!! set this to „English”
Usually appears when you tried to return to the previous page using the normal backward button of your browser instead of „Vissza” button in the ETR. Please press F5 or Reload. Some message saying „… deadlocked…” Too many users trying to use ETR servers. Procedure was stopped and probably was unsuccessful. Please try it again. Most common warnings
Anything written in orange you can click on.
the name of person logged in appears here „left side menu” To leave site always use Kilépés! Leaving by only closing the browser will result that the next user will be able to reach your data and change anything – using your username and password. Main parts of the ETR web
DATA SHOWN HERE EHA-kód = username OM azonosító = you don’t have this kind of ID Teljes név = full name, family name first Előtag = prefix in names e.g. Dr. Vezetéknév = family name Utónév = given names Leánykori név = maiden name Anyja neve = mother’s name (Hungarians use it for identification. The maiden name of mother is used) Születési hely = place of birth Születési idő = date of birth (yyyy.mm.dd) Állampolgárság 1, 2 = citizenship (in ETR we can store if someone has double citizenship this way) Családi állapota = marital status Anyanyelv = mother tongue Nem = gender (Férfi = male, Nő = female) Gyesen/Gyeden van-e = is given a maternity financial aid (important only for Hungarian scholarship receiving students) Határon túli magyar = Hungarian nationality student from the neighboring countries (also important only for Hungarian program students) You can check your data here. If you find something not correct, please let your RO contact person know. Personal Data 1
Personal Data 2 DATA SHOWN HERE Adószám: ID number at the Hungarian State Tax Authority (important only for Hungarian scholarship receiving students) TAJ szám: ID at the Hungarian Health Care Service (Hungarian citizens have this) Bankszámlaszám: bank account number of student Személyi igazolvány szám: Hungarian ID card number Útlevélszám: passport number Tartózkodási engedély száma: number of residency card Tartózkodási engedély lejárta: residency card is valid until this
Personal Data 3 DATA SHOWN HERE Állandó lakcím = permanent address Város = city / town (and postal code) Utca = street address (with house number, floor…) Telefonszám = telephone number at permanent address (give only numbers starting with 00……) Megye = county. In case of foreigner students it should be set as „Külföldi” meaning „Foreign” Ország = country Ideiglenes (levelezési) cím = post address. We always ask for your Pécs address here Irányítószám = postal code Város = city (always „Pécs” in this case) Utca = street address (with house number, floor…) Telefonszám = telephone number at your Pécs address (give only numbers starting with 0672…..) Megye = always set as Baranya (Pécs is the „capital” of County Baranya) Ország = country (always set as „Magyarország” here) You can check and change address data here (if it doesn’t work for you and a change is needed to be done ask the RO)
Keeping your data up-to-date You can check and change your following data here: Állandó lakcím = Permanent address, helység = town, irsz = postal code, cím = street address, telefon = home telephone Levelezési cím = postal (Pécs) address Egyéb adatok = other data Mobilszám = cell phone number (06…), e-mail = e-mail address (always give only one), bankszámlaszám = bank account number of student Hivatalos adatok = Official data TAJ-szám = ID at Hungarian Health Care Service, adóazonosító jel = ID at Hungarian State Tax Authority,személyi ig. szám = ID number for Hungarian citizens Más felsőoktatási intézmény hallgatója vagyok : tick if you are studying at a Hungarian college or university other than PTE at the same time Államilag finanszírozott… : number of active semesters when you were given a Hungarian state scholarship (in your case this will be 0 of course)
your major and version your ID in the Registry book date of starting your studies in this major ID of your gradebook shows if you are a fee paying (Költségtérítéses) or state scholarship receiving (államilag finanszírozott) student Study data 1
Your semesters spent in the major you clicked on: Ciklus = school year + 1 / 2. semester Finanszírozás = financial status (költségtérítéses means tuition fee paying student) Áll. Aláll = status: shows if you had active or passive status in that semester Szakir. = specialization – at Medical School you won’t have any Ckl. sz = this is your 1st, 2nd …. semester in this major Besor. Besor 2: not used at Medical School Hagyom. = „traditional type of average” : Σgrades / Σnumber of grades Súlyozott. = Σ(grade * credit)/ Σcredit = only completed subjects count F. kr. = credits completed (obligatories, electives and optionals) in this major Csop = study group Korrigált kredit index = Σ(completed credit * grade)/30 * (Σ completed credits / Σbooked credits) Study data 2
When you clicked on the semester: course taken – code of course – credit allocated – completed – grade given at certain exams – date of exam – course director Courses in one semester of one major Study data 3
This example shows a semester’s data before the exam period (e.g. after or during the booking period) = here you can check the courses booked after the booking period is over. So, how to get here? Study datas → choose major (e.g. General Medicine 2006) → choose semester (e.g. 2006-2007-2) Study data 4
Course infos 1 Make sure you are in the semester you are interested in. click on the course code to find more information on this course
Course infos 2 Here you can check e.g. - number of creditpoints allocated for subject, - spots taken from your major, - website of course (if any), - schedule given for subject
Course infos 3 Namelist and EHA-codes (usernames) of your classmates (only from your major)
Sending messages in ETR 1: sending message to one person You can send message (e-mail) to one person if you know his/her EHA-kód (username). At „címzett” please give the EHA-kód (the ETR will use it as the address), since EHAs are public but the e-mail addresses are only public if the owner sets it to be public At Tárgy: give a subject (just like in normal mails) At Üzenet: here you can type your message By clicking „OK” you send the message
Sending messages in ETR 2: sending message to a your classmates in one subject – the course-mail Let’s say you want to send a message to all the students with whom you attend the same class in Anatomy 1Click on the subject title: the course mail page will load in At tárgy: set the subject (e.g.: „tomorrow’s class is cancelled” At Üzenet: write your message. Who will receive this mail: your classmates and the teacher(s) of the course! But you can check the receivers’ list as well by clicking on „E-mail lista”: You will see the names on the left side and the email address on the right side. If it says „nem publikus” means that the person has an email address but it is set to be not public. If nothing appears on the right side means that the person has no email address stored in ETR. The ETR will let you know if the message couldn’t be sent to some of the recipients. Since the teacher also receives this kind of message – it is not the forum where you should complain about them….
Two types of message boards used in ETR: • the one on the login page: messages from all the faculties • messages directly for „English Program” students (these are in English) Message Board
Changing password give the old password (régi jelszó) and give the new one (Új jelszó) and the new one again (új jelszó újra) Rules for setting new password: you cannot use your old passwords, your password cannot contain your username or a part of it, it has to be at least 6 characters long, it has to contain at least one capital character, at least one small character and at least one number. It is recommended not to use „y” and „z” (see problem with qwerty keyboards and non-qwerty keyboards). • Setting your • - cell phone number (type only numbers) • - your website address • e-mail address (use only one) • In case of e-mail address you can set it secret or public (if it is public, those logged in the ETR (students, teachers, administrative workers) can see it.
SMS Értesítések = SMS notifications Column E-mail / SMS = you want to have the message in e-mail or SMS. SMS service is not available at the moment. WEBes üzenet fogadása = ? Tanulmányi osztálytól üzenet fogadása = message from RO Értesítés vizsgajelentkezés törléséről = notification if a booking for exam is cancelled Értesítés újonnan meghirdetett vizsgaidőpontokról = notification about new examdates Vizsgajegy hiánya = grade is missing Idegenrendészet = Foreign Affairs Authority message ? Értesítés személyes adatok megváltozásáról = notification if a personal data is changed Értesítés számlaigénylés feldolgozásáról = (for Hungarian program students only…) Email kontroll = e-mail control ? Nem jelentkezhet vizsgára = you cannot book examdate Mégis jelentkezhet vizsgára = now you can book that examdate Értesítés új jegy beírásáról = new grade was put in the ETR Online jelszóigénylés engedélyezése = you set online password request possible here Vizsgamail = mail to those on the same examsheet Nyelvi beállítások = language settings Magyar / English / Deutsch – your default language of the ETR Personal settings
To leave site always use Kilépés! Leaving by only closing the browser will result that the next user will be able to reach your data and change anything (e.g. exam dates, courses booked) – using your username and password.This is even more important if you use your computer in public place. Problem: Someone else is logged in, and I am not able to "kick him/her out". Reason: Maybe this guy forgot to use KILÉPÉS to leave the site and has just closed the browser. Solution: Click on KILÉPÉS, and close the browser window, and then try again. May you opened ETR in more windows (e.g. in Firefox) – do not forget to close all windows… Quit working with ETR