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The Black-Capped Chickadee And Joy!

Explore the characteristics of joy through the story of the Black-Capped Chickadee. Discover where they live, if they migrate, their feeding techniques, and nesting habits. Learn about their traveling partners and the variety of foods they eat. Witness the joy of well-fed baby chickadees as they grow and become acrobatic flyers.

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The Black-Capped Chickadee And Joy!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Black-Capped ChickadeeAndJoy!

  2. Think about how the chickadee illustrates the characteristic of joy as you listen to the following story…

  3. Does the Black-Capped Chickadee live where you live?

  4. Question: Does the Black-Capped Chickadee migrate? Answer: Many chickadees stay close to where they were born all year long, but those that do migrate go only a short distance.

  5. Question: Where does the chickadee’s name come from? Answer: Its name comes from the call that it most commonly makes of ‘chickadee-dee-dee.’

  6. Can you identify the chickadee’s traveling partners? Bird Names: Downy Woodpecker Kinglet Tufted Titmouse Brown Creeper Nuthatch

  7. Tufted Titmouse Downy Woodpecker Kinglet Nuthatch Brown Creeper Were You Right?

  8. What do chickadees eat and how do they do it?

  9. Several Feeding Techniques Chickadees use their feet to hold them onto precarious objects or to hold their food… They also use their small pointed bills to pry up bark, poke into small crevices, crack seed shells and hammer open stubborn morsels of food.

  10. What else can you tell that they eat? Chickadees eat many different things including various types of plant seeds, berries and insects such as bees, which the chickadee plucks out of the air just outside of a hive.

  11. Nesting

  12. Possible Nesting Sites

  13. A penny for size comparison. Eggs and Hatchlings

  14. Food!! After the incubation of 12 to 15 days, the eggs hatch and the parents are kept busy keeping up with their growing offspring. “Feed Me!!!”

  15. Well fed baby chickadees not only go on to live joyful lives of their own, but also turn into incredible acrobatic flyers.

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