AHHH!!!! The great blue herons are so active! Did you now that the great blue herons have long legs, bodies, long necks, and long sharp bills? That’s quit a of longnessfor the great blue heron. There is lots more interesting information on the way. Read on and discover a world of a great blue herons life. Aren’t they cool
Flying for lunch • The great blue heron feeds on small animals. The kinds of small animals that great blue herons eat are fish, frogs, and crayfish. The great blue herons eat their pray whole. They don’t even choke and Great blue herons hunt alone. Ewwwwww! I can’t believe that great blue herons eat all that gross stuff. Yuck! There are a lot of more facts coming on the way.
Fly in! It’s hot outside! Come swoop your feathers in to have some fun! Did you know that great blue herons live by water? The kinds of water great blue herons live by are streams, lakes, pounds, and rivers. They live near water because that is where they catch most of their prey. Wow! I think I'm already out of breath wow!
Growing up great blue heron • Did you know that there mama lays about three to six eggs and then finally they hatch out of their egg? Baby blue herons are useless for a few weeks. Their parents go off and go to the water and catch prey for there babies and then and go back to the nest. But if the baby blue herons are not there they are in big trouble because probably some kind of big animal ate the babies or they all fell out of the nest. OMG! This is a lot I don’t even think I can write more but we only have a little.
Learn more about the great blue herons life! • Did you know that there are two kinds of species of herons. There nest are made of sticks built in trees near water. The primary diet of herons consist of fish. However, they can quickly adapt to eating other animals. Ok I think were down with facts.
Conclusion • Wow! I really gave you a bunch of facts about great blue herons. I hope you enjoyed this slide. You can look on websites, books like mine. Well please don’t endanger this butiful creators. Well that’s really all I could talk I hope you enjoyed it.
Resources *Since online*Buzzle.com*Allaboutbirds.org*Guide to field *identification birds of north amirica