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DS-6 BEST System overview

DS-6 BEST System overview. Stelio Montebugnoli IRA - INAF- Italy. Main points…. DS6-T1: Design of subsystems DS6-T2: Development and demonstration DS6-T3: Assesment of performance DS6-T4: Phased array on concentrators. DS-6 Scenario.

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DS-6 BEST System overview

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  1. DS-6 BEST System overview Stelio Montebugnoli IRA - INAF- Italy

  2. Main points… • DS6-T1: Design of subsystems • DS6-T2: Development and demonstration • DS6-T3: Assesment of performance • DS6-T4:Phased array on concentrators

  3. DS-6 Scenario DS-6 is aimed to the construction of 3 demonstrators, different in size, based on a large existing platform equipped with cylindrical concentrators (Northern Cross array located in Medicina, near Bologna -Italy-)

  4. High performance Front–End Analogue Optical link Low cost Optical Link IF Input (Optical link) Intermediate Freq Block High performance Front end Data Proc Cluster Reliability Prediction Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T1 Deliverables: 1- LNAs, Analog Optical link, IF stages 2- Wideband A/D converter, at least 1 GS/sec @ 8bit 3- Ultra fast data processing 4- Reliability prediction S.Montebugnoli

  5. 4 rx – 1 N/S cylinder 1 Rx=¼ of NS cylinder 4 RX =1 NS cylinder BEST-1176 m2 Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-1 a small platform as part of the NC (408 MHz) Aug. 2005

  6. 32 rx – 8 N/S cylinders BEST-21410 m2 Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-2 a large SKA platform as part of the NC (408 MHz) (Equivalent to a 42 mt dish antenna)

  7. Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-2, a large SKA platform as part of the NC (408 MHz) NF=0.45dB Tn=32K Gain=60dB BW=16MHz@408MHz OIP3>+33dBm Input RL>15dB Output RL>10dB Power Supply=10-15Volt@=245mA

  8. Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-2, a large SKA platform as part of the NC (408 MHz) =1310nm NF=36dBdB Gain=-25dB BW=(0.1-1)GHz IIP3>+33dBm Input RL>15dB Output RL>20dB Power Supply=(12-15)Volt@=75mA

  9. Optical fibre from the front-end uP Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-2, a large SKA platform as part of the NC (408 MHz) IF

  10. 4 x A/D @ 8 bit (1.0 GS/sec) Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-2, a large SKA platform as part of the NC (408 MHz)

  11. NC telescope protected band 3 MHz@408 MHz BEST-2 Bandwidth Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 • DS-6 T2: Development and demonstration of the BEST-2, a large SKA platform as part of the NC (408 MHz). • The final IF and data processing system for the BEST-2 demonstrator

  12. BEST-2 “FIRST LIGHT” Transit of Cassiopeia Oct. 2007(Bw=16 MHz, waterfall plot) Amplitude Receivers Time

  13. BEST-2 “FIRST LIGHT” Receivers Time Transit of Cassiopeia Oct. 2007(Bw=16 MHz, 2D plot)

  14. 640 mt 564 mt BEST-37464 m2(2008) (Equivalent to a 100 m dish antenna) DS6-T2 : future step

  15. = 86.3 K Tsys computed: BEST-1: Pn obtained with . GRASP Tsys measured: Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T3 DS6-T3: Assessment of Performace F=408 MHz

  16. Potential of FPAs for cylinders DS-6 T4 • DS4-T4:Phased array on concentrators • This is a T0+32 task but some preliminary mechanical considerations could simplify in a near future the installation of a 4x4 antennas (i.e. a subset of EMBRACE) on the focal line of one cilyndrical concentrator • ...useful to test on the field the deliverables from: • DS-4 T1 • DS-4 T3 • DS-4 T4 • DS-4 T6

  17. Next milestone, next deliverable • T1 -Milestone: - End of design BEST-3 (T0+28 m) -Deliverables: - Analogue opt. links - calibration of large array • T2 -Milestone: - End of construction of BEST-3 (T0+40 m) -Deliverables: - L.O. & Sync distrib. Scheme - Wide Band high res. A/D - Softw. Beamform. Algorithms - Adapt. Beamf./RFI mit. Algorithms

  18. Conclusion • At this date, the DS-6 milestones are reached and deliverables ready. • The BEST-2 seen the “first light”. Calibration, adaptive beamforming and mapping of a radio source are expected to be ready in a couple of months • The plan is to have BEST-3 (maturity of the technology, costs & first astronomical observation) for T0 +40 m

  19. Simulation Achieved milestones and deliverables DS6-T2 RFI mitigat.->MVDR (BEST-1) DOA RFI (Connection with DS-4 T3) • Simulation for BEST-1 • N.sensors =4 • Sensor= 16 /2 dipoles • Sensor spacing=8 • Samples used for R =200 • Primary beam = 2o • DOA RFI = +12o, -23o, +30o Simulations for BEST-2 are in progress

  20. Achieved milestones and deliverables T2 RFIs mitigat.->MSC (BEST-1) (Connection with DS-4 T3) Preliminary test

  21. PFB Chan. Contr. P,  Proc. Preliminary test Achieved milestones and deliverables T2 • RFIs Mitigation via Polyphase filter bank (BEST-1) (Connection with DS-4 T3) Channel Threshold level S.Montebugnoli

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