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Nijenrode 16 October 2008. The Rise of China and the Global Financial Crisis. Willem van Kemenade www.willemvk.org www.clingendael.nl e-mail: kemenade@xs4all.nl . The Rise of China Epic Challenge of the 21 st Century.
Nijenrode 16 October 2008 The Rise of China and the Global Financial Crisis Willem van Kemenade www.willemvk.org www.clingendael.nl e-mail: kemenade@xs4all.nl
The Rise of ChinaEpic Challenge of the 21st Century • The spectacular Rise of China as an economic superpower and in the end a military giant as well is the epic challenge of the 21st century. • China’s own geo-strategic thinkers have vowed that its rise, unlike the destructive rise of 20th century newcomers Germany and Japan will be peaceful, but Beijing doesn’t control the agenda of an increasingly complex and unpredictable world. • One unanticipated world-shattering event is the current global financial crisis, following the collapse of the American financial system. • China’s main pre-occupation for a few more decades will be economic development of its vast hinterland and expansion of its internal market, rather than ever expanding exports, piling up of trade-surpluses and investing these in the US. • This may in due course lead to a shift in the nature of the US-China relationship from overwhelming economic-financial interdependence to a new type of ‘balance of power’.
In Search of a Multipolar World • In global politics, China’s dominant theme is the search for a ‘multipolar world’ that should replace the unipolar world, dominated by the sole superpower, the United States. • But China’s relations with the two most important other poles, Russia and the European Union, are not developing very smoothly. • Russia has been the principal arms supplier of China since the early 1990s, but is no longer willing to provide China with the advanced arms it wants, out of concern that China may turn into an adversary at some point in the future again. • The ‘Strategic Partnership’ that the EU and China agreed to in 2003 is also stagnating, because Brussels is unwilling to lift the arms embargo on China and negotiations on a new long-term foundation for the partnership are stalemated over the failure to find common language on human rights and the Taiwan issue. • To a significant extent, these problems are rooted in the EU’s lack of an effective foreign policy apparatus.
End of The Global Holy Dollar Empire ? • Henry Liu, Hong Kong-born chairman of a private investment group in New York wrote in the Asia Times eloquently that the global economy has been operating as a global Holy Dollar Empire with the Federal Reserve as the Holy Dollar Emperor. • “Similar to the Holy Roman Empire (in Mediaeval Europe), which disintegrated from the rise of Lutheran nationalism, this Holy Dollar Empire will eventually disintegrate from the progressive centrifugal forces of a new populist economic nationalism. • The formation of the new Group of Five (G5 - China, Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa) ) is a sign of this new trend of progressive economic nationalism. The main theme in the US presidential election is now how to reform the structure of US debtor capitalism.
“Chimerica” and its Coming End • China and the US have over the last two decades become interlinked, with China being the giant manufacturing center, piling up hundreds of billions of dollars in trade surpluses and lending these to the US, which uses them to finance its wars and indulge in ever expanding over-consumption and bottomless deficit-financing. • Harvard economic historian Niall Ferguson named this phenomenon Chimerica, one transpacific country, 13 % of the world’s land surface and a quarter of the population. • The eastern half, China did the low-cost manufacturing and the government-imposed saving, the western half, America, the limitless spending. • Comparing net national savings as a proportion of gross national income, U.S. savings declined from more than 5 % in the Clinton-era to virtually zero by 2005, while Chinese savings surged from 30 to nearly 45 % • This divergence in savings allowed a tremendous explosion of debt in the US, because the Asian "savings glut" made it much cheaper for American households to borrow money.
The Workshop of the World • China decided in the 1980s to emulate the East Asian model of high economic growth through exports. • This meant China would have to play by the rules of the American Global Dollar Empire. The US soon became China’s biggest export market and tens of thousands of American enterprises big, medium and small, moved their operations to China which became the “workshop of the world”. • Labor cost was kept at a minimum so as to encourage ever expanding foreign investment and the container-loads of consumer-goods were paid for in fluctuating dollars which in recent years steadily decreased in value. • The dollars couldn’t be used in China because of strict foreign exchange controls and exporting enterprises had to turn over their dollar revenues from exports, more than one billion a day in total to the People’s Bank of China (Central Bank). This has contributed to China’s now close to $ 2 trillion of foreign currency reserves, which were subsequently invested in US treasuries.
China losing on its Dollar Reserves • China tried to make more profitable investments in the US, with mixed results. • Giant computer firm Lenovo succeeded in buying the PC arm of IBM in 2005, but China National Offshore Oil Corporation’s (CNOOC) efforts to buy Californian oil company Unocal were vetoed by Congress for political reasons. • Hints by Chinese officials or academics that the country was losing big – depending on the fluctuating interest rate - on its dollar-investments and would unload huge chunks of them, caused panic in global financial centres several times. • What held the Chinese back from signaling a loss of faith in the dollar and the American financial system too openly, was that it would lead to a surge in the Chinese currency, the renminbi (RMB) or yuan, which could do colossal damage to Chinese exports, not to speak of the damage to China’s one trillion or so dollar holdings in the US.
“Balance of Financial Terror” • Former US Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers described the financial relationship between the US and China at the AFL/CIO Trade Summit in 2006 as a “Balance of Financial Terror”….. “a situation where we rely on the costs to others of not financing our current account deficit as assurance that financing will continue. ….. Any miscalculation, Summers said, would lead to Mutually Assured Economic Destruction (MAED)”. • Writer James Fallows calculated in the Atlantic Monthly that every (rich) American gets about $ 4.000,-- a year on loan from China, which the Chinese government denies its own (poor) people. What is the rationale of the Chinese government to subsidize the US high living standard. “The obvious reason for doing this is to keep Chinese-made products cheap, so Chinese factories will stay busy….. The government doesn’t want to let the market set the value of the RMB, because it thinks that would disrupt the constant, stable growth and the course it has carefully and expensively set for the factory-export economy.”
Creeping Revaluation of the Yuan • After a long campaign of pressure and threats from the US, China, on July 21, 2005 revalued by 2.1 % and re-pegged the yuan from the dollar to a trade-weighted currency basket of dollar, euro, yen and won. The yuan was permitted to fluctuate 0.3% daily, which in theory allowed it to creep up. However, central bank intervention made a dramatic appreciation unlikely. The US had demanded at least 10 % but welcomed this as a “good first step”. By mid-2008, the dollar had fallen to seven yuan from 8.28 yuan in 2005, a fall of more than 15 %. • According to Ha Jiming, the chief economist for China International Capital Corp, one of China’s largest financial services groups, it is estimated that China holds up to $ 400 billion in securities in the now nationalized American mortgage insurance giants Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. In an attack on John McCain, Barack Obama said that China now holds $ 1 trillion of America’s national debt. Mocking McCain’s militaristic, jingoistic tendencies, Obama said: “There has never been a country on earth that saw its economy decline and yet maintained its military superiority.”
Are Hidden Factors still looming ? • China has huge foreign exchange reserves, and there is no risk of China's State-owned banks closing down; the government is financially robust, with endless economic growth potential driven by domestic demand. Hence both the West's relative decline and China's rise in the world will be accelerated by the crisis. • There is, however, another point of view: that the crisis will lead to wiping out much of the foreign currency assets accumulated at the expense of the blood and sweat of the Chinese people and make it impossible to carry on on China's export-led growth. • As a creditor, China is unable to take the opportunity to obtain its debtors' good assets at low cost, because the Chinese bureaucracy is incapable of identifying or managing them. • China can do nothing against the US and Europeans issueing a large amount of currency to dilute China's claims on them, significantly depreciating China's overseas financial assets.
Rise of China needs Global Coordination • The Central Committee of the CPC decided in Autumn 2006 to change the development model from export-driven to domestic consumption-driven.The 17th Party Congress (2007) confirmed this. • USTSY Hank Paulson opened a high level bi-annual “Strategic Economic Dialogue”with the Chinese in December 2006 so as to coordinate this shift in economic strategy of overly heavy reliance on exports, high savings, low consumption – 35 % in 2007 against 70 % in the US and 60 % in India. • China must further develop its financial sector and offer its people more higher yielding investment options than low-interest bank-deposits. Appreciation of the Chinese currency and greater flexibility is high on Paulson’s agenda since it could limit the impact of rising world oil and commodity prices on prices in China. • The “rise of China” should be handled in a globally coordinated way. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, accompanied by nine commissioners, inaugurated the EU own “high level economic and trade dialogue mechanism”.
Completion of Chinese Reform will take Decades • China should shift away from export-led growth to domestic inland markets and consumption-led growth. The EU and US should focus not on sectoral protectionism, but on co-ordinated global macroeconomic adjustment encouraging China to boost domestic demand, modernise its inefficient financial system, reduce the need for savings, reduce the purchase of hundreds of billions of US treasury bonds and let the renminbi appreciate. • If China stops buying Treasuries, the U.S. will stop importing from China, and that'll hurt China demand and that'll be a loss-loss situation for both countries. • The transformation from an export- driven economy to a domestic consumption-driven one may take decades. The opening up of the vast interior regions, is socially disruptive and painful, with a permanent Great Trek of rural people in search of jobs in new industries. Resource scarcity, social unrest, food and job safety and health care are all major challenges and keeping control and maintaining stability are the prime concerns of the regime.
“China’s Rise will be Peaceful” Zheng Bijian • I reiterate that in speaking of a peaceful rise, I am referring to peaceful development, which is one of the defining characteristics of China’s socialism. China has made history in two aspects: First, as an emerging major country, China has transcended the old path of industrialization characterized by rivalry for resources and bloody wars, and has chosen to rise peacefully through sustainable development. • Second, China has transcended the Cold War mentality that rejects peaceful development and cooperation on the grounds of differences in social systems and ideologies. China is rising peacefully and independently, building a socialism with Chinese characteristics through brave reforms and opening up—in other words, by integrating into the world economy rather than self-imposed isolation. This, again, is unprecedented……
The EU-China (Non-) Strategic Partnership • To curb American unilateralism the two agreed to a Strategic Partnership after the US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003. In 2008, the partnership is still in search of a sound basis, due to the continuation of the arms embargo. There are many sectoral agreements, e.g. energy, environment and sustainable development. • Since early 2007, negotiations are on the way on a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA). which will also encompass enhanced co-operation in political matters, such as the arms embargo, human rights and the Taiwan issue.. • However, the PCA may not be completed unless the EU lifts the arms embargo. In December 2006, the European Council has linked the lifting to strict human rights conditions • China is too big and too strong to yield to outsiders on its core values. These are neo-Confucian, authoritarian harmony and rejection of adversarial, divisive multi-party democracy. • As China rapidly narrows the economic gap with the developed world, the possibility looms that it will become a true authoritarian superpower.”
Umwertung aller Werte: • The era of Western domination of the world which started in the 16th century and reached its peak in the 19th and 20th is coming to a close. During Nietzsche’s time, the Leitmotiv, was that ‘God is dead’. Now the Leitmotiv is: ‘The myth of Western superiority is dead.’ • Singapore’s flamboyant scholar-diplomat Kishore Mahbubani writes in his latest book that Asia’s true ‘Renaissance’ is inseparable from ‘De-Westernization’. The Chinese led the charge for De-Westernization in the 1990s. Prior to the world conference on human rights in Vienna in June 1993, they convened a preliminary conference with other Asian countries in Bangkok, that basically ‘de-universalized’ the Western concept of human rights and declared that Asia would set its own standards, the so-called ‘Asian Values’. • China has come to accept the Western-dominated world order, has been integrating in the world trading and financial systems and has reached advanced degrees of economic-financial interdependence with many countries including the United States.
Is China challenging Indian Primacy in South Asia ? • South Asia is a messy neighborhood of “failed states”, that view India as a bullying hegemon, first looking up to Moscow and now to Washington. • Anti-Indianism is a way for them to claim an “identity”. • Pakistan and Bangladesh are both military client states of China • China’s interest in the Indian Ocean is not necessarily for “naval expansionist” purposes, but to keep an eye on the US and a backdoor for its Far West through Pakistan and its Southwest through Burma. • As “compensation”, India is expanding links with Southeast, and East Asia.
The Border • Many Indian commentators and politicians are still unwilling to accept the need for compromise – concessions by both sides. • They insist that international borders in the twenty-first century are not going to be changed on the basis of 19th - or 20th -century claims. • During the China-visit of PM A.B. Vajpayee in 2003 there was “irrational exuberance”that there would be a settlement very soon. • Then after India visit of Chinese PM Wen Jiabao in 2005 new scepticism: accumulation of negative factors ! 2006 US-India Nuclear Deal; Chinese Ambassador on AP. • 2007: Deadlock over “settled populations”issue. Tawang
Tibet: Real Autonomy or eventual Sinification ? • Could common ground between China and the Tibetan Government-in-Exile still be found ? Probably not. • India is tired of the TGIE and the TGIE tries to please India by fully supporting the Indian position on the border. China considers this “high treason”. • China awaits an early passing away of the current Dalai Lama (73) and has made traditional preparations to fully control the process of selecting a new Dalai Lama. • The Tibetan uprising in March was initially a desperate violent effort to get the attention of the world and inflict maximum damage on China ahead of the Olympics. • This was partly successful but not sustainable.
The China-Pakistan Axis • Pakistan was strategically “annexed” by the US as an ally against Soviet and Chinese communism. Pakistan’s own interest was only to get arms against India. • Based on permanent geo-strategic interest, for China, Pakistan is the backdoor to the Indian Ocean and the Middle East and the vehicle to prevent India from becoming the dominant power in South-Asia. • From the late 1970s, China played a key role in giving Islamabad the “Islamic bomb”. • In 1991 China joined the NPT and in 1992 the MTCR. • Nevertheless, Chinese supplies of missiles and nuclear materials, including M-11 and M-9 missiles, SAM and HEU continued all through the 1990s.
Gwadar, PakistanNew focal point for strategic rivalry between the US, China and India • China and the US have gotten into a major contest for the Gwadar port in Pakistan. • China partly financed Gwadar’s construction in response to the American presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and to monitor US activity in the Middle East, Indian naval movements in the Arabian Sea, and future Indo-US maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean. • China has so far paid $ 200 m of the $ 1.16 bn cost of Gwadar. • Gwadar is on Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast, 72 km from Iran. It is near the mouth of the Persian Gulf and 400 km from the Strait of Hormuz, through which 40 % of the world’s oil passes. • China has put together a “string of pearls” from the Gulf to South-China. Gwadar is the westernmost pearl which should also help transform the economy of its landlocked Xinjiang Region.
India gets advanced arms from Russia, the US and Israel; China embargoed or excluded • Since the 1990s, Russia supplied China with SU 27 and SU 30 fighters, submarines and Sovremenny destroyers - $ 26 bn. • In 1980s, Israel has been a ’covert’ supplier of advanced military technology, estimated at $ 4 bn to China, dodging US objections. • Israel came under US pressure in 2000 to scrap a $250 million deal to sell China the Phalcon, an airborne radar system equipped with advanced Israeli-made aeronautics on board a Russian-made plane. • Some of the Russian transfers to India include weapons and technology that Moscow refuses to supply to China. Moscow and Delhi agreed to begin the joint development of a new, so-called fifth-generation fighter. • India also agreed last year to buy another 40 Su-30MKI fighters from Russia for $1.5 billion in addition to an earlier order for 140.
How will China respond to embargo and “containment” • Russia's arms industry is suffering a near collapse in exports to China as top brass agonize over which technology can safely be sold to China, as well as Beijing's desire to receive licenses to do the work itself, Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote January 28, 2008. • The main issue is indecision “Russians feel genuinely concerned, in the medium to longer term, that Russian and Chinese interests may collide again”, said Alexey Muraviev, a strategic analyst at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. “There is this debate about whether we should arm the Chinese when they may eventually turn against us”. • India is now being armed by the US, Russia, Israel and France. EU also maintains embargo on China.
Russo-American “Battle” for India ! • The Soviet Union/Russia have had a close defense trade relationship, including license + co-production etc. since Brezhnev era. • Biggest but incomplete deal was transfer of carrier ‘AdmiralGorshkov’ (1982) for free but on condition of major refitting and additional aircraft deals. Progress abysmal. Financial disaster for India. • US counter-offer: the Kitty Hawk (1960) also free, plus a big refitting bill and up to 200 airplanes. • The US is not necessarily going to win this. Indian Defense establishment has serious complaints over American equipment and methods: 40 Year old USS Landing Ship Dock Trenton (1968), rebaptized INS Jalasha trouble.
A New Era in India-US Relations • Two largest democracies in the world had cold, indifferent relations since Dulles (1954). Nuclear tests of 1998 forced US to rethink. • Aware that China’s Rise as an (economic) superpower was facilitated by Deng Xiaoping’s opening and economic “integration” with the US, India now wants to emulate the China experience. • “Legalisation” as a nuclear power was first condition. • Avoiding impression that India would gang up with the US against China was other dilemma. • US-Pakistan military relations were an obstacle. Early 2005, Condi Rice said it is now the policy of the US “to help India become a major world power in the 21st century”and at the same moment the supply of x ? F-16s to Pakistan was announced.
The Saga of the US-India Nuclear Deal • President Bush announced in New Delhi in 2006 that agreement had been reached on a “historic nuclear pact, a 123 agreement”. India is a non-signatory of the 1968 NPT. • The deal would satisfy India’s enormous energy needs and ambiguously allow it to continue its strategic nuclear programme. • The US Congress rose in opposition and adopted the ‘Hyde Act’which stipulated that nuclear trade must cease if India conducts another nuclear test and demanded that the President report annually to Congress on India’s relations with Iran. • India said “extraneous conditions were unacceptable”. Washington indicated it would practice “creative ambiguity” on tests and Bush himself said he would ignore the demand on Iran. • In August 2007, the main Communist Party (CPI-M), allegedly doing China’s bidding, rose in opposition, charging that the deal would bring India into the American orbit. PM Manmohan Singh abandoned the deal. In June 2008, the Communists withdrew from the coalition. • In July, Singh lined up support from a small regional party and after lengthy horse-trading, wheeling and dealing (getting some MP’s out of jail) for the vote, it was passed. After a difficult battle in the NSG, the US Senate approved on October 2.
Maoist hardline communism Globalized state-capitalism Huge state-conglomerates + Branches of multinationals Massive industrial exports High growth of 10% + based on investment rate of 40-45% World class infra-structure Fast rising wages but few labor restrictions Aging population/one child …. Second trading power in world Fortune Global 500 List 2007: 24 Fabian socialism Entrepreneurial-led fast dev. High tech private enterprises Rule of law, but huge backlog Export of high tech services + outsourcing Growth rate of 6 % with half the Chinese investment rate Shambles Lower wages but too restrictive labor laws and frequent strikes Young country, many decades Minor league trader 6 China and India: Partners and Competitors in the World Economy
Conclusion: ProspectsforChina-India Entente? • Progress depends on development of US-India relations • “India and China are now ‘congaging’each other”. • They cooperate on global trade and other issues, i.e. anti-terrorism and compete for strategic influence and energy-resources in Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. • Pakistan/Afghanistan may be the key: if they implode into larger scale chaos, the US, China, India and the EU may together have to pick up the pieces. • The US scheme to soft-contain China through a “Quad” of democracies has faded. Only Japan actively promoted it. India was lukewarm and Australia under PM Kevin Rudd abandoned it altogether. Japan may change its position under PM Taro Aso. • In the unlikely case that John McCain wins the election, US policy may become more openly pro-India and take a neoneo-con turn against China, but a close US-India alignment against China is not going to happen.