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Georgia Tourism Georgia Department of Economic Development. October 16, 2008. Social Media 01/15/10. Typical Georgia– Consumer Profile . In general, market research says the typical tourism decision maker for Georgia includes: Primary Targets Families
Georgia Tourism Georgia Department of Economic Development October 16, 2008 Social Media 01/15/10
Typical Georgia– Consumer Profile In general, market research says the typical tourism decision maker for Georgia includes: • Primary Targets • Families • Married women aged 35-49 with children and a HHI of $60k+ • Moms tend to be the main decision maker/influencer for family vacation • Baby Boomers (ages 41-60) • Secondary Targets • Active Adult empty nesters • Late Generation X’ers • Minorities: predominantly African-American, Hispanic and Asian
Primary Source for researching travel information Source:eMarketer.com
Social Explosion !!! • Six out of 10 websites are social sites • Six out of 10 Internet users view consumer generated content • User-Generated Content (UGC) was 116 million in 2008 • By 2013, nearly 155 million US Internet users will consume some type of content created by users, up almost 34% from 2008 • The number of content creators will grow to 114.5 million by 2013, an almost 39% increase from 2008 • By 2013, 51.8% of all US Internet users will be content creators, up from 42.8% in 2008
WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA ?? Social media is online content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. Social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content; it's a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologues (one to many) into dialogues (many to many) and is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. Social media has become extremely popular because it allows people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal, political and business use. Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Source:Wikipedia.com
Social Media is quite simply “ conversations between people over the Internet” • It isn’t about the technology, it’s deciding how best to use it. Web 2.0 opened up the conversation now how do we join in. • Putting the “public” back in public relations • It is just relationship building, information sharing • Recent compete/Google survey revealed that 66% of destination travelers turn to family and friends for help
What started this “CRAZE” • "Web 2.0" • Second generation of web development and web design. • Characterized as facilitating communication, information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. • It has led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and web applications. Examples include social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, mashups(mapping) and folksonomies (tagging).
Where do the different brands fit ? • Blogs-targeted outreach • Wordpress, Blogger, Typepad • Multimedia Sharing • YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket • Social Networks • Facebook, MySpace • Professional Networks • LinkedIn, XING • Microblogging/micro pitching • Twitter, FriendFeed, Ning • Content Sharing • Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon
LIST OF FEARS • It’s still too new. It’s just a fad right? • Misunderstood • Overwhelming, confusing and too many options • Fear of transparency, loss of control • Distraction for employees to participate in social media • Not a right fit for our company • Not ready for a new strategy • Don’t see ROI. Not worth the investment
It’s just a fad right ? • It’s for college kids and teenagers? • No, it’s entered the mainstream and into every day business • Major Fortune 500 companies are utilizing social media • It is just another way to reach your audience • People are more prone to buy something based on the recommendation from a friend on a social network than they are from standard advertising ( 78% vs. 14% - Nielson “trust in advertising?”)
Benefits of social media • Build deeper relationships and communities • Broaden your reach • Increase brand awareness • SEO!!! • Increase web traffic • Break through the clutter and reach journalists • Straight to consumer • EMPOWER your CHAMPIONS
Where do I start ??? • Research- See what others are doing? • Start to listen to the conversations • Join in but watch…listen…respond http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmykFKjNpdY • ALWAYS LISTEN- LISTEN- LISTEN!!! • Be there to respond • Be flexible
Step 1 • Choose your social media outlet • Blog • Facebook • Twitter • Expand your reach • YouTube • Flickr • TripAdvisor, Yelp, join other travel blogs • Track and measure – hits, tags, re-posts, comments
Facebook at a glance • More than 350 million active users • 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day • More than 35 million users update their status each day • More than 55 million status updates posted each day • More than 2.5 billion photos uploaded to the site each month • More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week • More than 3.5 million events created each month • More than 1.6 million active pages on Facebook • More than 700,000 local businesses have active pages on Facebook • Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans
Growth - Facebook • More than 70 translations available on the site • About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States • Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application • More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries • More than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008 • More than 60 million Facebook users engage with Facebook Connect on external websites every month • Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have implemented Facebook Connect • There are more than 65 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. • People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are almost 50% more active on Facebook than non-mobile users. • There are more than 180 mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products
Group vs. Fan • Groups are great for organizing on a personal level and for smaller scale interaction around a cause. • Pages are better for brands, businesses, bands, movies, or celebrities who want to interact with their fans or customers without having them connected to a personal account, and have a need to exceed Facebook’s 5,000 friend cap.
Twitter • Twitter is ranked as one of the 50 most popular websites worldwide by Alexa'sweb traffic analysis.[4] Although estimates of the number of daily users vary because the company does not release the number of active accounts, a February 2009 Compete.com blog entry ranked Twitter as the third most used social network[5] based on their count of 6 million unique monthly visitors and 55 million monthly visits.[5] In March 2009, a Nielsen.com blog ranked Twitter as the fastest-growing site in the Member Communities category for February 2009. Twitter had a monthly growth of 1,382 percent, Zimbio240 percent, followed by Facebook with an increase of 228 percent.[6] However, only 40 percent of Twitter's users are retained.[7]
Twitter • 140 Characters • Most states have Twitter accounts • Twitter centers are popping up • Follow…Being followed • Search your keywords on summize.com • Use of Tiny URL’s in your title • TweetStats.com • TweetEffect.com • Twitpics
Twitter Advanced cheat sheet • Advanced Search- Scroll to the bottom of any page at twitter.com and look for the link “Search” hiding there. Click it and you’ll be taken to search.twitter.com. Click the Advanced Search link. I suggest bookmarking the Advanced page on your browser. There’s another link there that lists all search operators, like “within:10mi.” • Twitter via S.M.S. - Short message service text messages. Login at twitter.com and click Settings, then go to Devices and add your phone, the interface at twitter.com adds buttons next to each user you follow, so you can turn updates on or off. You can tweet from your phone by texting a message to 40404. You can also text commands to Twitter, like “help” or more important, “off.” • Twitter/FacebookIntegration - Go to twitter.com/widgets/facebook and click the button at the bottom of the page that says “Install Twitter in Facebook.” You’ll then have to click through a few pages of configuration. (tip updateTwitter and letting it pass the tweet along to Facebook. • Favorites - Want to preserve a tweet for eternity, mouse over it. A star-shaped icon appears at the right of the text. Click that. Then, you can click the Favorites link on your home page to see all the tweets whose stars you’ve clicked, no matter how long ago you saved them. You can also go to other users’ pages and browse through their Favorites. • Sharing Photos – Send the URL for a photo hosted on a Web site. TwitPic plugs the gap with a Web site that holds both your photos and creates URLs for them. You login to twitpic.com with your Twitter username and password, then upload a photo from your computer. You and other users can then share the picture by going to the TwitPic page for your photo and tweeting from there. TwitPic forwards them to Twitter with the correct photo URL automatically appended. • Desktop Twitter Apps -Like AOL Instant Messenger you can keep it open while you work. On Windows machines, Digsby is an application that displays Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and all of your e-mail accounts in a long, tall window that looks like a buffed-up A.I.M.
Twitter Cheat sheet cont. • Mac users can try Twitterrific, which has been praised for a visual aesthetic that resembles Apple’s slick Aperture photo editor. Both these applications tuck Twitter into the side of your display. If you’d rather it cover your screen, try TweetDeck, a free program that runs on both PCs and Macs. Instead of one column of tweets, TweetDeck breaks out multiple columns for different kinds of tweets and different groups of friends. It has plenty of extra features, too, like photo uploads to TwitPic, a Facebook tie-in and a ticker of stock market tweets • Phone Apps - Like desktop apps, Twitter clients for smartphones are also proliferating faster than reviewers can track them. And again, there’s no obvious Best in Show. I suggest TwitterBerry for BlackBerry, Tweetie for iPhones, and Twidroid for G1 Android phones. Why? Because these three make it easy to post photos from your phone’s camera to TwitPic without thinking about it. • Another Phone Use -TweetCall is a recently introduced voice-recognition system that takes calls to 1-877-TWEETCALL from your phone, converts your spoken words to text, then tweets the result through your account. TweetCall correctly parsed “How was the amuse-bouche at French Laundry?” But it still misses words and can’t parse my friends’ user names. The company claims that in a few weeks, the system will have many more Twitter-centric features including support for user names and hashtags. • Sneaking Office Tweets -Spreadtweet is a cheeky desktop app that mimics a boring Excel spreadsheet. Coworkers who don’t look too closely won’t realize your spreadsheet’s rows are actually tweets-packs a lot of tweets into a small space, with no distracting visuals. • OutTwitis a more serious application that adds Twitter support into Microsoft Outlook. You can send and read tweets from inside Outlook, and then archive, group and search them as if they were e-mail messages. • Save Time for Tweeting -TweetBeep.com does what the I.T. guys call alerts. Once programmed, it will search Twitter once an hour and shoot you an e-mail if it finds, say, the name of your company or the latest batch of #swineflu tweets. TweetBeep saves you from spending your day hovering over the Advanced Search page.
Use of Hashtagwith Twitter • What is a #hashtag? • Tagging helps to organize and share our online information with others. By attaching one or more keywords to a Flickr photograph, for example, we group it together with others that have the same tag. Hashtags serve a similar purpose on Twitter, the social micro-blogging service. The aim is to bring some order to Twitter users' published updates ("tweets") and make it easier to follow a topic of interest. And you don't necessarily have to be a Twitter user to get a benefit from hashtags. • Create a hashtag by adding a hash symbol (#) to the front of an appropriate keyword as you write your Twitter update (for example, #nptech). • Track the tagged conversations that interest you. Twitter updates that include a valid hashtag are indexed at Hashtags.org, organized by tag, and available as individual RSS feeds. This means that you don't have to be a Twitter user to follow the conversation — it's visible to anyone.
Blogs…Again…Take a different approach • Great SEO - 80% web interaction is search. • Cheaper than pay per click - organic results. • Push/Pull model to your other social media efforts-create “link bait” posts...10 things to do. • Focus on the first time viewer. • Link them to your site - consumers wants the information. • Relevance – Frequency - keep it simple - key words. • ROI - what the traffic is worth if you had to pay for it. • Google Alerts: Blogs – become part of the discussion. • Powerful communication tool. • Can become ambassadors for your cause.
Percentage of Fortune 500 companies using blogs… Key Findings include: • 16 percent currently have public-facing blogs. • 28 percent of the Fortune 500’s blogs link to Twitter accounts. (Other Fortune 500 companies have Twitter accounts, but they are not linked to their blogs) • Five of the top 10companies have public blogs including: Wal-Mart, Chevron, General Motors, Ford, and Bank of America. • 90 percent of the Fortune 500’s blogs have the comments feature enabled. • The computer software/hardware technology industry has the most blogs, followed by the food and drug industry, financial services, Internet services, semi-conductors, retail and automotive respectively. • Ten percent of the Fortune 500’s blogs link to podcasts; 21 percent incorporate video. The Society for New Communications Research Thursday, June 04th, 2009
Blog etiquette • Comment on blogs to start conversation add a link back to your blog • Provide useful feedback • Review the comments – comment on comments • Subscribe to RRS feed • Tweet the blog…Digg, StumbleUpon, Technorati, post on Facebook, add to your favorites • Your blog can serve as the home base for all social media • Two-way conservation • Gives your brand a personality
Use of bookmarking • Save all your links in one place • See what the competition is doing • Research, research, research • Help you to find and share links… Delicious, Tweet, post…Builds your expertise • Helps you to develop your following...If you share a link say why • Can push negative listing down and replace with positive
Video Sharing http://www.youtube.com/georgiaexplorer
How do you plan a vacation using social media? • Nextstop: Nextstop, which we recently reviewed, provides a ton of simple-to-understand, user-generated guides for getting the most out of any locale. • Where I’ve Been: Not only is Where I’ve Been a popular Facebookapplication, but it’s also a stand-alone social network as well. Use it to get in-depth information on different. • Wikitravel: Perhaps the largest collection of user-generated travel information on the web, Wikitravel provides good information on where to go, what to expect, and even information on the culture. • TripAdvisor: One of the best-known sites in travel, TripAdvisor has millions of reviews that will help you pick out the gems and avoid the disasters. • Many others
Mobi?? Mobile Marketing for the Travel Industry • 95% of US Travelers take their mobile phones (2007). • Travel industry is best suited to take advantage of this stat • 100% of the US population will own a mobile device - by 2013 • 85% of iPhone users are using the web, while 35% are watching video • Mobile marketing helps you bridge the disconnected process of traditional advertising • MADE FOR MOBILE devices • A good example can be found at www.bgicvb.mobi • Georgia –mobi as part of the Travel guide package • Stripped down platform easier for travelers with disabilities to navigate Source: ITI Marketing
Using social media on the ground • Go mobile: GPS-enabled and informative applications while on-the-go can mean the difference between finding the great treasures • ZAGAT TO GO, MapsBuddy, and YelpYelp [iTunes links] handy to start • Check tweets in the area: Did you know that Twittersearch has location-based search? Say you want to find out about parties near Paris. Just search “party near:Paris” and you’ll have a set of local results. • Another idea: use Tweetie’s local tweets function to find residents who may be willing to help. Just be sure not to tweet to unsavory characters. • Use location-based social networks: Location-based social networks, while still fresh and new, are a great way to find friends and friendly strangers around you. Check out Loopt and BrightKiteBrightkite and see if either will work for you
Linked IN • According to Nielsen Online, Facebook swelled to 29.2M unique visitors in the US, up more than 10 percent from May. Meanwhile, professional social networking site LinkedIn grew more than 20 percent month-over-month to 9.5M uniques. Year-over-year, that represents 77% growth for Facebook, and 187% for LinkedIn, respectively • Join groups - Drive interest • Answer Questions posted
Free Press Distribution sites • 24-7PressRelease.com – Free release distribution with ad-support • 1888PressRelease.com – Free distribution, paid services gives you better placement and permanent archiving. • ClickPress.com – Distributes to sites like Google News and Topix.net, Gold level will also get you to sites like LexisNexis. • EcommWire.com – Focuses on e-commerce and requires you include an image, three keywords and links. • Express-Press-Release.com – Free distribution company with offices in 12 states. • Free-Press-Release.com – Easy press release distribution for free, more features for paid accounts. • Free-Press-Release-Center.info – Distributes your release, offers a web page with one keyword link to your site. Pro upgrade will give you three links, permanent archiving and more. • I-Newswire.com – Allows for free distribution to sites and search engines, premium membership differs only slightly in adding in graphics. • NewswireToday.com – All the usual free distribution tools, premium service includes logo, product picture and more. • PR.com – Not only will they distribute your press releases, but you can also set up a full company profile. • PR9.net – Ad supported press distribution site. • PR-Inside.com – European-based free press release distribution site. • PRBuzz.com – Completely free distribution to search engines, news sites, and blogs. • PRCompass.com – Distribute your press release with a free or paid version, others can vote it up a la Diggstyle. • PRUrgent.com – Not only distributes your release, but attempts to teach you how to write one, and even offers downloadable samples for you to work with. • Press-Base.com – Submit your release for free and get on their front page and the category of your choice. • PressAbout.com – A free press release service formatted as a blog. • PressMethod.com – Free press release distribution no matter what, but extra services based on the size of your contribution. • PRLeap.com – Free distribution to search engines, newswires, and RSS feeds. Fee based bumps get you better placement. • PRLog.org – Free distribution to Google News and other search engines. • TheOpenPress.com – Gives free distribution for plain formatted releases, fees for HTML-coded releases.
Niche social sites • TripAdvisor • IgoUgo • Virtualtourist • Chowhound • Guidespot • GoSeeTell • Yelp • MyTravelGuide • RealTravel • Epinions • DontGoThere.org • Wikitravel
Overwhelming…. • Create a social media strategy and keep it simple...Just another channel • What are your goals? • Look to see where and how travel is being discussed: • Technorati, Google Reader, Blogsearch, Google, Twitter Search • Talk about what you are going to do • Research-Share Advice-Research • Create a greater web presence
RETURN ON INVESTMENT • Decide what is important and determine which metrics you want to track. • Number of interactions • Number of relationships created • Conversations started • Page views • Referral links • Special offers, coupons redeemed