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Writing texts in the Primary classroom. Overview. 1 Quick look at what we are going to do together . 2 Write a poem - and share it – a model for the writing process . 3 Use a flow chart to think about the process of writing a text . 4 Using graphic organisers
Writingtexts in thePrimaryclassroom Overview • 1 Quick look at whatwe are goingto do together. • 2 Write a poem - and share it – a modelforthewritingprocess. • 3 Use a flow chart tothinkabouttheprocess of writing a text. • 4 Usinggraphicorganisers • tofocusonthestructure of a piece of writing • toget ideas flowing • 5 Drafting, redrafting- what? and who? • 6 Whatto do withthe final text? • 7 Questions. Whatwe’renotgoingto do todayis ….. handwriting, focusonwriting single words, orwritingisolatedsentences. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Whenyou do a piece of writingwithyourchildren …. …whoisitharderworkfor – youoryourthem? red = mypupils orange= me green= all of us Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Writing a poem We’ll do thisstepbystep – everyonewritingtheirownpoem, butfollowingthestepstogether. Youneed pen and paper. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a namepoem. Sun and silence Apple trees Raspberry canes Apricots Heaven! Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. S________ A________ R________ A________ H________ Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. Brainstormwordsthatbeginwiththeletters of yourname. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. supersilly sensible sorrysadsevensixsomestarssunswimsingstressed spots silence applesanimalsanteateramiableangryalligatoranxious red readrunroam real reciperidiculousraspberries househelp heavy highhowheaven hope honeyhippohectic Brainstormwordsthatbeginwiththeletters of yourname. Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletter of yourname in a vertical line. Brainstormwordsthatbeginwiththeletters of yourname. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketouse. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletter of yourname in a vertical line. supersilly sensible sorrysadsunsevensixsomestarsswimsingstressed spots applesanimalsanteateramiableangryapricotsalligatoranxious red readrunroam real raspberriesreciperidiculous househelp heavy highhowheaven hope honeyhippohectic Brainstormwordsthatbeginwiththeletters of yourname. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketouse. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. Brainstormwordsbeginningwiththeletters of yourname. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketo use. Writethefirstdraft of yourpoemusingwordsthatstartwiththeletters of yourname. Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Sun Apples Raspberries Apricots Heaven! Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. Brainstormwordsbeginningwiththefirstletter of yourname. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketo use. Writethefirstdraft of yourpoemusingwordsthatstartwiththeletters of yourname. Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. Brainstormwordsbeginningwiththefirstletter of yourname. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketo use. Writethefirstdraft of yourpoemusingwordsthatstartwiththeletters of yourname. Checkyourpoem, makechangesifyouwantto. Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Write a namepoem. Sun and silence Apple trees Raspberry canes Apricots Heaven! Writethefirstletters of yourname in a vertical line. Brainstormwordsbeginningwiththefirstletter of yourname. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketo use. Writethefirstdraft of yourpoemusingwordsthatstartwiththeletters of yourname. Checkyourpoem, makechangesifyouwantto. You can illustrateittoo. Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Write a poem. Share yourpoemwithus! Writeit onthewhiteboard. Brainstormwordsbeginningwiththefirstletter of yourname. Writeeachletter of yourname in a vertical line. Circlewordsfromyourword pool thatyouwouldliketo use. Writethefirstdraft of yourpoemusingwordsthatstartwiththeletters of yourname. Checkyourpoem, makechangesifyouwantto. You can illustrateittoo. Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Thinkaboutthestepswefollowedforthepoem, and complete theflow chart of theprocess of writing a text. Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Use these phrases: • read with a critical eye • write drafts using model texts • generate ideas • publish • choose what to use • focus on the structure • focus on the topic Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
focusonthetopic publish focusonthestructure generate ideas choosewhatto use writedraftsfollowing a modeltext readwith a criticaleye Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
Whatkind of texts can wewritewithourpupils? Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Whatkind of texts can yousee? www.archives.gov.on.ca www.playnormous.com/health/recipes www.environmentalgraffiti.com/animals/news-20-most-ridiculous-zoo-signs-earth www.pettitsadventurepark.co.uk Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Whatkind of textswerethere? How do youknow? www.archives.gov.on.ca www.playnormous.com/health/recipes www.environmentalgraffiti.com/animals/news-20-most-ridiculous-zoo-signs-earth www.pettitsadventurepark.co.uk Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Sometexttypeswe can use in theprimaryclassroom. diary e-card advert email recipe notice story blog note www.archives.gov.on.ca www.playnormous.com/health/recipes www.environmentalgraffiti.com/animals/news-20-most-ridiculous-zoo-signs-earth www.pettitsadventurepark.co.uk Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
focusonthestructure Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
ThisislittleVenice in London. It’sgotlots of canal boats and there are somepretty canal boatstoo. Lots of love name DearGranny We are having lunch bythe canal. Thenwe are goingto Camden Marketon a boat Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
DearGranny ThisislittleVenice in London. It’sgotlots of canal boats and there are somepretty canal boatstoo. We are having lunch bythe canal. Thenwe are goingto Camden Marketon a boat Lots of love Sarah and Jan Sarah Phillips (Oxford University Press), Rome 2013
A personal map: places. generateideas Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
A personal map: places. generateideas Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
A personal map: sensations. generateideas Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
A personal map: sensations. generateideas Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
A personal map: thoughts. generateideas Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
A personal map: thoughts. generateideas Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
readwith a criticaleye What? Who? How? Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
readwith a criticaleye etc effort content “verbs” wordform words wordorder structure What? spelling headings punctuation etc layout Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
readwith a criticaleye etc effort content “verbs” wordform words wordorder structure What? spelling headings punctuation etc layout Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
readwith a criticaleye Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
readwith a criticaleye “next time” focusedcorrection positive commentonprogress checklist of difficultwords positive commentonthecontent look back topreviousfeedback and goals Who? checklist of words/lgpoints checklist of lgpoints what I don’tunderstand what I like Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
readwith a criticaleye crosses and ticks symbols ticks and crosses underlining trafficlights Spelling/grammar games a number of a letter How? recasting highlighing a writtencomment nothing Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Publish And display Where can youpublishordisplay yourpupils’ texts? Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
Publish and display Classnoticeboard Class blog School blog Class wiki School wiki Entrance hall exhibition School magazine Book totake home Reading corner Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013
? ? ? ? ? ? Overtoyou … ? ? ? ? ? Sarah Phillips (Oxford UniversityPress), Rome 2013