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As is obvious from the differences listed, fire clay bricks and high alumina bricks are not the same. One needs to utilize them appropriately to get the best possible result with their usage.<br>
IndustrialDifferencebetweenFireBricksandHigh Alumina Bricks BioLink: https://www.futuretechtimes.com/fire-bricks-vs-high-alumina-bricks/ There is no doubt that the standards are fire refractory bricksand high alumina bricks. But while theyarecommonrefractory materials,itdoesnotmeanonecan usethem interchangeably. Fire refractory bricks and high alumina bricks serve similar purposes. But that does not mean that their applications are the same. That is why one needs to do thoroughresearchtodecidewhichonewouldbetterfitthem.Andinthisblog,youwill learnthemajorindustrialdifference between them. HighAluminaBricks These are aluminum silicate refractory and contain over 55 percent alumina content. These bricks have high thermal stability, and their refractoriness is above 1770 degrees. Their slag resistance is excellent as well. They are used in lining blast furnaces, rotary kilns, electric furnace tops, etc. They have an affinity towards alkaline, compared to fire bricks closer to acid.
FireClayBricks Fire Clay bricks (or acid proof bricks) are another standard refractory material. These bricks contain around 30 percent Al2O3 content and are weak refractory bricks. These bricks can easily resist acid gas or slag. But they have weakerresistance to alkaline substances, a disadvantageagainstaluminabricks. Goodthermalpropertyandresistanceto heatare somebenefitsof firebricks. FireClayBricksVsHigh Alumina Bricks Standard differencesbetweenfireclay bricksandhighaluminabricks: PresenceofAluminumOxide Aluminum oxide is a major component in refractory bricks. And while there are still disputes about the limit of aluminum oxide content in these bricks, it is widely accepted that high alumina bricks have over 55% Aluminum oxide. Similarly, fire bricks have an aluminum oxide contentlower than55%. Refractoriness Another industrial difference between these two is their different refractoriness. In general, highaluminabricks havehigherrefractorinessthanfireclaybricks. Refractory UnderLoad(RUL) Refractory Under Load is directly linked to Al2O3 content. Fire bricks have lower aluminum oxidecontent andhencelowerRUL capacity.
That indicates that one can apply fire clay in the subordinate parts of furnaces. They have beenusedinsealingregeneratorwalls,liningfurnacedoors,etc. pHValue High alumina bricks have a pH value closer to 7, making them neutral refractory bricks. That makes them useful in the presence of both acid and basic environments. Acid bricks, as the name suggests, are acidic. That is because they contain acidic impurities. But while they are useful inanacidicenvironment, theyare uselessagainstbasic elements. ThermalShock Fire brick has a better thermal shock resistance than its high alumina counterpart. Reason? Because corundum is less likely to form transition. They also have higher thermal expansion as wellovermullite. LinearChangeforReheating These bricks expand as the temperature rises, specifically before 1000 degrees. But the fire clay expansion rate is around 0.6 % which is half of the high alumina bricks. So after the temperaturegoesover 1200 degrees, the bulk begins toshrink,leading to thecollapseof thestructure. As is obvious from the differences listed, fire clay bricks and high alumina bricks are not the same.Oneneedstoutilizethemappropriatelytogetthebestpossibleresultwiththeir usage. But another critical element is crucial to get the best possible result. That element is the qualityof therefractorybricksused.One mustensurethatthey only usethefinest qualityrefractorybricksfor theirneeds.Andforthat,theycouldnotfindabetter companion than one of the leading fire brick manufacturers. Whatever your need, you will find suitablesolutionswith us. Wealsooffercastable refractory cement. Source Link: https://www.futuretechtimes.com/fire-bricks-vs-high-alumina- bricks/