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HISD Teacher Performance-Pay Models

HISD Teacher Performance-Pay Models. HISD. DISCUSSION JANUARY 2006. HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. BACKGROUND : Teacher Performance Pay. HISD has had a system of performance pay based on indicators since 2000 – 2001.

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HISD Teacher Performance-Pay Models

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  2. BACKGROUND: Teacher Performance Pay • HISD has had a system of performance pay based on indicators since 2000–2001. • 2004–2005 performance pay ranged from $450 to $1,000 per teacher. • Previous models based on accountability ratings and overall campus performance. • Previous models compared all campuses without consideration of demographics.

  3. GOALS OFNew Performance-Pay Models • Build upon previous success • Have a focus on and be driven by student performance results—specifically growth in student learning • Allow for campus and individual teacher performance • Provide for comparable and fair comparisons—“levels the playing field” • Ensure all teachers are included • Make model more financially meaningful

  4. ASSUMPTIONS OFTeacher Performance-Pay Models • Performance pay drives academic performance. • Performance pay based on individual teacher performance is important because good teaching occurs in all schools. • Important to recognize the value of teamwork. • A system that rewards individual performance and teamwork is best. • A competitive base salary remains a priority and will not be replaced by performance pay. • Dynamic system that will evolve over time.

  5. GENERAL OVERVIEW OFTeacher Performance-Pay Models Strand I: Campus-Level Performance (TAKS) • PART A: • All Teaching Faculty(TEA Accountability & Comparable Improvement) • PART B: • Non-Instructional Staff(TEA Accountability & Comparable Improvement)

  6. GENERAL OVERVIEW OFTeacher Performance-Pay Models Strand II:Individual Teacher Performance (Stanford 10/Aprenda 3) • PART A • Elementary Core Teachers(Complete Battery NCE) • Secondary Core Teachers(Subject-Area NCE) • PART B • Non-Core Teachers Campus-Level Improvement(Complete Battery NCE)

  7. GENERAL OVERVIEW OFTeacher Performance-Pay Models Strand III: Individual Teacher Performance (TAKS) • PART A: • Elementary Core Teachers by Grade(Improvement in Reading and Math Scale Scores) • Secondary Core Teachers(Improvement in Subject-Area Scale Scores)

  8. GENERAL OVERVIEW OFTeacher Performance-Pay Models Strand III: Individual Teacher Performance (TAKS) • PART B: • Grade 3 Current Year TAKS Performance(Reading and Math Scale Scores) • Grade 5 Current Year TAKS Performance(Science Scale Scores) • Grade 8 Current Year TAKS Performance(Social Studies Scale Scores) • Grade 10 Current Year TAKS Performance(Social Studies and Science Scale Scores)

  9. TEA Campus Account-ability Rating Campus TAKS Performance Quartiles Based on TEA Comparable Improvement* (Similar Students) Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Quartile 4 Math Reading Math Reading Math Reading Math Reading Eligible to Participate** $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 Not Eligible to Partici-pate*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Strand I A: All Teaching Faculty Campus-Level Performance Based on TAKS Math & Reading EXAMPLE * Change in TAKS performance compared to 40 schools statewide that are demographically most similar to the target school. ** Eligible to Participate = Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable with Progress (progress must be equal or greater than progress made by the district) *** Not Eligible to Participate = Acceptable without Progress, Unacceptable

  10. Strand I B: All Non-Instructional Staff Campus-Level Performance Based on TAKS Math & Reading EXAMPLE * Change in TAKS performance compared to 40 schools statewide that are demographically most similar to the target school. ** Eligible to Participate = Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable with Progress (progress must be equal or greater than progress made by the district) *** Not Eligible to Participate = Acceptable without Progress, Unacceptable

  11. $1,000 $500 0 0 $1,000 $500 0 0 $1,000 $500 0 0 $1,000 $500 0 0 EXAMPLE Strand II A: Individual Core Teacher Performance Based on Stanford 10/Aprenda 3 (NCE) HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on percent of economically disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort* Instructional Cohort Performance Quartiles on Stanford/Aprenda* (Complete Battery for Elementary/Subject Area for Secondary) Quartile 1** Quartile 2** Quartile 3 Quartile 4 Complete Battery or Subject Area Complete Battery or Subject Area Complete Battery or Subject Area Complete Battery or Subject Area Comparable Group 1 Comparable Group 2 Comparable Group 3 Comparable Group 4 * Instructional Cohort consists of the current students in a classroom with two years of data. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive.

  12. Comparable Improvement Groups based on percent of economically disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort Campus Cohort Performance Quartiles on Stanford/Aprenda* (Complete Battery) HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on percent of economically disadvantaged students in Campus Cohort* $500 $250 0 0 Quartile 1** Quartile 2** Quartile 3 Quartile 4 $500 $250 0 0 Complete Battery Complete Battery Complete Battery Complete Battery $500 $250 0 0 Comparable Group 1 Comparable Group 1 $500 $250 0 0 Comparable Group 2 Comparable Group 2 Comparable Group 3 Comparable Group 3 Comparable Group 4 Comparable Group 4 Strand II B: Non-Core Teacher Performance BasedonCampus-Level Stanford10/Aprenda3 (NCE) * Campus Cohort consists of the current students on a campus with two years of data. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive. EXAMPLE

  13. Comparable Group 1 Comparable Group 2 Comparable Group 3 Comparable Group 4 Strand III A: Individual Teacher Performance Based on TAKS Math and Reading (Scale Scores) HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on % of econ. disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort* Elementary Instructional Cohort TAKS Performance Quartiles* Quartile 1** Quartile 2** Quartile 3 Quartile 4 Math Reading Math Reading Math Reading Math Reading $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 EXAMPLE * Instructional Cohort consists of the current students in a classroom with two years of data. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive.

  14. Strand III A: Individual Teacher Performance Based on TAKS (Scale Scores) HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on % of econ. disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort* EXAMPLE * Instructional Cohort consists of the current students in a classroom with two years of data. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive.

  15. Strand III B: Individual Teacher Performance for Third-Grade Reading and Math Teachers Based on Current Year TAKS Comparable Improvement Groups based on % of econ. disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort Third-Grade Reading (First Administration) and Math Instructional Cohort TAKS Performance Quartiles* HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on % of econ. disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort* Quartile 1** Quartile 2** Quartile 3 Quartile 4 Math Reading Math Reading Math Reading Math Reading Comparable Group 1 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 Comparable Group 2 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 Comparable Group 3 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 Comparable Group 4 $500 $500 $250 $250 0 0 0 0 EXAMPLE * Instructional Cohort performance compared to Campus Standard.Campus Standard is based on previous year’s campuswide third-grade performance. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive.

  16. Strand III B: Individual Teacher Performance for Fifth-Grade Science Teachers Based on Current Year TAKS HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on % of econ. disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort* EXAMPLE * Instructional Cohort performance compared to Campus Standard.Campus Standard is based on previous year’s campuswide fifth-grade performance. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive.

  17. Strand III B: Individual Teacher Performance for Eighth-Grade Social Studies and Tenth-Grade SocialStudies&ScienceBasedonCurrentYearTAKS HISD Comparable Improvement Groups based on % of econ. disadvantaged students in Instructional Cohort* EXAMPLE * Instructional Cohort performance compared to Campus Standard.Campus Standard is based on previous year’s campuswide eighth- or tenth-grade performance. ** Must show positive improvement to receive incentive.

  18. Teacher Performance Pay: Proposed Model vs. Previous Model (Spring 2005 Results)

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