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Child Protection in Emergencies ( CPiE ): Implementation Guidelines for Child Friendly Space (CFS) Presented by: DIRECTOR PATRICIA B. LUNA Executive Director, Council for the Welfare of Children October 21, 2014/ Manila Hotel 2 nd National Legislative Summit for the Welfare
Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE): Implementation Guidelines for Child Friendly Space (CFS) Presented by: DIRECTOR PATRICIA B. LUNA Executive Director, Council for the Welfare of Children October 21, 2014/ Manila Hotel 2nd National Legislative Summit for the Welfare and Protection of Children
Outline of the Presentation CWC Child Protection in Emergencies Rationale Dangers children face in emergencies Principal protection issues for children in emergencies Implementation Guidelines on Child-Friendly Spaces Rationale Legal Bases (international, national laws/ policies/issuances and guiding principles) Definition of Terms Description of Child Friendly Space Objectives, Beneficiaries, Duration and Coverage Implementing Procedures Institutional Arrangements Our Scenario Our Appeal Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance
Focal agency of the Philippine Government for children’s concerns • A coordinating, monitoring and policy-making body (laws, policies and programs) • Established under P.D. 603 and redefined by E.O. 233 (Dec. 1974) Council for the Welfare of Children
In the context of Disaster National Child Protection Working Group (NCPWG) CWC national structure that primarily leads on Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) interventions. CWC as chair and UNICEF as co-chair 40 Members (from various National Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, UN Agencies, International-NGOs, Faith Based Organizations, Associations / Networks of children) Under the Child Protection Sub-Cluster of the Protection Cluster led by DSWD
The Philippinesis the world’s 4th most vulnerable country to climate change.
Key words on Child Protection in Emergencies Child -person below 18 years of age or those over but are unable to fully take care of his/herself or protect his/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of physical or mental disability or condition Child Protection - the prevention of and response to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children. Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) includes specific activities by child protection actors, whether national or community-based, and/or by humanitarian staff supporting local capacities. It also includes activities in other humanitarian sectors that have effect of improving children’s safety, even where this is not their specific purpose.
During emergencies, children face unique dangers: Within the family: Separation from parents Parents may be unable to provide proper guidance or protection as they focus on being able to meet the basic needs Head of families may feel helpless since they cannot provide their dependents with basic necessities • Within the community: • Facilities like schools and health centers may be damaged or used as evacuation camps; • Social roles and relationships are changed • Children may suffer the unintended consequences of loss of access to adequate food, health care, education and basic social services
Principal protection issues for children in emergencies Family Separation Psychosocial Distress Physical Violence or Abuse Sexual and Gender - Based Violence Exploitation Rejection and Discrimination Recruitment into Armed Forces and Groups
Typhoon Haiyan or “Yolanda” • Affected Population • (NDRRMC SitRep, April 2014) • 3.42 M families • 16 M persons • 12, 139 barangays • 44 provinces • 591 municipalities • 57 cities 5.1 Million Children (OCHA, January 2014)
Child-Friendly Spaces Child Friendly Space (CFS)- are safe spaces where communities create nurturing environments for children to access free and structured play, recreation, leisure and learning activities.They aredesigned and operatedin a participatorymanner, and may serve a specific age group of children or a variety of age ranges. Child Friendly Spaces are important throughout crises, from emergencies to recovery.
Child-Friendly Spaces • 153 child-friendly spaces • 40,060 children have accessed psychosocial support in these CFSs • 2,244 have received training sessions (day care workers, municipal social workers, police and other community members) • Training sessions were on proper management of CFS, gender-based violence, anti-trafficking, anti-child labor and other child protection issues.
CFS Implementation Guidelines Rationale The government as the primary duty bearer has the obligation to ensure the protection and fulfilment of children’s rights Establishment of Child Friendly Space (CFS) is among the CPiE interventions. The CFS implementation guidelines was developed so all agencies and organizations will have common standard procedures in the implementation of the CFSs.
Legal Bases: International: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Concluding Observation on Environmental Health (3rd and 4th Combined Compliance Report, Sept. 2009) Lack of information on any action plan or strategy in place to protect and assist children affected by such disasters. Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Legal Bases: National: Philippine National Strategic Framework for Plan Development of Children or Child 21 (2000-2025) An updated plan of action for children that built on the gains of the Philippine Plan of Action for Children as a response to the UN CRC 2nd National Plan of Action for Children (2011-2016) 2nd in the series of medium term plans designed to continue and enhance Child 21. It is anchored in the Millennium Development Goals but expanded to include other basic rights of children such as protection and participation.
2nd NPAC, Goal 2 – Children are safe and free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation (Protection rights) MDG + 12 Goal: Children are resilient to natural and human-induced disasters and threats Targets: Zero casualty among children affected by natural and human-induced disasters and threats 80% decrease in the total number of children affected by human-induced and natural disasters by 2016
Expected Program Results MDG + 12.1 All LGUs have integrated children’s rights in their Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and Climate ChangeAdaptation (CCA) plans and programs MDG +12.2 All LGUs have material recovery facilities MDG +12.3 Nutrition interventions during emergencies and disasters are provided following policy guidelines and standards MDG +12.4 Education in Emergencies (EiE) are established and policies are in place
National: Republic Act 10121 refers to the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2012; RA 7610 refers to the Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination; and RA 10364, refers to the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012 RA 10028, refers to the Expanded Breastfeeding and DOH-Executive Order 51, s., 1986
The implementation of CFS should be guided by the following principles: Use CFSs as a means of mobilizing the community Make CFS highly inclusive and non-discriminatory Ensure that CFSs are safe and secure Make CFS stimulating, participatory and supportive environments
Definition of Terms • Gender Based Violence (GBV) • Pyschosocial Support • Separated Children • Unaccompanied Children • Women Friendly Space • Youth/Young People Child Child Protection Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) Child Friendly Space (CFS) CFS Facilitators Disaster Emergency
Description of Child Friendly Space (CFS): Space within the community where children can access free and structured play, recreation, leisure and learning activities. Supports the resilience and well-being of children and young people through community-organized, structured activities conducted in a safe, child-friendly and stimulating environment. It should be supplemented with psychosocial support sessions for parents.
General Objective: To support the resilience and well-being of children through community organized, structured activities conducted in safe, child friendly, and stimulating environment. Specific Objectives: To provide opportunities for children to play. To mobilize communities around the protection and well-being of children, including highly vulnerable children. To provide social inter sectoral support for all children in the realization of their rights including access to other services and targeted referral.
Beneficiaries: All children affected by disasters/emergencies are the primary beneficiaries of the CFS. Duration: The CFSs can be set up on the 3rd week after the emergency or earlier and can last up to 3 months or more depending on the need of the children and the situation of the community. A CFS session should be implemented for at least 1 month to 3 months or more depending on the need and situation. Coverage: All government agencies (national and local) and non-government organizations and I-NGOs implementing CFSs.
Implementing Procedures: These are the detailed processes to be undertaken in the operation of the CFS, with the following stages: PRELIMINARY STAGE: Prepositioning of materials/supplies Capability building activities Identification of prospective CFSs site/location SOCIAL PREPARATION STAGE: Rapid Assessment Coordination
Con’t of SOCIAL PREPARATION STAGE: SOCIAL PREPARATION STAGE: Site Selection Space Requirement and Lay-out (Note: This will depend on the available space in the community however, the prescribed area is 1 sq.m./per child (tent -72 sq.m.) Basic materials needed for setting up at the onset of an emergency
IMPLEMENTATION STAGE: Staffing CFS Coordinator: responsible for the overall project management; works with and supervises the implementation staff at the CFSs. CFS Monitor: oversees the CFS operations and the people who work in it. CFS Facilitator: works directly with the children and conducts the activities with them on a regular basis.
IMPLEMENTATION STAGE: Capability Building Activities Assessment and Stress Management Sessions for CFS Facilitators Session Design and Content Ratio of children per CFS Staff Allowance Reporting Monitoring and Evaluation Feedback Mechanism Transition, Exit Stage and Sustainability
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS : The guidelines indicate the roles and responsibilities of the members of the NCPWG, and the respective local councils for the protection of children. A. National Child Protection Working Group (NCPWG) A.1 CWC as Chairperson and UNICEF as co-chair Oversee and provide technical assistance to Regional Child Protection Working Group (under the Regional Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children ) in the implementation of the CFS. Provide resource augmentation in the implementation of CFS. Maintain database.
B. Government Agencies B.1 DSWD concerned Bureaus, Offices, Services and Units Protective Service Bureau (PSB) and Disaster Risk Reduction and Response Operations Office (DRRROO) Disaster Risk Reduction and Response Operations Office (DRRROO) DSWD’s Protective Service Bureau, Capacity Building Bureau and Social Technology Bureau
B.2 Regional Child Protection Working Group (under the RSCWC) Provides technical assistance (TA) and capacity building to LGUs in the establishment of CFS ; Monitors the LGUs in their implementation of the CFS ; Provides resource augmentation to LGUs. Appoint focal person for CFS implementation. Submit report to the NCPWG (Link of the NCPWG in terms of the implementation of the guidelines Prepositioning of CFS kits
B.3 Provincial Council for the Protection of Children (PCPC) through the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) Develop action plan on the implementation of the guidelines; Assist and provide technical assistance to the C/MSWDO in the establishment and maintenance of the CFS; Augment the funds of the city/municipality in the maintenance of the CFS (including provision of honorarium to the CFS service providers); and in the prepositioning and maintenance of CFS including tents and learning materials; Assist the C/MSWDO in the preparation and submission of reports on the implementation of CFS to the DSWD Field Office; and Monitor and Evaluate the C/MSWDO in the implementation of CFS.
B.4 City/Municipal Council for the Protection of Children (C/MPCPC) through the City/Municipal Social Welfare & Dev’t Office (C/MSWDO) Set-up the CFS 2-3 weeks or immediately based on the assessment. Appoint focal person for CFS implementation. Institutionalize CFS implementation for budget appropriation. Provide capacity building to BCPC for mainstreaming and sustainability. Establish proper reporting and referral systems. Provision of Social Protection for children. Formulate SB Resolution for Local Chief Executive to enter into Memorandum of Agreement with partner agencies. Receives report from barangay and submitted to municipal/ city-provincial and regional.
C. International/ Non-Government Organization/ UN Agencies/ Faith Based Organizations/Peoples Organizations/Civic Society Organizations/ and other Local Partners: Provide technical assistance and resource augmentation to all levels. Assist in the conduct of assessments and submit reports to NCPWG and RCPWG. 28
Our scenario • The inconvenient truth is CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. Disaster risk is increasing. • sea levels rise, increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and more weather-related disasters • Most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and disaster risk. • Children are greatly affected and feel the full force of climate change and disasters more than adults. • A major setback in the achievement of the MDGs. • Progress in the MDGs are derailed as both climate change and disasters compromise decades of human development and poverty reduction efforts. 29
Our Appeal • Strategic and proactive actions need to be taken to manage the risks posed by disasters and climate change. • Child protection system be strengthened through local legislations • Children are “agents of change” • Consider them as partners. They can be involved and contribute in DRR initiatives and not mere recipients of services • Scale-up advocacy for disaster risk reduction to all sectors , raising awareness among all other decision-makers at all levels. 29
ThankYouand Mabuhay! T ….Every child is our responsibility 29