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ASTRON A pplications on the S ynergy of sa t ellite Communica T ions,

ASTRON A pplications on the S ynergy of sa t ellite Communica T ions, ea R th O bservation and N avigation. Dr. Francesco PIGNATELLI Space Applications Institute DG Joint Research Centre European Commission. EC Institutional Framework. Committee of the Regions. Court of Auditors.

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ASTRON A pplications on the S ynergy of sa t ellite Communica T ions,

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  1. ASTRON Applications on the Synergy ofsatellite CommunicaTions, eaRth Observation and Navigation • Dr. Francesco PIGNATELLI • Space Applications Institute • DG Joint Research Centre • European Commission

  2. EC Institutional Framework Committee of the Regions Court of Auditors European Parliament Council of Ministers Economic and Social Committee Court of Justice European Commission DG Transport & Energy DG Joint Research Centre DG Information Society DG Enterprise DG Research Space Applications Institute EI ISIS IRMM IAM IHCP ITU IPTS

  3. SAI’s 11 Projects in FP5 (status 2000) • Serving the Citizen • SAI 01 Population Security • SAI 02 Demining Technologies • SAI 03 Natural Hazards • Enhancing Sustainability • SAI 04 EURO-LANDSCAPE: Geo-Information for Development and Environmental Monitoring • SAI 05 Coastal Monitoring & Management (COAST) • SAI 06 Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) • SAI 07 Soil • SAI 08 Monitoring of Agriculture with Remote Sensing (MARS) • Underpinning European Competitiveness • SAI 09 Galileo Technical Support • SAI 10 Synergy of Earth Observation with Satellite Telecommunications and Navigation (ASTRON) • SAI 11 GI & GIS Harmonisation and Interoperability

  4. ASTRON : Objectives Applications on the Synergy of satellite Telecommunications, eaRth Observation and Navigation • To investigate the synergy between satcoms, EO and satnav in order to develop and demonstrateinnovative and sustainable applications. • To provide direct support to other EC services in response to their requirements. • To contribute to the EC work for Galileo.

  5. The Commission and ESA are jointly managing the process towards a coherent European vision for space… … this strategy should consider three dimensions: • First and foremost, information and communication systems and services (i.e. satellite communications, navigation and environmental monitoring). • Second, Scientific research and space exploration… • Third, access to space… • Herbert Allgeier, EC Space Coordinator, Director General JRC, • Istanbul, 1st March 2000, Conference ‘Satellites – Improving Everyday Life’

  6. ASTRON : Rationale Air Transport, Marine Transport, Land Transport Satellite Communications Satellite Navigation Synergy satcoms-satnav Synergy EO-satnav Synergy satcoms-EO Fast data transfer, broadcasting, internet over satellite for EO applications (e.g. natural hazards, meteo) Improved accuracy (e.g. precision farming, weather measurements, car navigation). Earth Observation

  7. ASTRON rationale (view 1 : EO) Simulated imagery, courtesy by EarthWatch Incorporated, 1998 Evolution of resolution of Earth Observation data.

  8. VHR Collection Access : example of 11 days GSD Obliq Day (m) (deg) 1 0.82 0 2 2.17 52.6 3 1.59 45.6 4 0.91 20.3 5 2.93 57.1 6 1.16 34. 9 7 1.19 35. 9 8 2.86 56. 9 9 0.90 18.9 10 1.63 46.3 11 2.12 52.2 Access Parameters (to image ground station) Expected Ikonos collection access, courtesy of Space Imaging EU, 1999

  9. ASTRON rationale (view 2 : satcoms)

  10. ASTRON rationale (view 3 : satnav)- a European investment of 3 BEuro -

  11. ASTRON Rationale (view 4 : space) - Information from Space - Voice/Data Synergy TV/Video Navigation Earth Observation Internet Personalised info-mobility services Other Users

  12. The development process USER : EC research (GALILEO) Technology Studies USER : EC research (IST) USER : EC operational (DG Enterprises) Market Studies USER : EC operational (DG Ext. Relations, ...) Communication with stake-holders Pilot Projects (Coordinated with the Galileo Pilot Projects) USER : other (NGOs, media, ...) Proof-of-concept Show-cases Jan 1999 – Dec 2002 Sep 1999 – Dec 2002 Jun 2000 – Dec 2002

  13. The Four Market Segment Contracts(contracts awarded in 1999, work performed in Jan – July 2000) • A ‘Saving Resources’ applications (applications in support of preserving our ecosystem, e.g. floods, fires, security) • Telespazio (I) with BDRC (UK) • B 'Business' applications (applications introducing geo-information into the emerging markets e.g. infomobility, entertainment, media) • Logica (UK) with Racal (UK), Alcatel (F), NSL (UK) • KTI (GR) with Indra (ES), Decathlon (GR) ->Olympic Games 2004 • C ‘Transport’ applications (the “traditional” transport sectors, e.g. air, marine, road, train) • TU Dresden (D) with ARS (NL), DLR (D) • D ‘Non-Transport’ applications (e.g. agriculture, geodesy, tourism, leisure, engineering) • No contract awarded in 1999

  14. Integrated Space Applications • Synergy between Earth Observation, Telecommunications and Satellite Navigation could be effective in an innovative fashion in a number of applications areas (list is not exhaustive): • Personal Infomobility • Safety of Life and Resources • Big Events or Crisis Situations • Mobility

  15. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 1 Application Area 1 • PERSONAL INFOMOBILITY • Space technologies can be used to complement terrestrial communication systems (GSM/UMTS) in meeting the needs of the quickly growing trend towards mobile information services at a personal level, through hand-held or vehicle-based terminals.

  16. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 1 Personal Infomobility - Examples 1. Virtual Travel Assistant/Tourist Guide On-the-fly ‘pro-active’ navigation service (‘turn-by-turn’) can guide the user on a ‘tour’ of a specific location. A ‘passive’ tour guide can inform the user of local points of interest, events, etc. dependent on their current location (town/city/historic site, etc.). Satnav locates the user, satcoms offers broadband information transmission, and EO enriches location-related content. 2. Local Weather Forecaster Access to weather forecasts for the immediate area where the user is located, can be provided via a fixed or mobile internet-connected terminal. Satnav determines user position, EO is used to derive weather forecasts and provide images, satcoms can deliver detailed image information. 3. Gaming Fully interactive, multimedia virtual gaming in the ‘real’ world can be envisaged. Two or more global gamers congregate in a virtual ante-room, decide upon which game to play, virtual location, level of realism, etc. Use of EO derived data for the recreation of the environment and (satellite based) communications and navigation for the moves of the players.

  17. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 2 Application Area 2 • SAFETY OF LIFE AND RESOURCES • High resolution up-to-date EO satellite data (used for 3D real-time visualisation techniques) together with navigation (GPS and eventually Galileo) and satellite communications can provide benefits for planning and monitoring of applications related to the safety of life and resources.

  18. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 2 Safety of Life and Resources - Examples 1. Logistic Support in Humanitarian Crisis Logistical support can be provided for the management of population relocation or evacuation in a crisis situation (civil war, refugees, epidemic etc). EO is used for terrain mapping, site selection, monitoring of crop areas. Satcoms are used for overall provision of fixed and mobile communications. Satnav is used to support operations related to relief supply and ground surveys. 2. Terrestrial Search and Rescue Operations Enhanced co-ordination and support of search and rescue operations on land. Satnav is used to support location of victims and rescue forces operations. Satcoms are used for communication between the management centre and rescue teams. EO is used to visually enhance the operations scenario for the decision makers. 3. Oil Spills Identification and monitoring of illegal pollution of oceans and coastal zones, aiming to alert authorities and support actions to reduce the impact on the environment. Satellite derived radar data are effective to detect oil spills at sea. Once a spill is detected, offending vessel positions are identified with the support of satellite navigation, provided that the vessels are obliged to continuously transmit their position.

  19. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 3 Application Area 3 • BIG EVENTS OR CRISIS SITUATIONS • Satellite technologies in combination with terrestrial technologies can provide innovative solutions for mobility applications relevant to big events (e.g. Olympic Games) or crisis situations (e.g. earthquakes) when large population densities occur in metropolitan areas for limited periods of time.

  20. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 3 Big events or crisis situations - Examples 1. Traffic Monitoring and Fleet Management A Fleet Management System can be used to manage several accredited or public transportation vehicles (heavy-goods trucks, mini-buses and public transportation buses), commuting to pre-determined spots through the least congested routes. 2. Emergency Services Operation Crisis situations (such as earthquakes or terrorist attacks) require an emergency system with a high degree of integrity and reliability for coordination of all security and support measures. Satellite technologies could support real-time surveillance of the incident area and could provide direct links between the headquarters and the officers in the place of incident. 3. Personalised Tracking The position and status of every high security-rated group of visitors during great events, or out-door security related employees can be monitored in real time, through an interactive system used to track the individual person and to establish voice or data communication (one-way or two-way).

  21. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 4 Application Area 4 MOBILITY Navigation techniques bundled with Communication means and EO-derived products can be used for the development of innovative systems for road guidance-assistance to private vehicles and fleet management of public transportation vehicles. The three satellite technologies might also support specific applications in rail, air and maritime navigation.

  22. A P P L I C A T I O N A R E A 4 Mobility - Examples 1. Dynamic Route Guidance An interactive car navigation system enables on-the-move updating of the road database within the car, with data on preferable routes to selected destinations, according to real time traffic information (e.g. blocked roads, traffic jams etc) and up-to-date meteorological and environmental information. 2. Law enforcement – Professional Drivers A satellite-based law-enforcement system could provide a wide-area monitoring of traffic violations by professional drivers. This might allow actions at different authorisation levels mainly contributing to enhancing passive safety. Such a system could be particularly beneficial for hazardous goods transport and car rental companies. 3. Small Aircraft Navigation Support Private small plane (or helicopter) navigation might be enhanced achieving increased air safety under visual flight rules (VFR). EO is used for improved and updated flight charts and terrain models. Terrains may include airport areas (where small planes do not have all necessary information) and also areas away from airports where helicopters might need to land.

  23. Collaborations and Take-Up • Space Agencies: ESA, CNES, DLR, BNSC … • Industry: Space Imaging (EU), SES-ASTRA, ERDAS, … • SAI Projects: Population Security, Natural Hazards, … • DG TREN • ASTRON is referenced in the Galileo Call of June 1999 • The ASTRON demonstration projects are coordinated with the Galileo pilot projects • DG INFSO • ‘New mobility/transport applications can be developed which willintegrate various navigation, communication and potentially observation infrastructures’;(IST GNSS Specific Call September 1999). • ‘Focus on integration of telecommunications, navigation and positioning systems with geographical information systems’; (Geoinformation and Infomobility IST Call, September 2000)

  24. EC Calls for Application Projects - 2000 • July-August 2000 (DG JRC / ASTRON) • Invitation To Tender (demonstration projects) • September 2000 (DG INFSO / Systems and Services for the Citizen) • Call for Proposals – Info-mobility and Geo-information systems • December 2000 (TBC) (DG TREN / Galileo) • Calls for Proposals, Application Pilot Projects

  25. For any additional information, • please contact • Michalis Ketselidis, • ASTRON Project Leader, • michalis.ketselidis@jrc.it

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