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SAT Cartoon Vocabulary Lesson #8

SAT Cartoon Vocabulary Lesson #8. Scrutinize-(v.) to look very carefully, to examine. Airport security scrutinizes luggage. Obtuse – (adj.)insensitive; slow in understanding . Don’t be obtuse; the sign says “Wet Paint.”. Fjord-(n.)long, narrow, rocky inlet from the sea .

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SAT Cartoon Vocabulary Lesson #8

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  1. SAT Cartoon Vocabulary Lesson #8

  2. Scrutinize-(v.) to look very carefully, to examine Airport security scrutinizes luggage.

  3. Obtuse – (adj.)insensitive; slow in understanding Don’t be obtuse; the sign says “Wet Paint.”

  4. Fjord-(n.)long, narrow, rocky inlet from the sea Vikings braved the fjords to enter the North Sea and begin long voyages of exploration.

  5. Congenial –(adj.)social, agreeable, pleasant The hayride was a congenial event on a crisp autumn afternoon.

  6. Martyr-(n.)someone willing to sacrifice self The price for freedom often costs the lives of martyrs.

  7. Aspire-(v.)something one hopes to achieve Every student aspires to graduate; don’t lose sight of the goal.

  8. Doldrums-(n.)time of depression, inactivity By the end of summer vacation, we had a severe case of doldrums.

  9. Citadel-(n.)a fortress or stronghold The citadel guarded the city from mauraders.

  10. Blather-(v.)to talk nonsensically All they heard during Thanksgiving dinner was the distant relatives blathering.

  11. Consensus-(n.)general agreement The family finally came to a consensus about what movie to rent.

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