Surviving Auschwitz By Wesley smith
Biography • My name is YakkovSpeilburg. Me and my family live in Germany. I have a wife, Naomi, and two kids, Steven and Lily. My parents also live in Germany. Their names are Joseph and Marie. They live a few blocks down from our small apartment. We also own a dog named skip. We all live a happy life in Germany. Then Hitler came to power, and our once happy family started to break apart.
Diary entry 1 • November 15th , 1918 • Well, the war has finally ended. It has been a long 15 years since the war started. The economic depression has taken its toll on us, and we are struggling to get by. The government is going crazy, and it looks like they are going to elect a new Chancellor. My family wasn’t affected by the war at first, but as the years went by, the war got worse and we were in bad shape. There wasn’t that much food. Sadly, Germany lost the war. Millions of soldiers died during the war. I am just lucky I wasn’t drafted. I couldn’t leave my family. I had to stay and help them. I worked at a local bakery to bring in money for my family. The job was difficult, but I have a better job now, and we are living happily again.
Diary entry 2 • January 30th, 1933 • I just found out some rather disturbing news today. Adolf Hitler is the new Chancellor, and he is spreading rumors about Jews. He is teaching everyone about how bad Jews are. It is terrible. I own my own shop, but since Hitler’s rise to power, not as many people are visiting my shop. I need that money to keep my family alive. • March, 1933 • The first concentration camp was made this month. When I first heard this, I was shocked. Jews were being taken away and put in these horrible camps. I can only hope it doesn’t happen to me and my family. Sadly though, they took my parents away. I don’t know how they are doing, but I hope they are ok.
Diary entry 3 • April 27th , 1940 • A new concentration camp has been opened. I hear it is called Auschwitz. I hope it isn’t as bad as the other ones. Me and my family should be safe. We haven’t had any run-ins with Nazi police. We have good friends that aren’t Jewish that have been hiding us. • May 4th, 1940 • We have been captured. Nazi police stormed into our friend’s house. We were hiding there, but we were ratted out. We watched as our friends were shot on sight. I felt so guilty and sad. We were put on a train, and rode for days. Luckily I was able to sneak my journal so I can write this down. Maybe someone will find it.
Diary entry 4 • May 10th, 1940 • We arrived at Auschwitz a few days ago. It was a horrible train ride. There was a terrible odor, and some unlucky souls unfortunately passed away on the journey. Maybe they were the lucky ones. They didn’t have to suffer anymore, but I could already tell that me and my family were in for a world of hurt. • When we walked through the gates, they separated us. Me and my boy stayed together, but my wife and daughter were taken away. After that I never saw them again. I couldn’t sleep knowing that my wife and daughter were in some other horrible part of this dastardly camp, or maybe it was because the conditions we were in were bad.
Diary entry 5 • June 16th, 1940 • I don’t know how much longer I can take this. It has been a month and I am barely surviving. My son has died, and I still don’t know how my wife and daughter are doing. They make us do hard work everyday. We barely get any food. I am so skinny, all you can see is my rib cage. Now, seeing your own ribcage is rather unpleasant. It is like watching yourself die. I see Jews being lined up and shot. How am I still alive? This is a question I have yet to find the answer. Uh-oh, I have to go. The guards are taking us to get showers for lice.
Sources • http://www.sztetl.org.pl/de/city/strzemieszyce-obecnie-dzielnica-dabrowy-gorniczej-/ • http://teenagefilm.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Close-up-portrait-of-a-young-Jewish-woman.-Pictured-is-Mania-Tager.1936-9.jpeg • http://www.fold3.com/page/286061967_drancy_internment_camp/ • http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/64009000/jpg/_64009198_edgar_youngold2_624.jpg • http://www.ushmm.org/outreach/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007671 • http://www.theholocaustexplained.org/ks3/the-final-solution/auschwitz-birkenau/transport-and-arrival/