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Let’s pay attention to this important message 请注意聆听这重要的信息. How important is Israel to the nations? 以色列在世界上有何重要性?. Just like the Chinese, Israel is an ancient people with a long history of more than 4000 years. 以色列人如中 国 人 是 有 4000 多年的历史 Their language , Hebrew is still in use.
Let’s pay attention to this important message请注意聆听这重要的信息
How important is Israel to the nations?以色列在世界上有何重要性?
Just like the Chinese, Israel is an ancient people with a long historyofmore than 4000 years. 以色列人如中国人是有4000多年的历史 Their language, Hebrew is still in use. 他们的语言希伯来文到今天还在使用
Does Israel depend on America or America depend on Israel? 美国和以色列 谁依靠谁?
Can Hamas defeat Israel?哈马斯能打败以色列国吗? Can Iran destroy Israel? 以兰国能毁灭以色列国吗?
Gen创世记 12:1-3(NKJV) Promises to Abram应许万族因亚伯兰得福 12 Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country,From your familyAnd from your father’s house,To a land that I will show you. 12耶和华对亚伯兰说:“你要离开本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。
Gen创世记 12:1-3 (CUVMPS) 2我必叫你成为大国,我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。 3 为你祝福的,我必赐福于他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福。” 2 I will make you a great nation;I will bless youAnd make your name great;And you shall be a blessing.3 I will bless those who bless you,And I will curse him who curses you;And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Israel in the world以色列国在世界 There are 12 millions Jews in the world ie 0.2% of the world population. But they bag 22% of the world Nobel prizes in all fields of medicine, science and technology. 以色列国在世界人口只有一千两百万,就是世界人口的0.2%,但得若贝尔奖金的人数诀是全世界的22%。
The Jews have made a great contribution to the world in science and technology. The world needs Israel. 犹太人在世界科学和工业贡献很大。这个世界需要犹太人的贡献和帮忙。
Why are they so successful?为何犹太人有这么大的贡献 God made a promise that He will make Abraham a blessing to many nations. 上帝应许亚伯拉罕,要通过他祝福万国万民。 The fact that there are so many great scientists amongst the Jews affirms God’s word.犹太人出很多杰出大科学家印证了上帝的应许
God blesses the descendants of Abraham上帝会祝福亚伯拉罕的后代 • 2 I will make you a great nation;I will bless youAnd make your name great;And you shall be a blessing. • 2 我必叫你成为大国,我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。
God will protect the descendants of Abraham上帝会保护亚伯拉罕的后代 • 3 I will bless those who bless you,And I will curse him who curses you;And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” • 3 为你祝福的,我必赐福于他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福。”
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed 谁祝福以色列人民必定被上帝祝福 Whoever curses Israel will be cursed 谁咒诅以色列人民必定被上帝咒诅 Whoever try to destroyed Israel will be destroyed 谁想毁灭以色列人民必定被毁灭
God made a promise that Abraham will be a blessing to many nations. 上帝应许亚伯拉罕会成为万国万民的祝福。
The nations need Israel. America needs Israel.
Israel the apple of God’s eye以色列是上帝眼中的童人(宝贝)
The flow of God’s blessingfrom上帝的祝福从 Abraham to Isaac to Jacob (Israel) 亚伯拉罕到以撒到雅各(以色列) Israel to 12 tribes (the nation of Israel) 以色列到十二支派 The nation of Israel is call Israel以色列成为族名和国名 Israel to David to Jesus 以色列到大伟到耶稣 Jesus to all Christians in the nations 耶稣到世上的 基督徒
All Christians are the spiritual descendants of Abraham. All Christians will receive the same promise of blessing to Father Abraham. 亚伯拉罕是基督徒属灵的祖宗,凡是基督徒都能得到亚伯拉罕的祝福
2 Cor林后 1:20(CUVMPS) 20神的应许不论有多少,在基督都是是的,所以借着他也都是实在[a]的,叫神因我们得荣耀。 For all the promises of God in Him (Jesus) areYes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
Christians are doing better in life than people of other faiths 基督徒在各方面都比 其他宗教的信徒生活好的多