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Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles. University of Colorado Boulder, CO Cory Dixon March 3, 2006. A Multidisciplinary Faculty (and students). Unmanned Systems Projects. NOC. Scenario 2: increase UAV mission range. AUGNet. Scenario 1: increase ground node connectivity.
Research and Engineering CenterforUnmanned Vehicles University of Colorado Boulder, CO Cory Dixon March 3, 2006 http://recuv.colorado.edu
A Multidisciplinary Faculty(and students) http://recuv.colorado.edu
Unmanned Systems Projects http://recuv.colorado.edu
NOC Scenario 2: increase UAV mission range. AUGNet Scenario 1: increase ground node connectivity. We call such communication anAUGNet: Ad hoc UAV Ground Network http://recuv.colorado.edu
AUGNet MNR The radome is 21 cm edge to edge or about 8.3 inches The motherboard is about 19 cm across or 7.7 inches http://recuv.colorado.edu
Batteries Not Included Antenna Adjustable 100 mW to 1 watt bidirectional amplifier GPS receiver Soekris Model 4511 100 MHz mother-board Orinoco PCMCIA 802.11b card http://recuv.colorado.edu
AUGNet Ares 5-hpEngine Fuel Tank Payload Bay with MNR http://recuv.colorado.edu
Ares, a Small UAV Ares Ares Silver Fox Source: United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, “Report on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Perspective: Effects, Capabilities, and Technologies, Vol. 1: Summary,” SAB-TR-03-01, Sept. 2003. http://recuv.colorado.edu
AUGnet Test Bed Table Mountain Field Site Table Mountain National Radio Quiet Zone 15km north of the University of Colorado http://recuv.colorado.edu
Fixed Site 2 Range Network Meshed Radio Network UAV Nodes Mobile Nodes Fixed Site 1 Table Mountain Field Site Test Bed Gateway and Test Range IP Router University of Colorado Remote Monitor Internet Monitor Server AUGNet Overview http://recuv.colorado.edu
. . FS2 FS2 . . 83 on & off 84 85 85 85 92 @ FS1 82 81 AUGNet Scenarios Disconnected Groups UAV-UAV . . Swarm http://recuv.colorado.edu
On the Range . . http://recuv.colorado.edu
Networked UAV C3 http://recuv.colorado.edu
Joint Design of C & C http://recuv.colorado.edu
Joint Design of Communication & Control • Control aircraft to maintain communication link between two nodes which may move randomly using only communication data http://recuv.colorado.edu
Cooperative Search and Tracking Image courtesy of MLB Co. http://recuv.colorado.edu
xb Proad yb zb ztrack ytrack xtrack Vision-Based Control http://recuv.colorado.edu
Cooperative Stereo Vision Wide-baseline Stereo Dynamic Control Networks http://recuv.colorado.edu
Sensor Flock for Plume Dispersion Modeling • Augments ground sensing with airborne in-situ sensors in the volume above a protected area • For (300 m)^3 resolution in a 20 km diameter by 2 km thick volume, would need 23,260 radiosonde sensors • If the plume occupies only 0.1% of this volume, would need only 23 sensors---if they could be located in the plume http://recuv.colorado.edu
MAVsControl and Cooperation Communication Corridor Base Station Micro IMU MAVs are globally attracted to loiter circles Allows higher level control to manage flock by moving loiter circle centers http://recuv.colorado.edu
STORM WILDFIRE POLAR PROPOSAL: Cooperative Mobile Sensing Systems Research Thrusts WILDFIRE addresses the sensing, communications, and safety needs to support fire-fighting operations and increase capabilities for modeling and prediction; POLARaddresses heterogeneous mixes of sensor-integrated unmanned vehicles for novel, in-situ data acquisition in volumes that range from beneath the ocean surface into the troposphere; STORM addresses the challenges of volumetric in-situ data acquisition in severe storms, from the ground into the cloud. http://recuv.colorado.edu
STORM WILDFIRE POLAR STORM • Science Needs • Thermodynamic and microphysical properties aloft in the rear-flank of supercell storms • 10-Year Goal: • Routine sampling of the thermodynamic and microphysical properties of the supercell rear flank region above ground • State of the Art • Balloon-borne soundings (generally unsuccessful) • Manned aircraft penetration (will not be repeated) • Attempts at thermodynamic retrieval from documentation of flow • Barriers • Horizontal and vertical wind shear and turbulence • Thermodynamic and microphysical observations tocomplement mobile Doppler radar • Vehicle survival in hazardous environment • Rapid deployment, i.e., ‘scrambling’ vehicles http://recuv.colorado.edu
STORM Unraveling Tornadogenesis UAVs sampling updraft region Mobile mesonet Mobile Doppler Radar Field Command Center http://recuv.colorado.edu
Paraglider Static Line Drop from Tubes Mounted on small UAV GPS, XBee Pro Radio, Pressure Sensor mounted on PCB Temperature sensor in vehicle nose cone Two separate power systems Avionics Vehicle Parafoil detached upon landing OVERVIEW & REQUIREMENTS Meteorological Aerial Research Sonde http://recuv.colorado.edu
OVERVIEW & REQUIREMENTS External Pod Mounts http://recuv.colorado.edu
OVERVIEW & REQUIREMENTS Operations Overview Table Mountain Radio Quiet Zone Picture from Reference 1 http://recuv.colorado.edu
Summary • 4 Departments, 23 Faculty, 15+ Students • 2003-Current Funded Programs Summary • AUGNet, 7/2003-11/2004 • Sensor Flock, 1/2005-12/2008 • UAV C3 Stage 1: 1/2005-5/2005 • Pending Major Proposals • 4 NSF Polar Programs and Sensors • MEMS CO2 sensor • Sensor Networks • AFOSR, ONR • Graduate Curriculum Initiative • Front-Range Workshop, Summer 2005 http://recuv.colorado.edu