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WHAT IS VSE CORPORATION’S QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM?. This training aid gives you an overview of the VSE Quality Management System and how it pertains to you. To advance each slide, wait until the advance button appears and then left mouse click once on the button.
WHAT IS VSE CORPORATION’SQUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM? • This training aid gives you an overview of the VSE Quality Management System and how it pertains to you. • To advance each slide, wait until the advance button appears and then left mouse click once on the button.
In the beginning there was aplan and it was good.
Thus the beginning of VSE Corporation’s Quality Management System
The Quality Management System was instituted to ensure product and service quality to our customers.
Mission Statement: VSE Corporation – Our systems help people to succeed “VSE Corporation helps organizations succeed through the effective use of people, systems, and technology.In helping others succeed, we increase shareholder value by capturing new work, delighting our customers, increasing our technical competence, and building great industry teammates. Our reputation for success, and our quality management system, are based on honesty and integrity in everything we do; on communications, on teamwork and leadership; and on an enduring commitment to help our customers, employees, and teaming partners succeed with cost effective solutions, continuous learning, and process improvement.”
QualityObjectives: A. Continuously improve the Quality Management System through employee involvement and process improvement B. Provide quality products and services that meet all of our customer requirements, needs, and expectations at a fair price
The Quality Management System (QMS) is broken down and Organized into Seven Core Business Processes: Proposal Process – 1.0 Contract Review Process – 2.0 Project Planning Process – 3.0 Project Execution Process – 4.0 Verification and Validation Process – 5.0 Product Delivery Process – 6.0 Quality System Process – 7.0
PROPOSAL PROCESS – 1.0 Market Worldwide VSE Corporation customers are primarily agencies of the U.S. Government and Government prime contractors while principal international customers are the naval forces of countries allied with the United States. As a result, VSE markets our complete range of engineering, technical/logistics support, information technology, advanced technology, management services, system management, program management, systems engineering, and integrated logistic support to a worldwide market by responding to request for technical proposals. Prepare RFQ/Proposal and identify Product/Service Requirements As a result of marketing efforts VSE Corporation may be required to respond to requests for quotes for potential work. VSE reviews all requests for quotes prior to submission to ensure the proper resources such as equipment: personnel, facilities and knowledge are available to accomplish the project and to satisfy the customer requirements.This pre-solicitation review is accomplished in accordance with corporate procedure CPP-100. this process includes review and determination of: Specific customer requirements, including delivery, andany post-delivery actions. Specific non-customer requirements, base on engineering or technical knowledge of the end item or service function. Specific statutory and regulatory requirements the relate to the product or service, and specific internal requirements to ensure the successful completion of the project.
PROPOSAL PROCESS – 1.0 Market Worldwide CGPM-15 (FROM 6.0) CPP-100 Prepare RFQ/Proposal and Submit NO YES Contract Awarded (TO 2.0)
CONTRACT REVIEW PROCESS – 2.0 Review Contract and Review Product/Service Requirements VSE Corporation ensures that all requirements received from the customer are fully understood and that capability exists to meet all aspects of the customer’s requirements. Contracts are reviewed prior to acceptance through a documented process described by procedure CPP-106. The review verifies that: • The requirements are adequately defined and documented. • Any requirements differing from the proposal are identified and resolved. • Capability is maintained to meet contract requirements. Quality records of contract reviews are maintained. Prior to acceptance, customer requirements must be clearly understood. When customer requirements are not clearly defined or provided, it is VSE’s responsibility to conform the required requirements. Contract modifications are also reviewed and approved in accordance with CPP-106, para. 4.2. Upon acceptance of contract modifications, all affected functions are advised of the impact.
CONTRACT REVIEW PROCESS – 2.0 CPP-106 CPP-106 Review Contracts Identify Product/Service Requirements Review Product/Service Requirements CPP-106 (TO 3.0)
PROJECT PLANNING PROCESS - 3.0 Implement Design Controls VSE Corporation through our quality management system provides the required processes to plan and control the design and development of products in accordance with QMP-106, para. 4.6. Components of the design process includes: • Maintained procedures to identify, document, review and approve all changes andmodifications of designs. Design plans are updated as the design evolves throughout the entire process. Interfaces between different design functions or groups are defined and information flows are prescribed to ensure effective communication of purpose • Conduct of design reviews to formally verify and ensure achievement of design requirements. Where VSE is fully responsible for design, designs are validated to ensure fitness for the intended application as defined by the customer requirements. • Creation of design plans to identify the responsibility of each design and development activity. Activities are assigned to qualified staff equipped with adequate resources.
Create Project Planning Documentation VSE Corporation utilizes the appropriate controlled conditions to produce product and provide engineering services. These controlled conditions are cited in our planning documents such as Project Plans and Quality Plans. These planning documents ensure that: • appropriate data and information are available to employees that clearly describes the customer requirements and product/service characteristics • appropriate guidance documentation is available to employees in order to accomplish their project assignments • appropriate and safe equipment is available for employee use • appropriate and calibrated inspection, measuring and test equipment (IM&TE) is available for employee use • appropriate monitoring techniques have been identified • appropriate inspection and shipping activities have been identified and communicated to all employees involved
Create Quality Planning Requirements The Quality Objectives are corporate level requirements for quality. The Quality Objectives are consistent with our Quality Policy and require measurement on a constant basis to monitor the achievement of performance goals. However the stated Quality Objectives themselves are reviewed by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) and revised, as required. Division Managers and Staff Directors are responsible for communicating Quality Objectives and goals to their employees. Manage Customer Related Processes VSE Corporation strives to provide our customers the highest quality products and services. In order to accomplish this objective project personnel develop a working relationship with our customers in order to better understand their needs and expectations. Managers communicate with their customers on a regular basis throughout the life of the project. Prior to the start of any project, project management is responsible for informing the customer(s) of established communication channels. Information and feedback obtained during the communication phase include items such as: • Information and data on the product or services being provided • Contract or project administration information such as modifications, change of scope, or delivery data
c. Customer concerns which are handled in accordance with QMP-104 Responsibilities for customer communications are to be defined and documented in the Project Plan/Quality Plan. Customer communication records are to be listed on a Quality Record Matrix (QMF-048) and maintained throughout the life of each project. Provide Necessary Resources Division Managers and Staff VPs are responsible for providing the necessary resources to successfully: • Implement and maintain the QMS while continually improving its effectiveness • Enhance customer satisfaction by meeting or exceeding task (customer) requirements Resources required to accomplish this mission may include people, subcontractors and vendors, information, computers, office furniture or space, or financial investments. Organization of resources are handled in accordance with QMP-105.
Managers are required to provide and maintain the appropriate infrastructure required to support the successful completion of customer task in accordance with stated requirements. Infrastructure includes, as applicable: facilities, office and shop space, utilities, hardware equipment, software equipment, and supporting services such as accounting, communications and transportation. Infrastructure support services are defined in section 4.4 of QMP-105 Qualify/Train Workforce Division Managers and Staff VPs are responsible for ensuring that all personnel performing work affecting the quality of delivered products and/or services are appropriately qualified based on documented education, training, experience, and proven competency.
PROJECT PLANNING PROCESS - 3.0 QMP-K001 QMP-105 (FROM 2.0) Create Project Planning Requirements (7.2.1) A Provide Necessary Resources (6.1,6.3,6.4) Create Quality Planning/QC Requirements (7.1/5.4) Qualify?Train Workforce (6.2) CPI NO QMP-109 QMP-106 Design Required? QMP-129 GPM-24 Manage Customer Related Processes (7.2) GPM-42 YES Implement Design Controls (7.3) CPI QMP-104 QMP-118
PROJECT PLANNING PROCESS - 3.0 (CONT) Plan Purchasing Controls VSE Corporation ensures that products and services obtained from suppliers and subcontractors conform to specified requirements, in accordance with CPP-101 and GPM-23. The selection of suppliers and the nature and extent of control and verification are related to the type of material or services being procured and their effect on the final deliverable product or service. Quality and Select Suppliers Unless contract directed, subcontractors are assessed and selected based on their ability to meet requirements including quality system and quality assurance requirements. To become an approved subcontractor, a candidate must be evaluated for capability. Evaluation and performance assessment records are to be maintained. Criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation are defined by CPP-102 and CPP-103. Customer Property All customer-supplied property is to be identified, verified, protected and safeguarded in accordance with GPM-40, CCP-104 and CPP-105
PROJECT PLANNING PROCESS - 3.0 (CONT) GPM-23 CPP-101 Plan Purchasing Controls (If Required) (7.4) CPI Qualify?Select Suppliers (7.4.1) CPP-102 CPP-103 Control Customer Property (7.5.4) CPP-104 CGPM-2600 CPP-105 (TO 4.0)
PROJECT EXECUTION PROCESS - 4.0 Maintain Product ID/Traceability When required, product/service identification and/or traceability are to be conducted in accordance with QMP-122 Execute Project Planning Ongoing execution of the project plan is managed in accordance with QMP-K001, in addition to any other contract or customer documented requirements. Execution includes, but is not limited to financial management, management of technical efforts, and/or resource management. Various project results are discussed between project personnel and top management on a continuous monthly basis as a system of problem avoidance. Validate Special Processes Most of VSE Corporations processes produce products/services that can be directly monitored or inspected and measured to ensure compliance with customer requirements. Those products/services that cannot be directly monitored or measured would require the creation of “Special Processes”. Use of “Special Processes” is an additional requirement and is to be clearly identified in the project planning documentation in accordance with QMP-K001, Section 4.6.
Conduct Travel During the course of providing products and services local and long distance travel may be required. Travel policy and guidelines are described in GPM-82 Provide Safe Working Conditions and Comply with Hazard Conditions Managers are required to provide and maintain the appropriate work environment required to support the successful completion of customer tasks in accordance with stated requirements. Work environment includes, as applicable: safety equipment, safety program (in accordance with HES-001, as required), and facilities with clean work places. ON-Site - Work environments such as shipyards or military bases may call for special requirements dealing with hazardous materials, security or other issues. On-site managers are responsible for identifying and adhering to all site-specific requirements. Procure Material and Service Purchasing documents (forms PUR-1/E, PUR-102/E, or PURIDIOM) clearly describe the products/services ordered, including where applicable: a) requirements required for product/service approval, procedures, processes and equipment b) requirements for qualification of personnel, and c) quality management system requirements. Purchase documents are reviewed and approved, in accordance with GPM-23, prior to release to the vendor/supplier by the appropriate personnel.
Verify Product/Service Purchased products/services are inspected upon receipt in accordance with QMP-115. As required, customer representatives may verify conformance to requirements as specified in the purchase order. When contractually required, VSE arranges for the customer or customers representative to conduct verification of purchased products, to include all products supplied by subcontractors. Monitor/Measure Process Conformance VSE Corporation monitors key characteristics of our core quality processes in order to validate the ability of these processes to achieve planned performance levels. Performance related measures (key performance measures – KPMs) are utilized as a means to measure how well our quality processes (and products) support the corporate policy and quality objectives. These KPMs are obtained as a result of quality activities such as internal audits, corrective and preventive actions, performance evaluation reviews, customer concerns and customer satisfaction surveys (ref. QMP-114).
PROJECT EXECUTION PROCESS - 4.0 (FROM 3.0) QMP-122 QMP-K001 (FROM 5.0) Purchasing Required Maintain Product ID And/or Trace Ability if required (7.5.3) Execute Project IAW Planning Documents NO GPM-23 YES CPP-101 CPI QMP-K001 GPM-82 Procure Product(s) and Service(s) (7.4) Validate Special Process, if required (7.5.2) Conduct Travel As required Monitor/Measure Product/Service Conformance (8.2.3/8.2.4) GPM-23 Review Purchase Documents (7.4.2) (TO 5.0) HES-001 HES-001 C A Provide Safe Working Condition (6.4) Comply with Hazard Communication Requirements Verify Purchased Product/Service (7.4.3) Produce Product or Perform Service QMP-115 CPP-101
VERIFICATION / VALIDATION PROCESS - 5.0 Verify Product or Service Upon completion of the product or service, personnel are required to verify that the customer requirements have been met. This verification (or inspection) is handled in accordance with QMP-115. Control Nonconformity VSE Corporation ensures that a product that does not conform to specified requirements is prevented from unintended use or delivery. Control will provide for identification, documentation, evaluation, segregation (when practical), disposition and notification of areas affected. Nonconforming product is controlled in accordance with QMP-113. Nonconforming product may be: • reworked to meet specified requirements (i.e. eliminate the nonconformity), according to documented repair/rework procedures. The proposed use or repair of nonconforming product is documented and reported to the customer. Repaired and/or reworked product is re-inspected and the results documented. • accepted with or without repair, by concession, provided customer authorization is obtained. Material shipped under a customer-authorized concession is properly identified and documented per customer requirements. The description of the nonconforming product accepted by the customer, including any repairs, is documented to denote its actual condition.
re-graded for alternative applications or rejected or scrapped. • detected after delivery or use by customer. Regardless of timing, nonconforming product requires appropriate disposition and re-inspection as required. Control IM&TE Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IM&TE) is controlled, calibrated and maintained in accordance with QMP-124.
VERIFICATION / VALIDATION PROCESS - 5.0 QMP-113 Control Nonconformity (8.3) (FROM 4.0) CPI FAIL QMP-115 Pass or Fail? Verify Product or Service (FROM 4.0) PASS Control IM&TE (7.6) (TO 6.0) QMP-124
PRODUCT DELIVERY PROCESS – 6.0 Preserve Product Products are controlled through handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery in such a manner that product integrity is maintained in accordance with QMP-125 or QMP-126. Deliver Product to Customer Provide appropriate safeguards and transportation to deliver any required products to the customer site in accordance with QMP-125. Close Out Project The final phase of any project is to complete any tasks related to closing the project. Final closure of a project may include: * Completing form CA-6 to close out any electronic data files. * Redistributing personnel, if required. * Returning any unused or excess customer property. * Convening a “Lessons Learned” meeting of the project team to capture any relevant data or information.
PRODUCT DELIVERY PROCESS – 6.0 (FROM 5.0) Preserve Product (7.5.5) Deliver Product/Service to Customer Close Out Project QMP-126 QMP-125 (TO 1.0)
QUALITY SYSTEM PROCESS – 7.0 Gather Data VSE Corporation maintains a planned and implemented system to monitor, measure, analyze and improve business and quality related processes in order to continually provide customers with high quality products and services. This is accomplished through monthly operational manager's performance reviews. This system provides information needed to: a. ensure individual product and service requirements are met b. ensure that internal QMS requirements are being fulfilled c. that the QMS is being utilized in the most effective manner possible Methods used to determine compliance are to be monthly operational performance meetings to ensure set business goals are being met. These meetings discuss business goals such as: revenue, profit, unbilled amounts, accounts receivable, CA-30 amounts, and overhead costs. Utilize appropriate graphs and data. Manage QMS The executive management of VSE implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) that is monitored to ensure its effectiveness is continuously improved through process development. The QMS is maintained in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and other statutory or regulatory requirements, as required. Top management is committed to the development, implementation and the continual improvement of our Quality Management System.
Evidence of this commitment is provided based on our: - established and documented Quality Policy, - defined Quality Objectives, - communicated customer requirements, - periodic Management Reviews, and - continuous availability of qualified resources Internal Audit VSE Corporation plans and implements internal quality audits at planned intervals to verify and assess the operation and effectiveness of our quality management system and to ensure compliance with ISO 9001:2008. Internal audits are planned, conducted and documented in accordance with QMP-107. Customer Satisfaction VSE Corporation gathers and monitors information pertaining to the level of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction information and data is compiled and analyzed in accordance with QMP-103. In addition, customer dissatisfaction information and data is reviewed in accordance with QMP-104.
Training Effectiveness In order for employees to provide quality products and services that meet customer requirements, they must be properly trained and educated, in accordance with QMP-129. Managers are responsible to ensure that each employee is properly prepared to meet the challenges of the tasks they are assigned. In order to accomplish this objective the following resources are required: a) Competency Evaluation: Employees are to be deemed competent in the tasks they are assigned prior to start of work. Records are to be maintained. b) Education and Training: Employees are to receive the required education and training necessary to perform the tasks assigned them. Records are to be maintained. c) Performance Assessment: An assessment of training needs and effectiveness is conducted for each existing employee on an annual basis in accordance with GPM-42. New hires are initially assessed in accordance with GPM-24. Records are to be maintained. d) QMS Awareness: Ensure that employees are fully aware the tasks they perform directly help to achieve the quality objectives set forth by VSE. This can be accomplished by any appropriate means, such as: e-mail, all-hands meeting, local newsletter, or verbal discussions
Analyze Data and Measure Policy/Objectives As a means to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of our Quality Management System (QMS) VSE Corporation collects and analyzes various Key Performance Measures (KPMs) in addition to other quality data to help evaluate QMS improvements in the areas of: • customer satisfaction, • conformity to product/service requirements, • ability of suppliers, • general process control, and • preventive action This data is utilized to detect performance trends, identify possible preventive actions and improve the QMS in accordance with QMP-114. Conduct Management Reviews The Management Representative will facilitate a review of the QMS to ensure the system’s continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in accordance with QMP-108. This review assesses opportunities for improvement, the need for changes in the system, and the continued validity of the quality policy and established objectives. The Management Representative is responsible for maintaining appropriate records.
The corporate Vice President of Quality shall perform the duties of the QMS Management Representative. The Management Representative is granted the responsibility and authority to fulfill the following duties: a. Establish, implement and maintain all processes within the Quality Management System (QMS). b. Report to the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) on the current performance of the QMS. During the review phase, present suggested changes for improvements to the QMS. c. Promote awareness of customer requirements throughout the corporation. Perform Process Improvements VSE Corporation constantly strives to improve our current processes to better serve our customer’s requirements. This continual process improvement cycle generates improvements through the use of employee suggestions, internal audit results, adherence to our quality policy and objectives, and our management review sessions. Planning and management of the continuous improvement process will be in accordance with QMP-114. Update/Control QMS Documentation This quality manual QM-2000 defines our Quality Management System (QMS). This manual includes our Quality Policy, Objectives, and reference to our corporate level procedures.
Procedures, associated work instructions, forms, attachments, GPMs, and CGPMs are designed to meet the business requirements of VSE and the ISO 9001:2008 standard. These documents are maintained in a controlled electronic format in accordance with, and are made readily available to management and employees for their use, as needed. QMS document numbers and titles are referenced in appropriate sections of this quality manual. QMS documentation is protected via electronic back-up in accordance with CGPM-1900. Records required by this standard are listed in procedures and/or work instructions.
QUALITY SYSTEM PROCESS – 7.0 QMP-108 QMP-112 QMP-111 Conduct Management Reviews (5.6,5.5.2/3) Perform Continuous Process Improvements (8.5) CGPM-1900 Measure/Review Corporate Objective & Policy (8.4) Control/Update QMS Documentation (4.2) QMP-100 QMP-102 QMP-114 QMP-109 Analyze Data (8.4) QMP-110 Gather Data (8.1) QMP-114 Manage QMS (5.1 thru 5.3) CGPM-1 QMP-107 Internal Audits (8.2.2) QMP-104 Custom Satisfaction (8.2.1) QMP-103 GPM-24 Training Effectiveness QMP-129 GPM-42
All information on this presentation was derived from Quality Manual QM-2000, and the Process Mapping Tree (PMT). Current versions can be found on the VSE Intranet House of Quality web site: http://vse.vsecorp.com/QMS/Default.htm Any questions or comments please direct them to the Vice President of Quality: Robert Rouzer Huntington 703-329-3240 rwrouzer@vsecorp.com