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Our objective today: The What, Why and How of Electronic Records Retention. Introduction: Basic principles of records retentionEER: A truly historic opportunity for records managementThe role of EER in enhanced data storage and life cycle managementThe business case for ERRERR in desktop computi
1. Electronic Records Retention: Enterprise Strategies Presented by: David O. Stephens, CRM, FAI
To the: Nebraska Chapter ARMA International
April 19, 2006
2. Our objective today: The What, Why and How of Electronic Records Retention Introduction: Basic principles of records retention
EER: A truly historic opportunity for records management
The role of EER in enhanced data storage and life cycle management
The business case for ERR
ERR in desktop computing environments
ERR in IT-managed production applications
3. ERR Defined . . . . . . The act of retaining computer-based records in digital format for specified, pre-determined periods of time, commensurate with their value, with subsequent disposal or permanent preservation as a matter of official organizational policy.
Or, in plain English, getting rid of dead data as soon as it dies!
4. Introduction Few organizations do records retention well.
Still fewer do ERR well, or indeed at all!
Lets introduce the subject of ERR by making some brief comments about records retention in general.
5. Common mistakes in retention Retention schedules poorly developed too general or too detailed.
Inadequate coverage for electronic records.
Inadequate implementation strategy.
6. The goal: 80 to 90% perfect! Records retention is never perfect!!!
Some employees will always circumvent whatever policy or guidelines are in place.
But 80 to 90% perfect is a big success!
7. Getting to (nearly) perfect in enterprise records retention Clear, comprehensive policies and schedules
Aggressive purge day strategies
Employee / departmental compliance requirements with penalties for non-compliance
Retention audits by corporate compliance officer
8. Enterprise retention strategies must be successful in five recordkeeping environments 1. Active paper records at departmental workstations
2. Inactive paper records in storage facilities
3. Personal working papers kept in desks, credenzas and bookcases
4. Data in computer applications managed by IT
5. Electronic records in desktops,controlled by their creators
9. Basic questions concerning data life cycle management What happens to computer data as it ages?
Does the value of data increase or decrease as time passes?
Do storage management requirements change as data ages through its life cycle?
In the world of paper, these are questions that records managers have addressed for decades!
But not in the world of IT, where retention has not been widely practiced.
10. ERR: Its in the embryonic stage! According to one study, 47% of the respondents reported that electronic records have not been specifically included in their organizations retention schedules.
Another study: 81% of the respondents reported that rules for automatic purging of data, under authority of retention schedules, have not been incorporated into their organizations computer applications.
11. ERR: A truly historic opportunity for RM As it is practiced in the USA, records retention is, by far, the most important component of RM.
And ERR is, arguably, the single most important issue in RM today.
12. The ten most important issues in RM today (in my opinion): The role of RM in improving business performance by adding value to business processes
Sarbanes-Oxley and the role of RM in corporate governance: demonstrating the integrity of records and recordkeeping systems
The role of RM in transitioning to a (nearly) all-digital recordkeeping environment
ISO 15489, benchmarking and best global practices for RM
The impact of September 11th and RMs role in enhancing information protection and security
13. In my opinion . . . The ten most important issues in RM today: 6. RMs role in enhancing the enterprise accessibility of information
7. Implementing best practices for records retention: Getting to (nearly) perfect in in the five major recordkeeping environments
8. Bringing data life cycle to the desktop and to system applications through retention strategies
9. RMs role in the improved management of e-mail
10. The role of RM in long-term data retention / digital preservation
14. ERR is related, either directly or indirectly, to nearly all these issues! ERR is key to the future of RM.
If RM can do ERR, it will be relevant to what organizations want and need from this professional discipline.
15. ERR: Its required for advanced professional practice in RM! If records managers presume to operate enterprise records retention programs at an advanced level of professional practice, they must:
Bring records retention to every desktop in the organization
Bring records retention to every IT-managed production application that requires it.
16. ERR: The two key components 1. A policy prescribing how long electronic records must be retained, usually referred to as a records retention schedule.
2. Strategies and tools for implementing that policy, in two major computing environments: at the desktop and for IT-managed production applications.
17. And, separate methodologies are required for data of temporary and permanent values Ultimately, every byte of data will be either deleted or otherwise rendered unprocessible, or it will be retained, sometimes indefinitely or for extended periods of time.
Retention strategies are required for both sets of disposition actions.
18. Selling ERR must be based on a viable business case Given the fact that ERR has not been widely practiced, if it is to be done, it must be sold.
So, is there a viable business case for ERR, and, if so, how compelling is it?
19. Both sides of the business case First, we will first look at why ERR has not been widely practiced and the factors militating against a compelling business case.
Then, we will look at the logic of ERR and why its in an organizations best interest.
20. If getting rid of dead data is such a good idea, why hasnt it been widely practiced??? A largely invisible problem no physical / visible manifestations.
In some situations, its cheaper to retain than purge.
For decades, IT had carte blanche to buy all the storage they wanted no questions asked!
No strong advocate among key stakeholder groups.
21. None of the key stakeholders in business computing strongly advocated ERR, so it didnt happen! IT departments Data retention not a priority; no methodology or expertise.
Vendors Driven by customer priorities. Data retention not historically an issue. But this is changing!
Data owners Usually content to take whatever data they can get.
22. The business case for ERR is weak if the following four circumstances are present: 1. The growth of data is modest and the budget for storage is stable.
2. Data retention needs do not exceed the life of the system.
3. Data retention does not pose a performance problem for the system or accessibility problems for the users.
4. Ongoing retention does not pose a legal risk to the organization.
23. The biggest perceived weakness in the business case: Media capacity and the cost of storage With media capacity increasing at 60% per year and the cost-per-megabyte declining at 35% per year, it is often assumed that there is no viable business case for ERR.
But . . . this view neglects the explosive growth of data and increases in the total cost of data ownership!
24. The total cost of data ownership The total cost of data ownership is unknown or poorly understood in most organizations.
The fundamental problem: The total cost of data ownership continues to rise, even while media costs continue to decline.
As weve noted, increasing media capacity and declining cost per MB leads many IT specialists to conclude, erroneously, that there is no viable business case for ERR.
Actually, what is happening is that these two trends create a virtually unlimited demand for, and consumption of, data storage!
25. The growth of data: The traditional IT response Buy a bigger electronic warehouse; that is, purchase additional storage capacity.
This is counter-productive, because additional storage hardware requires additional staff support (which is the biggest component of storage costs), as well as other resources to administer the storage function.
26. The logic of the business case: Five key factors 1. How much does it cost to store and maintain all the computer data in the organization? When building the business case, the total cost of data storage and maintenance must include the cost of administering the data over its entire life cycle, not just the cost of the storage media on which the data resides.
2. How much of the current volume of stored data is useless; that is, it is inactive and is no longer needed for any purpose?
3. What would be the cost and benefits of disposing of all such data? On the other hand, what will be the costs, risks and benefits of not doing so?
27. The logic of the business case: Five key factors 4. What has been the rate of growth in stored data in recent years, and what growth rates are forecast in the foreseeable future? How will this growth affect the overall data storage situation, including the additional costs that must be borne?
5. To the extent that data storage is being currently under-managed or even mismanaged, how could the systematic disposal of useless data contribute to better overall storage management? What costs and benefits would be quantifiable as a result of this?
28. Key trends in data storage As weve noted, storage capacity is growing at over 60% per year while performance improves at less than 10% per year.
Average annual storage demand rates for all platforms is 50 to 60%.
The value and criticality of data is increasing exponentially while the percentage of data that is actually managed is declining.
29. Key trends in data storage Storage device capacity is growing more than 10 times faster than device performance.
Storage is growing faster than disks are getting cheaper.
More data is being accumulated for longer periods of time without effective management of its life cycle.
SOURCE: Computer Technology Review.
30. The explosive and unprecedented growth in data storage Hard disk drive capacity and server capacity are doubling each year.
SOURCE: How Much Information study, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2003.
Relational databases are growing at the rate of 125% each year.
31. Why the unprecedented growth of data??? Accelerated digitization of business processes throughout the enterprise.
Greater capacity of data storage systems (60+ percent annual growth).
Corresponding declining cost / megabyte (declining at 30 to 40% annually)
Ten years ago, the cost / MB was approx. $15; today, its just a few cents!
32. The explosive and unprecedented growth in data storage Annual storage growth
rates are expected to
range from 60% to over
100% annually for the
next five years.
Generally, the quantity of
stored data doubles every 2
to 3 years.
Source: Computer
Technology Review
33. The explosive and unprecedented growth in data storage The META Group forecasts data increases of a hundred fold within the next five years.
The total expenditures necessary to accommodate this growth will escalate more than ten fold during the next five years.
Over the next five years, given a six-fold decrease in price per terabyte and a hundred-fold increase in the quantity of data to be stored, a thirteen-fold increase can be expected in total data management costs.
34. The explosive and unprecedented growth in data storage The total cost of managed storage now rivals or exceeds the investment in systems and servers, and often accounts for 50% or more of total IT spending.
Data storage costs will rise to three-quarters of all IT spending over the next few years.
Source: Storage Inc.
35. Simple formulae for calculating the cost of data ownership For every dollar spent on acquiring storage hardware, another $5 to $7 will be required to operate the devices over their service lives.
For every $1 per MB spent on disk storage, the total spent to manage that storage ranges from $3 to $8 per MB per year.
The cost of managing storage hardware ranges from 2 to 10 times the cost of its acquisition.
SOURCE: These metrics were gleaned from various computer journals.
36. The cost-avoidance impact of ERR: Buying a new disk drive Cost of acquisition - $10,000.
Annual cost of operation - $3 to $8 for every dollar spent on the hardware.
Average service life 5 years
Total cost - $250,000
Cost if this device was not needed / never acquired - $ZERO!!!
37. Cost-avoidance resulting from better allocation of storage resources A company has 24 terabytes of data residing on its high-end storage array, but only 17 TBs require very high performance and availability.
Thus, the company migrates the 7 TBs to near-line servers, which cost one-fourth the price of high-end storage.
Re-deployment of this 7 TBs costs $140k, but frees $560k of high-end storage for re-use, for an immediate net payback of $420k an effective ROI of 200%.
SOURCE: SMS. 2003.
38. The business case for ERR: Conclusions The case is viable and based on sound logic.
However, ERR doesnt sufficiently affect competitive position or quality of service to rise to a priority issue for IT.
In other words, its in the realm of a good idea nice to do rather than have to do!
39. ERR and data life cycle management Theres never been a better time than now for information lifecycle management, because the growth of information propelled by business continuity, compliance, and the proliferation of unstructured content such as rich media and e-mail is far outpacing the growth of IT budgets. ILM helps companies around the world deal with this growth while lowering the overall cost of data ownership.
Joe Tucci, CEO, EMC
40. ERRs contribution to better data life cycle management Identification of data aging rates, access requirements, protection levels, and data values and how they change over time.
Development of data retention and storage policies and procedures, prescribing where data should be stored in the several stages of its life cycle.
Automatic, policy-based migration of aging data onto optimum storage platforms.
Purging of expired data as per the retention policy.
41. The four stages in the life cycle of data Active stage Typically lasts for 30 days and requires high-performance disk storage.
Reference stage Typically lasts for 60 days and usually requires disk and automated tape storage.
Archival stage Frequently lasts up to 7 years and sometimes longer. Storage solutions include non-automated tape and the newer ATA disks.
Delete / destroy stage The end of the data life cycle.
42. Probability of data access by stage of life cycle Active stage: >.5
Reference stage: >.1
Archival stage: <.01
Delete / destroy stage: <.001
SOURCE: Computer Technology Review, 2003.
43. The major driver for ERR Unrestrained retention of electronic records poses an unacceptable risk for many organizations.
This risk is greatest for the desktop and email; less so for production applications.
44. The biggest risk of unrestrained retention: The desktop! While undefined / indefinite retention of data residing in IT-managed production applications poses some degree of risk and often has adverse storage or other consequences, the single biggest ERR challenge is the desktop!
The desktop is an RM basket case!
45. Needed: Desktop Records Management for Dummies There are approximately 100 million office desktop users in the USA.
Very few of them are furnished with good guidance concerning how to manage and retain these records.
This is, arguably, the single greatest failure in RM today!
But . . the desktop is where over half of all digital content resides!
46. Bringing RM and retention to the desktop Electronic records management will be successfully implemented at the desktop level when every desktop user will be routinely declaring records on a daily basis, as a part of their everyday business processes. All declared records will have a correctly assigned classification code, with a 95% or higher accuracy rate. And the disposition of all declared e-records will be governed under approved retention rules that are fully compliant with regulatory requirements. And finally, the volume of stored e-docs will be shrinking rather than growing, because large scale, accountable destruction will be occurring routinely.
Bruce Miller, IBM
47. A specious argument: Bringing ERR to the desktop is not feasible Another way to increase storage capacity is for IT administrators to demand that users themselves clear out their older files from the system (with the added threat that files over a certain age will be automatically deleted from the system if users take no action). This is clearly ludicrous. The cost to a business to (a) spend considerable amounts of time reviewing all their data . . .
Source: Document World
48. A specious argument: Bringing ERR to the desktop is not feasible (contd) . . . and then (b) to have to make decisions about the potential value of data and act accordingly is inestimable. Users will always believe they use their data more often than they do. What is really needed is a method of automatically moving older, less frequently used data from high performance disk drives attached to the server, to less expensive secondary storage devices.
Source: Document World
49. Bringing ERR to the desktop: Six basic principles 1. Responsibility for retention rests with individual desktop users.
2. Retention should be content-driven / records series related (users are required to comply with the retention schedules).
50. Bringing ERR to the desktop: Six basic principles 4. Users may dispose of all desktop documents of unofficial character at their discretion (provided they do not exceed the retention requirement for official documents.)
5. Most desktop documents are of relatively short-term value. Consider a default retention of 2 years.
51. Bringing ERR to the desktop: Six basic principles 6. Desktop Purge Day are strongly recommended as the single most effective step in retention implementation.
Labor requirements: Between 4 and 16 hours per user per year, exclusive of email.
52. Users Guide to Managing Electronic Records at the Desktop Level Bringing Professional Records Management to the Desktop
Filing Records Created by Desktop Applications
Protecting Records Created by Desktop Applications
General Retention Policies for Electronic Records
Retention of Records Created by Desktop Applications
Responsibilities for Disposing of Electronic Records
Records Management Practices for Email
Saving E-mail
Deleting E-mail
Using AutoArchive to Save and Delete Messages
53. Bringing ERR to IT-managed System Applications: Six Steps 1. Obtain cooperation / participation of IT
2. Collect summary data describing system applications
3. Solicit data via questionnaire
4. Interview applications developers and data owners
5. Integrate data retention requirements into enterprise schedules
6. Implement application retention requirements under a new IT policy for data retention
54. Step 1: Obtain cooperation / participation of IT department Retention Schedule development 3 to 9 month project
Retention implementation Integrate data purge functionality into application environments
A multi-year project
55. Step 2 Collect summary data describing system applications You need:
A general description of all system applications IT is running, usually contained in an Applications Portfolio, Systems Directory.
A list of data owners and applications developers.
56. Step 2 Summary data describing system applications (Sample) System name: Personnel Information Management System
Business function: Comprehensive data about the employment history / current status of individual employees.
Data owner: Jane Smith
Applications developer: John Doe
Platform: UNIX
Applications software: PeopleSoft
Database: Oracle
Disk size / space: 32 GB
57. Certain applications may be disregarded as non-schedulable Schedule real business records in system applications.
Applications containing pass thru data (data feeds, system interface) are not usually scheduled since they are not, themselves, repositories of retained business records.
Schedule the lakes and ponds, not the rivers and streams!
58. Solicit data via questionnaire: Six key questions 1. Briefly describe the business process or function performed by this application.
2. Has any provision been made to "flag" or identify inactive data in the application?
3. What data retention practices are currently in place for this application, if any?
4. Is any inactive data routinely archived or otherwise deleted or "purged" from this application?
59. Solicit data via questionnaire: Six key questions 5. If yes, describe the functionality for purging inactive data and indicate when this occurs. For example, can the software effectuate a system-wide purge of expired data based on specified, pre-defined retention criteria, or can it only accomplish manual deletions of individual data records?
6. Please share any opinions concerning how long you believe inactive data from this application should be retained for operational or business purposes, and elaborate on the reason(s) justifying these opinions.
60. Step 4 Interview applications developers and data owners: Four key issues (1) Validate the data contained on the survey forms for each application;
(2)Define the electronic records series the schedulable bodies of data contained in each application;
(3)Define the retention values of each electronic records series and to make preliminary retention decisions for each of the;
(4) Discuss strategies and functionality for implementing the retention periods.
61. Step 5 Integrate data retention requirements into enterprise schedules:Three format options (1) Media specific (separate schedules for paper and electronic)
(2) Media independent (one schedule that doesnt distinguish between media types)
(3) Multimedia (one schedule but separate, specific guidance for redundant data on multiple media)
62. Step 6 A new IT policy for data retention implementation For most organizations, the only feasible strategy for incorporating purge functionality into all applications software requiring it to adopt a new IT policy requiring that such functionality be incorporated either at the time of initial systems design or at the time of the next technology upgrade.
63. Step 6 A new IT policy for data retention implementation This policy is designed to make all applications retention-capable within three to five years.
This would be a huge victory for ERR!!!