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IPUMS-International: High-Precision Census Samples Collaboratory

Leading global collaboratory integrating high-precision census samples, dynamic metadata, impacting teaching and research. Access data cross-nationally and chronologically.

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IPUMS-International: High-Precision Census Samples Collaboratory

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  1. Free data IPUMS-International: high precision, household census samples integrated cross-nationally and chronologicallywww.ipums.org/international* * *Robert McCaaProfessor Emeritus of Population History, University of Minnesotarmccaa@umn.edufor additional details, please see:www.hist.umn.edu/~rmccaa/ipums-global

  2. Outline • IPUMS-International: a global collaboratory, 1999- 5 slides • UK: Users, Usage, SARs, and a plan 2 • 62 countries, 185 samples plus 20-25 annually 3 • Integrated census microdata and metadata • Dynamic metadata 5 • Impact: Teaching and Research 5 • Conclusion: Invitation 1

  3. 1. IPUMS-International, a global collaboratory to preserve, integrate and disseminate high-precision census samples;90+ National Statistical Offices participate • See handouts: • Brochure for list of participating statistical offices, census microdata available, and info on IPUMS-International

  4. MPC assumes responsibilities and risks for integrating & disseminating microdata and metadata (as CCSR for UK) • Uniform Memorandum of Understanding • Founding partners (2001): France, Spain, China, Vietnam, Kenya, Colombia, Mexico, USA … now 97 countries …including UK (2004) • Specifies conditions for entrusting microdata and for access • Uniform license agreement: transparent, democratic access for qualified researchers and students • Over 4,500 registered researchers in 90+ countries • Hundreds of publications (click http://bibliography.ipums.org & select “IPUMS-International”) • NSOs—many formerly paralyzed by fear—are relieved to be freed of risks, responsibilities, and the work!

  5. IPUMS-International: a global collaboratorydarkgreen = integrated and disseminating 2002-2011** 62 countries, 185 samples, 397 millonperson records **medium green = integrating. Light green = negotiating2015: 80 countries, 250 samplesintegrated Invitation to Register and Use Mollweide projection

  6. Europe Mirror Site: http://www.iecm-project.org optimized for European Concepts and Nomenclatures

  7. 2a. Study documentation2b. Create extract 3. Receive email; logon with p/word 4. Download extract (SSL encrypted) 5. UnZip data 6 stepsusingwww.ipums.org/international: 6. Analyze using favored software 1. Login with password

  8. 2. UK Users, Usage, SARs and IPUMS

  9. Usage Statistics • ~5k Users: UK ranks #2 • ~800 institutions, top 40: 2 UK – Sussex and LSE • ~25k extracts, by country: UK ranks #30 … • UK samples in IPUMS (H-SARs 91, SARs 01) are not comparable, and are relatively poor in content • Do not despair: ONS-UK has agreed, in principle, to a plan to construct a uniform series of high precision household samples for 1961-2001 • ~900k variables extracted, 33 most popular variables • Note MOMLOC, SPLOC—require household samples • 1/3 use “Attach Characteristics”—require hhld. samples

  10. Good news from ONS: plan to assemble a completeseries of high precision household samples, 1961-2001

  11. 3. 62 countries, 185 samples available now; 20-25 samples integrated annually • See handout: • Card for list of available samples, density, and # of person records by country and census year

  12. IPUMS-International: Census samples for research and policy making • 397 million integrated person records in 185 samples, representing 62 countries (Jun 2011) • Annually, new samples for 6-8 countries are incorporated • Samples for 2010 round censuses have highest priority • Hundred of variables are integrated: • Demography • Education • Work and income • Migration, immigration • Disability • Dwellings

  13. IPUMS-I Samples • Universal population coverage • High precision, confidentialized samples—most drawn to IPUMS-International specifications • Samples—microdata and metadata—are integrated: identical concepts have the same codes in all samples • Analyze: • People in household context: employment, education, etc.  • Fertility and mortality: own-child method (implicit, requires no fertility module)  • Migration, immigration, language, ethnicity, religion  • Household sanitation variables (water supply, toilet, and waste disposal, rooms)

  14. IPUMS-International Value-Addeds: • Open metadata system: universal, free access • Dynamic, integrated metadata system to compare text of any question for any combination of countries and censuses • Microdata integrated: cross-nationally and chronologically • Custom-tailored extracts constructed by each researcher: • Select country/ies, census/es, variables, sub-populations, sample size • Pointer variables (momloc, poploc, sploc; also –rule): parent-child and spouse links. • Attach characteristics: of parents to children and spouses to spouses • Facilitates relational analysis with no programming required • And much more…

  15. 4. IPUMS-International open-access, integrated, dynamically generated,<ddi> compatible metadata (copies shared with NSO partners and World Bank IHSN) See, p. 3: 2011: “IPUMS-International: Free, Worldwide Microdata Access Now for Censuses of 62 Countries--80 by 2015,” 58th International Statistical Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 21-26 August. .

  16. User registration, conditions of use license Browse (metadata) and select data Download data extract (and <ddi> codebook) View sample descriptions (integrated metadata) Link to Official Statistical Agency home pages Bibliography: view cites, link to publications

  17. Metadata are integrated, open access, dynamically constructed. Example: Marital Status

  18. IntegratedIPUMS-I Metadata: Codes and FrequenciesDetailed, Case-Count View2 rules: 1. Retain details2. Harmonize everything IPUMS integration empowers the researcher to make informed research decisions

  19. IntegratedIPUMS-I Metadata: Enumeration textView text in English for any combination of countries and censuses. 2 documents: 1. Form

  20. IntegratedIPUMS-I Metadata: Enumeration textView text in English for any combination of countries and censuses. 2 documents: 1. Form2. Instructions scroll down for more

  21. 5. Impact: teaching and research

  22. “IPUMS-I is an excellent resource for teaching…” -- David Lam, President, Population Association America • Free, easy access to data for many countries and censuses • Large sample sizes: • Make it possible to include many different variables in a regression… multi-level model… • Produce separate estimates for population sub-groups • Easy to extract samples with a target sample size (e.g., 50mb) • Easy to revise an extract for a larger size or to include more countries, censuses, variables or sub-populations • Students show a great deal of creativity in using IPUMS-I • Skills acquired have an immediate pay-off when applying for jobs (e.g., World Bank), graduate school, etc.

  23. Research: What are integrated census samples used for? see http://bibliography.ipums.org

  24. Or: www.scholar.google.com IPUMS-International + key-word: subject, country, etc.

  25. Research Topics—amazingly diverse • Economists: • Comparative study of labor force participation • Demand and supply of public services (water, electricity, sewage, etc.) • Economic impact of family planning and fertility decline • Brain drain, brain gain • Econometric analysis of labor force and income • Effect of long-term youth unemployment • Effects of volume of human capital on returns to education • Human capital and aging • Impact of trade policies on growth, development, immigration, labor markets, and inequality • Etc.

  26. Impact: Ramadan fasting and fetal healthD. Almond & B. Mazumder “Health Capital and the Prenatal Environment:The Effect of Ramadan Observance During Pregnancy”American Economic Journal (2011) • Vital registration data: among births to Arab parents in Michigan, prenatal exposure to Ramada fasting •  lower birth weight • first month of gestation, fewer male births • IPUMS-International census samples, Uganda 02 (n = 80k Muslims), Iraq 97 (250k) --disability, religion, month of birth.Long term “fetal origins” effect, where early pregnancy overlapped with Ramadan: •  adults 20% more likely to be disabled •  effects are larger for mental (learning) disabilities •  relatively mild prenatal exposures can have persistent effects • “maternal behavior, particularly during the first month of pregnancy, can have permanent impacts on offspring health”

  27. 6. Invitation to use IPUMS-International census samples

  28. 1. Use data responsibly: a. Respect confidentiality. b. Share data only with registered users. c. Secure data from unregistered users. 2. Analyze data carefully: a. Apply weights where appropriate. b. Use proper methods. c. Report results accurately 3. Support NSOs and IPUMS-International a. Cite NSOs and IPUMS in publications b. Register citations in IPUMS bibliography c. Report data errors to ipums@pop.umn.edu

  29. Thank yourmccaa@umn.edu

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