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Or, What the Romans Can Tell Us

Venus Maritima - Pompeii. Wolf of the Capitoline - Rome. Or, What the Romans Can Tell Us. Agenda. Writing Corner What’s not Right? Background Some History Roman S&G 101 Social History, Cultural Values, or What Would Finnis & Nussbaum Say?. Writing Corner. What’s Not Right?.

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Or, What the Romans Can Tell Us

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Venus Maritima - Pompeii Wolf of the Capitoline - Rome Or, What the Romans Can Tell Us

  2. Agenda • Writing Corner • What’s not Right? • Background • Some History • Roman S&G 101 • Social History, Cultural Values, or What Would Finnis & Nussbaum Say? Introduction to Romans

  3. Writing Corner What’s Not Right?

  4. What Do You See? • In Halperin’s One Hundred Years of Homosexuality [titles], he [pron] said • “The debate to which you refer reflects a longstanding (and some would argue, sterile) ideological dispute [text text text].” (Halperin, pg. 32.) [quotes] • Because enkrateia is about honor. Because it’s extremely easy to prove they’re beliefs. [frags, they] Sexuality was a debate between Ancient Grecians since Time Immemorial up to the present and Foucault publishes around it and a scholar writes about it and when you are reading them. [frag, florid, padding AR, CT, case, they, you]

  5. Background Some History…

  6. Basilica of Maxentius Arch of Constantine

  7. Capitoline Wolf Augustus Ancient Italy Roman Empire

  8. Timeline

  9. Roman S&G 101 Social History, Cultural Values

  10. Virtus romana virtus“manliness / courage / virtue” mos maiorum“way of the ancestors” pietas“filial devotion” gravitas“seriousness” severitas“uncompromising moral austerity” pudicitia“sexual continence” Bust of Roman aristocrat, late Republic (1st cent. BCE) Introduction to Romans

  11. Athenian women elite emphasis on marriage, procreation legal minors non-propertied (mostly) non-educated (??) non-political domestic sexually-socially restricted non-elite employed outside home Roman women elite emphasis on marriage, procreation also legal minors (with certain freedoms) propertied educated politically influential prominent outside house socially-sexually less restricted non-elite involved in trades Women: Athenian v. Roman… Introduction to Romans

  12. senior v. junior active v. passive vir v. femina puer cinaedus matrona v. virgo meretrix ingenuus/ingenua v. servus/serva libertus/liberta patronus v. cliens Sex-Gender-Status-Dichotomies Introduction to Romans

  13. stuprum debauchery lewdness violation pudicitia modesty chastity virtue Stuprum versus pudicitia from Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictionary Introduction to Romans

  14. Holt Parker’s “Teratogenic Grid”

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