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Join the Maria Laach Summer School Part 2 to explore Charged Particle Tracking in Particle Physics, focusing on gaseous detectors, ionization chambers, and drift chambers. Understand detection principles and operation regimes for accurate momentum and position measurements.
Maria Laach Summer School Maria Laach Abbey 9-18 September, 2015 Principles of Detection for Particle PhysicsPart 2: Charged Particle Tracking Bruce A. Schumm Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics and the University of California, Santa Cruz
Charged Particle Tracking: Introduction Basic idea: • Place as many layers in the way of energetic particles as you can afford (cost, material) • Each layer should measure the position of the through-going particle as precisely as possible • Exploit curvature in a magnetic field (typically solenoidal) to measure momentum • We will discuss tracking sensors (gaseous, solid-state) as well as generic aspects of kinematic reconstruction Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Tracking in Cylindrical Geometry Typical application: cylindrical-geometry detector in colliding beam experiment (e.g., the DELPHI Detector at LEP, 1980s and 1990s) • Solenoidal magnetic field • Particles emerging from the collision point execute helical trajectories Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Gaseous Detectors A little “old school”… but still many applications and R&D. Also, generic principles: F. Sauli, Principles of Operation of Multiwire Proportional Chambers, CERN Yellow Report 77-09 (1977) Ionization Recall that primary mode of charged-particle energy loss is ionization; for almost all gases <Eion> is between 20 and 40 GeV • ~5x104 e- per g/cm2 of material Argon STP: ~10 e- per mm Helium STP: ~1 e- per mm Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Most Basic: Cylindrical Ionization Detectors V0 Rb a b Anode (sense) wire Typical dimensions: • b of order cm • a of order 10s of m (1.2 mil = 30 m typical) Different regimes of operation as a function of V0 Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Ionization Detectors: Regimes of Operation I In order of increasing sense wire (“bias”) voltage V0 I. Recombination V0 = 0. No net motion of electrons relative to ion. II. Ionization Chamber For V0 high enough so that E ~10V/cm over most of gaseous volume, each ionization will produce a 1e- signal. Radiation detection (Accelerator PPS, diagnostics) Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Ionization Detectors: Regimes of Operation II number of primary ions Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Ionization Detectors: Regimes of Operation IV IV. Geiger-Muller Region For large voltage, avalanche is large, and creates significant UV light (electron-ion recombination) that creates ionization throughout gaseous volume (unless “quenched” by additive) • Complete discharge, large signal, large dead time • “Geiger counter” V. Discharge Tube For very large voltage, gas is unstable, leading to spontaneous discharge and emission of light, independent of passage of ionizing particle. Fluorescent light Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Regimes of Operation: Graphical Synopsis Signal (in equivalent electrons) as a function of bias voltage V0 for our “typical” ionization chamber Note that Geiger counter signals are of order 1010 electrons (sensitive electronics not required) From: A. Melissinos, Experiments in Modern Physics Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Multiwire Proportional Chambers Charpak, 1968 “Brute-force” approach to achieving position resolution Wires spaced with ~2mm pitch ( ~1mm resolution) Exploits fact that avalanche is close to wire electron drift E E electron drift Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Drift Chambers Exploit distance-time relationship between point of ionization and collection at anode wire. Multiple measurements along trajectory reconstruct helical trajectory electron drift E Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Opal Precision Drift Chamber Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Drift Chamber Resolution Dominant phenomenon: Diffusion of ionization cloud as electrons drift through field • proportional to square root of drift distance • Depends on mean time between collision: sensitive to T,P • Can achieve better than 100 m resolution Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Mean Ionization Energy Loss In explicit form, the Bethe energy-loss form is • For incident particle, depends only on the velocity parameters , • If p is known independently (coming soon…) the mean ionization loss determines the mass of the incident particle via p/c = m Since a drift chamber (or any tracker; true for solid-state tracking as well!) makes multiple measurements of the energy loss, a mean may be calculated In principle, any tracker also provides particle ID Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Truncated Mean However, recall Landau Distribution: well-defined mean but infinite RMS • An average of proportional-chamber pulse-heights over any number of depositions contains no information about the true mean! SOLUTION: Truncated Mean Remove (truncate) the highest n% of the pulse height, eliminating the pathological tail What should n be? Optimization issue… 20% typical Landau Distribution Truncate Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
DeDx and Particle ID Can be done for any repetitive tracking medium (e.g. solid-state) Distribution of truncated means for 45 Gev muons Opal Collaboration: The Opal Detector at LEP p K e Each point is the truncated mean for a single traversing particle , Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Gaseous Tracking Pulse Development I V0 Rb a b +q dr Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Gaseous Tracking Pulse Development II Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Gaseous Tracking Pulse Development III Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Opal Precision Drift Chamber (again) Here, we remind ourselves of the typical drift chamber geometry, so that we can contrast it with that of a more recent idea: The TPC… Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
The TPC David Nygren, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) 3D gaseous tracking: Z coordinate from drift, r coordinate from anode pads Well-suited for dense tracking environ-ments, including heavy ion physics The ALICE tracker Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Precision Micro-Patterned Gaseous Tracking High fields produced by micro-patterned arrays lead to local gas gain; precision provided by segmentation of anode GEM Detectors MicroMegas e.g., TPC end-plate readout Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Helical Tracking Parameters Most prevalent application of charge-particle tracking is for cylindrical-geometry detectors with a solenoidal B-field Helical trajectories with five defining “track parameters” Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Helical Track Parameters: , d0, 0 Consider projection in plane transverse to magnetic field (x,y or r, plane): Collision point N.B.: For track with pT > ~1 GeV, only a small arc of the trajectory is visible in the tracking system Radius of curvature 2D point of closest approach J. Strube, PNNL Three of the five track parameters are: d0: 2D distance of closest approach 0: angle at 2D distance of closest approach = curvature = 1/R y x z Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Helical Tracking Parameters: , z0 y x z z0 2D point of closest approach Collision point The two remaining track parameters are defined at the 2D point of closest approach: : polar angle z0: longitudinal displacement Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Billoir Algorithms Track parameter resolution can be calculated (in Gaussian approximation) in closed form, e.g., Pierre Billoir, TRACK FITTING WITH MULTIPLE SCATTERING: A NEW METHOD, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 225 (1984) 352-366 There are several (rather dusty) packages available that implement the Billoir method with a convenient driver. For high-energy experiments (LHC, ILC), I have written LCDTRK; see http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~schumm/lcdtrk/lcdtrk20011204.tar.gz • Not a commercial-grade product, but documentation and some support available! NOTE: For Gaussian layer-by-layer measurement uncertainties, curvature () and not transverse momentum (pT) is the Gaussian-distributed track parameter Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
LCDTRK Example: Momentum Resolution Note: pT in GeV/c (not MeV/c) for this plot Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Momentum Uncertainty Scaling Behavior I Track of radius of curvature R measured in chamber of radius b Not shown: N precision tracking layers filling tracking volume of radius b. Solenoidal magnetic field (into page) of strength B Typically, 0.5<B<5 Tesla R = 1/ b O x Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Momentum Uncertainty Scaling Behavior II s b O Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Momentum Uncertainty and MCS I 1/pT: Below some value of pT, MCS will dominate the momentum resolution, leading to a regime for which pT/pT2 is not constant. Example: For (proposed!) ultra-precise International Linear Collider tracking systems, break-point is between 50 and 100 GeV… Low-mass tracking technology is major focus of ILC R&D. Note: pT in GeV/c (not MeV/c) for this plot MCS-dominated Geometry-dominated Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
A Modern Alternative: Solid State Tracking Consider adjoining two oppositely-doped semiconductors (circled charges fixed, uncircled are mobile) in a diode junction circled = fixed uncircled = free + + + + + - - - - - + + + + + - - - - - p-type n-type - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + + - - - + + + - - V -xp xn V0 x Depletion Zone Tradeoff between diffusion and energy minimization leads to finite junction potential V0, with associated capacitance C0. Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
The Depletion Zone Maximize signal (and minimize capacitance) by maximizing d Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
N- and P-Type Sensors Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Bias Voltage and Full Depletion Even for high-resistivity Si ( 104 -cm), d is only about 50 m. • At about 80 e/h pairs per micron, signal about 4000 e/h pairs, or about 2/3 fC • Small signal (compare to gas gain of 105 or greater, and multiple ionizations) Solution: Reverse bias voltage (e.g., N-type sensor) Metalization + - + - + - - + - + + - + - + - - + - + p n VB Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Position-Sensitive Solid State Sensors Heavily-doped p-type “implant”; depletes N bulk. Heavily-doped n-type implant to reduce Schottky barrier Metallization N bulk To achieve position resolution, segment anode (N-type) or cathode (P-type) into strips (strip detector) or pixels (pixel detector) Typical “pitch” is around 50 m point resolution of between 5 and 15 m 5-10 times better than gaseous tracking, but fewer layers. Which is “better”? I discuss in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A579 (2007) 595-598. • Energy frontier: Si tends to show up more often. • Luminosity frontier (flavor physics): gaseous tracking if it can tolerate the radiation environment. Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Silicon Diode Pulse Development I VB p p+ n+ - + x x0 d E Time scale = Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Silicon Diode Pulse Development II -Q/e total signal electrons holes t (units of ) For high-resistivity silicon, = 1 nsec Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Readout Noise Response Weighting Functions RB Id (t) RS ia,va CS where is the amplifier rise time H. Spieler, Semiconductor Detector Systems, Oxford, 2005 For “lumped” elements, in electron-equivalent noise Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Lumped Elements vs. Distributed Network K. Collier et al., Microstrip electrode readout noise for load-dominated long shaping-time systems, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A729 (2013), 127. Expectation (dotted) and measurement (red dashed) suggest that distributed sensor RC network shunts significant noise to ground… Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Monolithic Pixel Sensors (e.g. MAPS) Advanced microelectronic technology (sub 100-nm feature size) allows significant processing and data-flow architecture to be developed local to pixel, e.g., the MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor) concept; now part of baseline designs. Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking
Next Stop Next stop: High-energy caloimetry… Maria Laach 2015, Part 2: Charged Particle Tracking