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Chapter Four

Chapter Four. Individual Differences and Traits. Individual Differences Framework. Heredity Genes Race/Ethnicity Gender. Environment Culture & education Parental Influence Physical Environment. Leadership Style and Behaviors. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS. Personality. Abilities and

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Chapter Four

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  1. Chapter Four Individual Differences and Traits

  2. Individual Differences Framework Heredity Genes Race/Ethnicity Gender Environment Culture & education Parental Influence Physical Environment Leadership Style and Behaviors INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS Personality Abilities and Skills Demographic factors Values

  3. Individual Characteristics and Behaviors BEHAVIORAL RANGE Comfort Zone Zone of Discomfort Zone of Discomfort Individual characteristics

  4. Fresh Look at Traits Some traits are a precondition to leadership, but not enough to predict leadership: • Drive (motivation, energy) • Motivation to lead • Integrity • Self-confidence • Intelligence • Knowledge of the business

  5. Demographic Characteristics • U.S. leaders are a homogeneous group • In spite of some differences, the path to leadership is still influenced by birthplace, nationality, religion, education, social class, gender, and race • Homogeneity may affect creativity negatively

  6. Values Values are long-lasting beliefs about what is worthwhile and desirable • Factors that affect values include: • Culture • Personality • Gender • Ethnicity • Generational differences

  7. Generational Differences in Values • 60+-GI Generation: Hard work; frugality; patriotism • 45-60 – Baby Boomers: Non-conformity; idealism; happiness and peace • 35-50 – Baby Busters: Ambition; material comfort; “me” • 25-35 – Generation X: Enjoyment of life; autonomy; flexibility • Under 25 - Millennials: Flexibility, choice, meaningful experiences, tolerance, tech-savvy

  8. Values and Ethics • The relativist view- what is right or wrong depends on the situation or the culture • The universalist view- all activities should be judged by the same standards, regardless of the situation or culture

  9. Abilities and Skills • Ability, or aptitude, is a stable natural talent for doing something mental or physical • A skill is an acquired talent that a person develops related to a specific task

  10. Abilities: Cognitive and Practical Intelligence • Cognitive abilities (traditional intelligence) important but not sufficient for leadership • Practical intelligence is related to having skills needed to succeed and work with others; • probably more important to leadership

  11. Emotional Intelligence • Self-awareness • Self-regulation • Self-motivation • Empathy for others • Interpersonal and social skills

  12. Abilities: Creativity • Generate novel solutions/perspectives to old problems • Perseverance when facing obstacles • Self-confidence • Willingness to take risks • Willingness to grow and openness to new experiences • Tolerance for ambiguity

  13. Skills • Technical skills • Interpersonal skills • Conceptual skills

  14. Personality Traits • Traits are psychological characteristics • Stable over time and across situations • Personality = a set of enduring traits that distinguishes one person from another

  15. Big Five Personality Traits • Conscientiousness • Extraversion/introversion • Openness to experience • Emotional stability (Neuroticism) • Agreeableness

  16. Locus of Control • Internal LOC • External LOC

  17. Characteristics of Individuals with Internal Locus of Control • Less anxious • Set harder goals • Manage stress and adapt to change better • More considerate of followers • Less likely to use coercive power • CEOs select riskier, more innovative strategies • Take more blame when things go wrong

  18. Work-Related Behaviors • Poor delegation • Like to work alone • Jump into action • Set high goals • Hard work • Perceive more stress Type A High Need for Control Defining Characteristics • Time urgency • Competitiveness • Polyphasic behaviors • Hostility

  19. Characteristics of High Self-Monitors • Able to read cues from the environment • Able to change behavior to match situation • Better able to cope in cross-cultural environments • Probably a key factor in leadership effectiveness

  20. THINKING (T) Sensation Thinkers (ST) Intuitive Thinkers (NT) Focus on hard facts Change agents Realistic, goal-oriented but Responsive to creativity can be impatient and jump but can be unreasonable into action quickly and unaware of others Sensation Feelers (SF) Intuitive Feelers (NF) Personal charisma and commitment to others Many ideas, trouble with implementation Practical and caring Good understanding of systems but can be reluctant to accept change FEELING (F) MBTI SENSING (S) INTUITIVE (N)

  21. Machiavellian Personality • High Machs are • Skilled at controlling others • Able to perceive and resist manipulation • More successful in unstructured environments • Low Machs are • Naive and trusting • Effective Leadership is associated with moderate Mach score

  22. Narcissistic Personality • Grandiose self-importance • Preoccupation with power • Arrogance • Indifference to others • Self-absorption • Fragile self-esteem; inability to tolerate criticism • Sense of entitlement • Exploiting others without guilt • Lack of empathy • Trouble building relationships

  23. Characteristics of Leaders Who Fail • Abrasive and intimidating • Cold and arrogant • Untrustworthy • Self-centered and overly political • Unable to delegate

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