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Understanding Schema.org

Understanding Schema.org. Presenters: Dan Scott Systems Librarian Laurentian University Jason A. Clark Head of Library Informatics & Computing Montana State University June 29, 2014 Sponsored by ALCTS & LITA. #alctsAC14. Context: Discovery Elsewhere Introduction of Speakers.

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Understanding Schema.org

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Understanding Schema.org Presenters: Dan Scott Systems Librarian Laurentian University Jason A. Clark Head of Library Informatics & Computing Montana State University June 29, 2014 Sponsored by ALCTS & LITA #alctsAC14

  2. Context: Discovery ElsewhereIntroduction of Speakers Jenn RileyAssociate Dean, Digital InitiativesMcGill University Co-Chair, ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee

  3. Let’s face it. Google is just BETTER at this than us.

  4. They have: Large scale user behavio(u)r data More resources Integration with other data sources (browser, bookmarks, etc) More resources Ability to do real-time experiments at scale Did I mention they have more resources?

  5. Here’s a reality check about Google Crawls 20 billion pages per day4 A Knowledge Graph of 500 million things4 Nearly 50,000 employees3 $13.966 billion operating income in 20132 Made ca. 550 tweaks to their search algorithm in 20101 http://www.wired.com/2010/02/ff_google_algorithm/all/1 http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1288776/000128877614000020/0001288776-14-000020-index.htm http://investor.google.com/financial/tables.html http://searchengineland.com/google-search-press-129925

  6. Why not leverage this rather than try to replicate it?

  7. Library systems approach Web scale approach Record-based Sorting Boolean logic Teaching users to use the system Index created from all possible sources Relevance ranking Vector spaces Intelligence in the system

  8. Nearly 40% of faculty1… 89% of students2… 84% of general public3… start discovery with a search engine 1. Ithaka US Faculty Survey, 2012 2. OCLC College Students Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources, 2005 3. OCLC Perceptions of Libraries, 2010

  9. So how do we leverage these strengths? Get our stuff out ON the web. Discoverable there. Usable there. schema.org is step one towards this goal

  10. Remember this? From http://www.criticism.com/seo/dublin-core-metadata.php

  11. Now we’re getting more granular And bringing in structured data From http://schema.org/docs/gs.html

  12. Our Speakers Dan Scott, Laurentian University@denials Jason Clark, Montana State University@jaclark #alaac14 #alctsAC14 #schema

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