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First announcement. PRIMUS Congress 2010 October 11, 12 and 13 Rotterdam, The Netherlands. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Blair Smith, Gary Macfarlane , Jean-Francois Chenot ,
First announcement PRIMUS Congress 2010 October 11, 12 and 13 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
INTERNATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Blair Smith, Gary Macfarlane, Jean-FrancoisChenot, ElaineHay, Chris Maher, Dan Cherkin, Pierre Cote, Antti Malmivaara, CyrusCooper, Lieven Danneels, Filip Staes. LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Bart Koes, Sita Bierma, Arianne Verhagen, Maurits van Tulder, Danielle van der Windt, Joost Dekker, Riekie de Vet,Rob de Bie, Johan Vlaeyen.
PURPOSE To present and discuss the current state of art and the underlying evidence of the management of musculoskeletaldisorders in primary care. The last decade substantial progress has been achieved in our knowledge of the clinical course and the value of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for a range of musculoskeletal disorders. Butwhereexactly do we stand today, what are the blind spots in our knowledge, what are new research findings and what are the most promising research ideas for the coming years?
AUDIENCE General practitioners, physiotherapists, manualtherapists, chiropractors, psychologists, epidemiologists, health scientists and healtheconomists, rheumatologists, sport physicians, orthopaedic and neurosurgeons and rehabilitationphysicians.
PROGRAMME, DAY 1 08.30 hrs Registration 10.15 hrs Welcome & introduction Prof.dr. Bart Koes 10.30 hrs Plenary session: major musculoskeletal disorders I • Epidemiology of pain Prof. Danielle van der Windt • New developments in diagnosis and treatment of low back pain Prof. Chris Mayer • Improving the preventions and management of osteoarthritis Dr. Sita Bierma 12.00 hrs Lunch 13.15 hrs Thematic parallel sessions 14.30 hrs Break 14.45 hrs Poster session 16.00 hrs Plenary session: major musculoskeletal disorders II • Shoulder pain : a model for other regional pain syndromes? Prof. Elaine Hay • Management of Osteoporosis in primary care. What are the Challenges? Prof. Cyrus Cooper 17.00 hrs Closing 18.30 hrs Welcome reception
PROGRAMME, DAY 2 09.00 hrs Plenary session: major musculoskeletal disorders III • Management of chronic widespread pain in primary care. What are the most promising developments? Prof. Gary Macfarlane • Neck pain and whiplash associated disorders: the-state-of-science Dr. Pierre Côte 10.00 hrs Workshops • I Interpreting outcome measures in the field of musculoskeletal disorders Prof. Riekie de Vet • II – IV will be included later, based on the call for workshops 11.30 hrs Thematic parallel sessions 12.30 hrs Lunch 13.45 hrs Plenary session: guidelines • Low back pain guideline adherence in primary care Prof. Jean-Francois Chenot • There is (not) enough evidence for Clinical guidelines regarding physical therapy for musculoskeletal disorders Debate Prof. Joost Dekker versus Prof.dr. Rob de Bie
PROGRAMME, DAY 2 15.15 hrs Poster session 16.00 hrs Break 16.30 hrs Plenary session: development and evaluation of treatments • Optimising the efficacy of exercise therapy Prof.dr. Lieven Danneels • Behavioral approaches; what works for whom and why? Prof.dr. JohanVlaeyen 17.30 hrs Closing 19.00 hrs Congress dinner (optional)
PROGRAMME, DAY 3 09.00 hrs Plenary session: from basics to rehabilitation • Evidence for the genetic origin of musculoskeletal disorders, and possible application of this new knowledge in prevention and treatment Prof. Blair Smith • From movement science to clinical practice Prof. Filip Staes 10.00 hrs Workshops • I How to design and interpret cost-effectiveness studies in the field of musculoskeletal disorders in primary care? Dr. Antti Malmivaara & Prof.dr. Maurits van Tulder • II – IV Will be included later, based on the call for workshops 11.30 hrs Plenary session: the real world • Fall prevention in the elderly: What works in primary care? Dr. Arianne Verhagen • Optimising non-specifi c effects of treatment in patients with musculoskeletal disorders Dr. Dan Cherkin 12.30 hrs Closing speech Prof.dr. Bart Koes 1245. hrs Lunch and farewell
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Abstracts can be submitted for: • Oralor poster presentations • Workshops: a limited number of slots are available for organizing a workshop Please see the website for the instructions and topics. Deadline submission: February 28, 2010
DEADLINES February 28, 2010: Submission deadline for abstracts March 31, 2010: Notification of acceptance for presentations April 30, 2010: Payment early registration fee
WEBSITE www.primuscongress2010.com At October 1, 2009 the website will be online and registration and abstract submission will be open.