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Test your knowledge of genetics with this fun Jeopardy game covering topics such as DNA, replication, transcription, and translation.

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  2. Jeopardy Replication Translation Random DNA Transcription Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  3. $100 Question from DNA • What is the genetic material • which serves as a blueprint for all • of your traits??

  4. $100 Answer from DNA DNA

  5. $200 Question from DNA • Name the four • nitrogen bases • found in DNA

  6. $200 Answer from DNA Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine and Adenine

  7. $300 Question from DNA • What scientist discovered that • Adenine and Thymine, • and Guanine and cytosine • occur in equal quantities in DNA?

  8. $300 Answer from DNA CHARGAFF

  9. $400 Question from DNA • Each nucleotide in a DNA • molecule is composed of what?

  10. $400 Answer from DNA 5-carbon sugar (dioxyribose) Nitrogen base Phosphate group

  11. $500 Question from DNA • What type of bond holds together • the complimentary base pairs • found in the strands DNA?

  12. $500 Answer from DNA Hydrogen bonds

  13. $100 Question from Replication • What is the process where DNA • makes an exact copy of itself.

  14. $100 Answer from Replication • DNA Replication

  15. $200 Question from Replication • The place where the two strands • separate during DNA replication • is called what??

  16. $200 Answer from Replication ReplicationFork

  17. $300 Question from Replication • What is the enzyme shown • in this picture?

  18. $300 Answer from Replication DNA Helicase

  19. $400 Question from Replication • What enzyme proofreads the • nitrogen bases added to DNA to • make sure that there are no • errors before replication continues?

  20. $400 Answer from Replication DNA Polymerase

  21. $500 Question from Replication • What is the complimentary DNA • strand to the following sequence? 3’ A G C G T T A C 5’

  22. $500 Answer from Replication 5’ TCGCAATG 3’

  23. $100 Question from Transcription • What nitrogen base is present in • RNA, but not in DNA?

  24. $100 Answer from Transcription Uracil

  25. $200 Question from Transcription • What is the process of taking • information from DNA (genes) • and transferring it to mRNA?

  26. $200 Answer from Transcription Transcription

  27. $300 Question from Transcription • Where does transcription • occur in the cell?

  28. $300 Answer from Transcription In the nucleus of eukaryotes Or the cytoplasm of prokaryotes

  29. $400 Question from Transcription • What is the complimentary • mRNA strand for the • following DNA sequences 5’ ACCGTAAT 3’

  30. $400 Answer from Transcription 3’ UGGCAUUA 5’

  31. $500 Question from Transcription • What enzyme is involved in the • process of making a strand of mRNA • from DNA during transcription?

  32. $500 Answer from Transcription RNA Polymerase

  33. $100 Question from Translation • Where does translation • take place?

  34. $100 Answer from Translation In the cytoplasm

  35. $200 Question from Translation • What structure on a tRNA • is complementary to • a codon on mRNA

  36. $200 Answer from Translation Anticodon

  37. $300 Question from Translation • What is the three “letter” • sequence on mRNA that • codes for an amino acid?

  38. $300 Answer from Translation Codon

  39. $400 Question from Translation • What describes how a • sequence of nucleotides • specifies the amino acid • sequence of a protein?

  40. $400 Answer from Translation Genetic code

  41. $500 Question from Translation • What is a change • in the genetic code?

  42. $500 Answer from Translation Mutation

  43. $100 Question from Random • What scientists made the • first 3D model of DNA?

  44. $100 Answer from Random Watson and Crick

  45. $200 Question from Random • FREE 200

  46. $200 Answer from Random • Enter text to answer for • $200-question-mixed category(5) here

  47. $300 Question from Random What does RNA stand for?

  48. $300 Answer from Random Ribonucleic Acid

  49. $400 Question from Random • What is your assistant • principle’s name?

  50. $400 Answer from Random Mr. Reyna

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