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Hi, study pals, the Reading-and-Listening Test is over. How was it? Have you thought over where you need improvements? Whether you will pass or not, stay with us and let’s do more practice of the Speaking-and-Writing Test. Here’s something for fun (only) first. .
Hi, study pals, the Reading-and-Listening Test is over. How was it? Have you thought over where you need improvements? Whether you will pass or not, stay with us and let’s do more practice of the Speaking-and-Writing Test. Here’s something for fun (only) first. GEPT—High-Intermediate LevelSpeaking Test Preparation GEPT Study Group
Outline • High-Intermediate Speaking –general introduction • General Suggestions • The Official Mock Test • What the group and the tutors can do … • How to make practice by yourselves or with a partner?
GEPT 中高級複試—題型以及時間限制 Intermediate 中級 Part I: 閱讀短文 Part II: 回答問題 Part III: 看圖敘述
一般注意事項 • Timing: Watch your time carefully. Answer the questions completely and finish your answers. This is what we can practice together. (download a timer here; 用滑鼠右鍵選擇Always on top.)
一般注意事項 • In this oral test you are expected to • -- respond to questions promptly about yourself, or in certain situations; • -- describe an image and respond to questions related to it; • -- discuss current issues, some of which may be topics (e.g. internet shopping, environmental protection, the aging of population, etc.) for a book. • Don’t be nervous!!! Remember this is a test of your English communication abilities, but not knowledge. Talk about what you can manage within the time limit. • Constant Practice will help you improve your communication. skills.
GEPT—High-Intermediate LevelSpeaking Test –instruction for Part I and Q’s 1 and 2. • Form Code: HS Self-introduction: My registration number is (准考證號碼) , and my seat number is (座位號碼) . Part I Answering Questions For questions 1 to 5, you will have 15 seconds to answer each question. For questions 6 to 10, you will have 30 seconds to answer each question. Questions 1 – 2
Answers to Q 1 and 2 1. How often do you wash your clothes and how do you wash them? A: I usually wash my clothes once a week, and I hand-wash them. Alternative answer: I don’t do my own laundry. Usually my mom does it, and she does it twice a week with the washing machine. 2. When was the last time your family went out together. What did you do? A: The last time my family went out together was last Sunday. We went to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Alternative answer: It was three years ago and before I came to Taipei. My family went to see a movie together, and we all enjoyed it very much.
More tips for Part I-I • Question type 1: about your own experience; when, what and how--Usually there are two short questions in this part. • Don’t get into too complicated issues; for instance, the fact that you don’t have a family or don’t speak to your family for a long time.
questions 3 to 5, each 15 seconds • About 2-3 sentences if you speak fast.
Answers to Q 3 and 4 • 3. How many pairs of shoes did you buy last year? Where did you buy them? A. I bought about three pairs of shoes last year. I bought them in department stores. Alternative answer: I didn’t buy any shoes last year, because I thought I had enough. Now I feel like buying one. If I do so, I’ll go to a department store. • 4. Would you like to own, or do you own, an answering machine? How is it useful? A/ Yes, I do own an answering machine. It's very useful because when I'm out, people can leave a message and I know that people have called. Alternative answer: I don’t have an answering machine. Nowadays, telephones usually don’t come with an answering machine. But that’s fine, because my cell phone takes messages.
Answers to Q 5 and some more tips • 5. If someone invites you to a restaurant, but you don’t like to go. How can you politely refuse? A: I’d really love to, but I have an important appointment to go to. Alternative answer: Oh, bad timing. I have to go to my dentist. I’m sorry; I’d really love to go with you. Tips: • Question type 2: about your opinion; • Question type 3: about a proper response in some situations (e.g. invitation; request) • to give a polite refusal— I'd like to, but I can't make it”. • How to make a polite request: I’m wondering if… http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/~eng/con&com_databank/Nash/page5.htm
Qs 6 and 10 • Explanation & Qs 6-7: • Qs 8 and 10
Answers to Q’s 6-7 • 6. Do you watch your weight? What could a person do to lose weight? • Yes, I watch my weight. I think the best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly and to eat less. Exercise and a balanced diet are the keys to good health. • 7. Explain why some people in Taiwan call wedding invitations red bombs, or “紅色炸彈.” • Why are wedding invitations called red bombs? Well, the color red in Chinese culture is associated with happiness. It’s good news when people get married. When friends or relatives receive wedding invitations, no matter whether they will go or not, it is considered polite to give presents, usually money, to the people who are about to marry. Because wedding invitations might arrive in your mailbox at any time, people call them red bombs. • (note–It is considered a bomb because sending money may be a burden on some people, especially when there are a lot of red bombs.)
Answers to Q’s 8-9 • 8. You hear that a school near your home is offering some English courses at night. Call the school, and ask a few questions. A. I’ve heard that English courses in the evening are provided at your school. When do the courses begin? At what times do classes meet? What levels of courses are available? What textbooks are the students using and how much do the courses cost? • 9. What do you think is an ideal job? Please explain. A. To me, an ideal job means opportunities for personal growth and achievement. It must also be something I’m interested in. Of course the job must pay well too since an employee who works hard deserves a good salary.
Answers to Q 10 • 10. Should movies be rated? Please explain. I think movies should be rated because it gives parents an idea of the content of the movie and whether or not they would want their children to watch the movie. Parents don't have time to see all the movies before their children see them, so it gives general guidelines by which an adult can decide whether or not their child can see the movie.
Part II explanation (解釋含思考30 sec) Look at the picture, think about the questions below for 30 seconds, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes. (含答題時間1.5 mins) • What is the woman doing? • Why is she doing this? • Do you do this? Why or why not? • If you still have time, please describe the picture in as much detail as you can.
Answers to Part II • (1)The woman is throwing a plastic bottle into a public trashcan. In her right hand, she is holding a cola can. She might throw it into the trashcan as well. (2) She is doing this because when trash is recycled, the materials taken out during recycling can be used to make other useful products. Recycling can also reduce the amount of garbage we throw out and at the same time keep the environment from being overloaded with trash. • (3) I also recycle garbage because I want a clean and safe environment too. • (4) Behind the woman there is a bike. Maybe it belongs to the woman. There are more bikes in the background, and it is very likely that the picture was taken on a campus or in a park.…
More Tips to Part II • 直接回答問題;有剩下時間在描述。 • If you don’t know what to say, try to think of your experience of the place or event. For instance, if you don’t know detailed reasons for recycling, mention the general idea (to recycle is to turn garbage into useful things) and then talk more about how you do it and where. • In a 1.5 min answer, usually some parts can be short answers, while you provide your opinions on one issue (e.g. recycling, internet) and you should give about 2-4 related ideas/examples. In other word, in expressing an opinion, don’t just give a short one-sentence answer. Try to elaborate on your idea a bit.
Part III Discussion • Read the questions, think about your answers to the questions for 1½ minutes, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes. Explanation (解釋含思考1.5 分) • (答題,1.5 分) • The Internet has become very popular these days. (Q 1) Do you use it? (Q 2-3) What can we do with the Internet and what problems might it cause? Please explain.
Answer to Part III Discussion • (Q 1) I use the Internet every day. (Q 2—4 examples) With the Internet, I can access the information I want instantly. I can find out what’s happening around the world in just a few minutes. I can also contact friends through e-mail on the Internet, and they can get back to me within, again, just a few minutes. With the Internet, the distance between people is less than it used to be. (Q 3—3 examples) But there are some problems as well. People sometimes post violent or pornographic pictures on the Internet. Young children, who like to browse the Internet, are very likely to see them. In addition, gangsters can use the Internet to buy and sell arms and drugs without getting caught. These are problems we really don’t want to see because the society is forced to put a lot of effort into dealing with them.
More Tips to Part III Discussion • Mark the questions, and don’t miss any part of them. • Take notes when you consider your answer. • Don’t go too long in each part; make sure that you have enough time to cover each part.
What the group and the tutors can do … • The group: • Speak-and-Respond:You can always practice responding to a question immediately within a time limit (15 seconds for 30 seconds). Then your group members (or partner) can suggest other ways of answering the questions. Together you can correct each other’s errors. • Think-and-Respond: In a group of 3, each gets a slip of paper with a Part II, or Part III, question, and then think for 30 second(PartII), or 1.5 mins (Part III). You then take turns answering the questions, while the other two take notes of the good (ideas), and the areas for improvement (errors).
The tutors • In a 15-min session, the tutor gives • Two of part I-I, and I-II; (2-3 mins) • One of Part II; (2 mins) • One of Part III. (3 mins) • Then s/he will correct a few of your errors, and help you elaborate on the answers to Part II and Part III.
Areas for Improvement and Practice • Pronunciation Correctness and Fluency • Some can be fixed within a short time, while some cannot (depending on your pronunciation habits). You have to determine if they can be fixed or not: e.g. “m” sound; easily confused sounds—long and short vowels ([i]), [e]) • You need to practice your jaw muscle and tongue movement, so reading out loud regularly helps. You can read out loud an article, and then respond the issues expressed in the article. • Sufficient Language For Self-Expression –keeping expanding your vocabulary (with usage) by reading and thinking in English (see examples) • Responsiveness (Be attentive to what is asked) • Grammatical Correctness • [if you have time] memorize some expressions to use in some situations. (Here’s one page for instance -- http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/con&com_databank/ec-conversation.htm ) However, there don’t seem to be too many questions for situation as far as I know.
Practice by yourselves (or with a partner) • 1. Vary the test samples you are given. • 2. Use some pictures and make questions yourselves. • 3. Read some essays/news articles, select words to learn, and then make Q’s for yourselves. • See the attached Word file as an example.
For Fun --- • Ten Days in Manchester • (Needs realplayer; the video transmission can be slow, but you can read the text while waiting.) • This lesson is a bit like the lessons in LiveABC we have on campus, but it’s free. Come and learn! • This is good for business majors and preparing for TOEIC, too. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/tendays/intro.shtml 2. Small Talk -- http://www.englishclub.com/speaking/small-talk.htm