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SPEAKING TEST SHEETS. FIRST TERM. NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 1 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about food and eating . Describe your eating habits and how you feel about dieting. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 1 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutfood and eating. Describe youreatinghabits and howyoufeelaboutdieting TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are withyourfriendstalkingaboutmen ad women. Youthinkthatthere are some “things” womenalways do better tan men. Explaintoyourfriendswhatthingswomen can do better tan men. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 1 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue abouttravel and transport in yourcomunity. Explainwhattransportyou use and thedifferentalternatives in yourtown. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are withyourfriendstalkingaboutmen ad women. Youthinkthatthere are some “things” menalways do better tan women. Explaintoyourfriendswhatthingsmen can do betterthanwomen. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 1C TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutthebestholidayyouhaveeverhad. Explainwhereyouwent, whoyoutravelledwith, whatyoudid, the places youvisited,… TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are withyourfriendstalkingaboutmen ad women. Youthinkthatmen and women can do “things” equallywell. Explaintoyourfriendswhatthings show theequalitybetweensexes. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 2 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue abouthealthyfood. Talkabouttheimportance of foodforhealth and aboutthehealthyfoodyoueat. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are with a friendtalkingaboutyoungpeople and experiencedadults. Youthinkthatexperiencedadults are better at manythingsthanyoungpeople. Explaintoyourfriendwhatthingsexperiencedpeople are better at. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 2 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue abouttheworstholidayyouhaveeverhad. Explainwhereyouwent, whoyoutravelledwith, whatyoudid, the places youvisited,theproblemsyouhad… TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are with a friendtalkingaboutyoungpeople and experiencedadults. Youthinkthatyoungpeople are better at manythingsthanexperiencedadults. Explaintoyourfriendwhatthingsyoungpeople are better at. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 3 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue comparingyourdietnowwithyourdietwhenyouwere a child. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Yourfriend has justreceived a bonus at work. He/she has decidedtobuy a big new car. Youthinkitis a waste of money, notonlybecause of theexpensivegasolinebutalsobecause of otherissuessuch as parking space. Giveyourfriendsomeadviceregardingthenegativeaspects of his/herdecision. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 3 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue abouttravel and transport in yourcomunity. Explainwhattransportyou use and thedifferentalternatives in yourtown. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Youhavejustreceived a substatialbonus at work. Youhavealwayswanted a big new car becauseyouhavealwayshadsmallsecond-handones . Youtellyourfriendaboutit and he/sheistryingtotalkyouout of it. Nowyou are sorryyoutoldhim/her. Try toconvincehimthatit has beenyourdreamfor a long time, and thatyou do notneedthemoneyforanythingelse.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 4 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutmoney. Explainhowyou use it and whetheryouthinkitis a goodor a badthing. Giveexamplesthatsupportyour opinión. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You have just received a substatial bonus at work. You have always wanted to go to Thailand on holiday. You tell your friend about it and he/she is trying to talk you out of it. Now you are sorry you told him/her. Try to convince him that it has been your dream for a long time, and that you do not need the money for anything else.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 4 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutfriendship. Explainwhatmakes a goodfriend and howyou can tellsomeoneis a goodfriend of yours. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Yourfriend has justreceived a bonus at work. He/she has decidedtogotoThailandonholiday. Youthinkitis a waste of Money. Giveyourfriendsomeadviceregardingthenegativeaspects of his/herdecision. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 5 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutmoney. Explainhowyou use it and whetheryouthinkitis a goodor a badthing. Giveexamplesthatsupportyouropinion. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Youhavejustreceived a substatialbonus at work. Youhavealwayswanted a housebecauseyouhavealwayslived in smallflats . Youtellyourfriendaboutit and he/sheistryingtotalkyouout of it. Nowyou are sorryyoutoldhim/her. Try toconvincehimthatit has beenyourdreamfor a long time, and thatyou do notneedthemoneyforanythingelse.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 5 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutwhat a goodbossshouldbelike. Explainwhatmakes a goodboss. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Yourfriend has justreceived a bonus at work. He/she has decidedtogobuy a new house. Youthinkitis a waste of money. Giveyourfriendsomeadviceregardingthenegativeaspects of his/herdecision. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 6 TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutwhat a goodneighbourshouldbelike. Explainwhatmakes a goodneighbour. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Yourfriend has justfound 50 poundsshe/he didn’tknowshe/he had in his/herwallet. He/she has decidedtogobuy a new pair of expensiveboots. Youthinkitis a waste of money. Giveyourfriendsomeadviceregardingthenegativeaspects of his/herdecision. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 6 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutwhat a goodneighbourshouldbelike. Explainwhatmakes a goodneighbour. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO Youhavejustfound 50 poundsyoudidn’tknowyouhad in yourwallet. Youhave fallen in lovewith a beautifulpair of boots, butthey are veryexpensive. Youtellyourfriendaboutit and he/sheistryingtotalkyouout of it. Nowyou are sorryyoutoldhim/her. Try toconvincehim/herthatthey are reallybeautiful and comfortable, and thatyou do notneedthemoneyforanythingelse.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 7 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutwhat a husband/wifeshouldbelike. Explainwhatmakes a goodhusband/wife. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are with a friendtalkingabouthealthyfood. Youthinkthateatingready-madefoodisverybadforyourhealth and peopleshouldonlyeat home-madefood. Explaintoyourfriendwhyeatinghome-madefoodismuchbetterthaneatinganythingelse. Try to come toanagreement. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 7 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutthebestholidayyouhaveeverhad. Explainwhereyouwent, whoyoutravelledwith, whatyoudid, the places youvisited,… TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are with a friendtalkingabouthealthyfood. Youthinkthateatingready-madefoodis a verygoodoptionwhenyouworkallday and don’thave time tocook at home. Explaintoyourfriendwhyeatingready-madefoodishealthy and practical. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 8 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue yourattitudetowards Money. Are you a spenderor a saver? TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are movingtolivewithyourfriends and you are decidingwheretolive. Youthinkthatthebestis a cottage in the country. Explaintoyourfriendtheadvantages of living there. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 8 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue themeans of transportyouoften use. Talkaboutthemeans of transportyou use in yourdailylife, at weekends, onholiday,… and explainwhyyouchoosethem TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are movingtolivewithyourfriends and you are decidingwheretolive. Youthinkthatthebestis a flat in thecity centre. Explaintoyourfriendtheadvantages of living there. Try to come toanagreement. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 9 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutfood and eating. Describe youreatinghabits and howyoufeelaboutdieting TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are talkingwithyourboyfriend/girlfriendaboutwhereyouwouldliketolive in thefuture. Youthinkthatthebestis a bigcity. Explaintoyourboyfriend/girlfriendtheadvantages of living there. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 9 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue themeans of transportyouoften use. Talkaboutthemeans of transportyou use in yourdailylife, at weekends, onholiday,… and explainwhyyouchoosethem TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are talkingwithyourboyfriend/girlfriendaboutwhereyouwouldliketolive in thefuture. Youthinkthatthebestis a smallvillage. Explaintoyourboyfriend/girlfriendtheadvantages of living there. Try to come toanagreement. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 10 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue yourattitudetowards Money. Are you a spenderor a saver? TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are talkingwithyourfriendaboutyoureatinghabits. Youofteneatout and thinkit’sthebestthingto do. Explaintoyourfriendtheadvantageseatingout. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 10 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutfriendship. Explainwhatmakes a goodfriend and howyou can tellsomeoneis a goodfriend of yours. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are talkingwithyourfriendaboutwhatyoulikedoing in your free time. Younevereatout and thinkit’sthebestthingto do. Explaintoyourfriendtheadvantageseating at home. Try to come toanagreement. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 11 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue aboutmoney. Explainhowyou use it and whetheryouthinkitis a goodor a badthing. Giveexamplesthatsupportyouropinion. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are talkingwithyourfriendaboutwhatyoulikedoing in your free time. Youlovewatching TV and thinkit’sthebestthingto do. Explaintoyourfriendtheadvantageswatching TV. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 11 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue abouttheworstholidayyouhaveeverhad. Explainwhereyouwent, whoyoutravelledwith, whatyoudid, the places youvisited,theproblemsyouhad… TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are talkingwithyourfriendaboutwhatyoulikedoing in your free time. Youlovereading and thinkit’sthebestthingto do. Explaintoyourfriendtheadvantagesreading. Try to come toanagreement. YOU BEGIN THE DIALOGUE.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 12 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about what makes a good husband/wife. Describe the qualities a person should have to be a good husband/wife. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are the receptionist at a four-star hotel. Be prepared to help a customer who is complaining about water, towels, etc. in his/her room. Use sentences like “Can I help you? And try to calm him/her down. Try to come to an agreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 12 12 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about a nice teacher you have had. Describe the qualities that makes/made him/her a good teacher. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are a customer at a four-star hotel. Your hotel room is not up to your expectations: the towels are dirty, the water is cold. Call Reception and complain about it. Try to come toanagreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 13 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about a special day in your life. Explain why it is/was/has been a special day. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are a receptionist at a luxury hotel. Be prepared to help a customer who has lost his/her wallet etc. Use sentences like “Can I help you? And try to calm him/her down. Try to come to an agreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 13 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about the worst teacher you have had. Describe why he/she has been your worst teacher. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are a customer at a luxury hotel. You can’t find your wallet, so you need the receptionist’s help. Call Reception and ask about it. Try to come to an agreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 14 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about your favourite year at school. Explain why it was/has been your favourite year. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are a tourist on a sightseeing trip. You go to a tourist office and ask about what you can do/eat/see in the town/city you are visiting.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 14 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about an experience you’ll never forget. Explain why you won’t forget this experience. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You work at a tourist office. A holidaymaker who goes on a sightseeing trip gets in to the office and asks what he/she can do/eat/see in the town/city he/she is visiting. Start by saying: “Can I help you?”
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 15 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about your worst year at school. Explain why it was/has been your worst year. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You are a tourist on a sightseeing trip. You want to visit the surrounding area of the town/city you are visiting. You would like to travel by train. Gotothetrainstation and askabouttimetables, etc.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 15 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about an experience that has changed your life. Explain why it has changed your life. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You work as a train station officer. A tourist would like to travel by train to the nearby towns. Be prepared to provide him/her with train timetables, etc.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 16 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about something you really do well. Explain why you are good at it. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You think that your town is becoming uninhabitable for people like you, who go everywhere by bicycle to stay friendly with the environment. Explain to your friend that there are too many cars and not enough cycle lanes, and give arguments to convince him/her not to use the car anymore. Try to come to an agreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 16 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about changes and evolution in the family. Talk about the different types of family nowadays. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You think that your town is becoming uninhabitable for people like you, who have to use the car to cover your needs (work, children, etc.). Explain to your friend that there are too many bicycles on the road and give arguments to convince him/her why you will continue using the car. Try to come to an agreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 17 A TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about something you are very bad at. Explain why you are bad at it. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You think that your town is the ideal town. Even though there are not many facilities and it is as it was years ago you feel happy there. Explain to your friend that you don’t need many facilities as you are used to living there. Try to come to an agreement.
NIVEL INTERMEDIO MODELO 17 B TAREA 1: MONÓLOGO Prepare and deliver a monologue about an embarrassing situation. Explain why it was so embarrassing, giving details. TAREA 2: DIÁLOGO You don’t think that your town is an ideal town anymore as there are not many facilities and it is as it was years ago. You believe something must be done about it. Explain to your friend that you don’t feel as happy as you felt before, specifying what the town needs to fulfil your expectations. Try to come to an agreement.