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Preliminary DCS technical specifications (v1.0) for the Gigatracker “off-detector” readout (GTK-RO)electronics. Topics: Introduction Types and quantities of standard VME crates List of GTK-RO status variables Preliminary list of TDC-pix status variables (to be defined with Alex ).
Preliminary DCS technical specifications (v1.0) for the Gigatracker “off-detector” readout (GTK-RO)electronics DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE
Topics: • Introduction • Types and quantities of standard VME crates • List of GTK-RO status variables • Preliminary list of TDC-pix status variables (to be defined with Alex) Preliminary DCS technical specifications (v1.0) for the GTK-RO electronics DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE
Introduction • This document describes the types of crates and modules composing the “off-detector” readout system for the GTK subdetector. • The DCS should perform a set of standard control / monitoring functions on the crate power supplies of the “off-detector” electronics. The “off-detector” GTK readout card (GTK-RO) will also monitor some local variables whose status could be monitored by the DCS and this document provides a list of such variables. • This document does not cover the topic of configuring the Gigatracker ASICs (“TDCpix”) configuration. The Gigatrackersubdetector PCs will maintain the information concerning the configuration and the status of the TDCpix on the GTK stations and the handling of these parameters will then be covered in a separate document. “off-detector” readout electronics for the Gigatracker (GTK_RO): status report DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE
Types and quantities of standard VME crates • FourVME crates located in the farm room: they are one each in rack S16 and S14 and two in rack S15 (of the 2 in rack S15 one if for the GTK-RO cards and one is for the main timing unit) • The characteristics of the VME crates (all are the same) for the “off-detector” electronics are summarized in the table below: “off-detector” readout electronics for the Gigatracker (GTK_RO): status report • Controls to be performed on each crate: • the standard remote controls: • power cycling • crate wide reset (not mandatory) • and monitoring: • supply voltages and currents (only +5V and +12V are used by the GTK-RO cards) • temperature • fan speed • should be sufficient: • Cables: • the standard for the type of the intelligent fan tray listed above (0F00.0600) DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE
Types and quantities of standard VME crates • Crate denomination: • Referring to the layout of racks in the PC farm room, the racks assigned to the GTK-RO systems are J04, J05, J06 and J07, the last one hosting fibers patch panels and ethernet switches. J04 J05 J06 J07 “off-detector” readout electronics for the Gigatracker (GTK_RO): status report 10 boards 10 boards 10 boards GTK1 GTK2 GTK3 1 to 3 boards GTK_TU DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE
List of GTK-RO status variables • Variables exposed by EACH GTK-RO card: (total of 30)- 1x : FPGA temperature - 5x : optical signal power detected by the on-board optical receivers- 1x : supply current at +12V power input- 1x : supply current at +5V power input- 1x : supply current from +0.9V regulators for FPGA core - 1x : supply current from +1.8V regulators for DDR2 bias- 1x: "Global status register", 16bit: bit 0: UFT clock generators configured bit 1: DDR2_port1 initial calibration OK bit 2: DDR2_port2 initial calibration OK bit 3: fast_data_RX_link_0_Clock_Data_Recovery_OK bit 4: fast_data_RX_link_1_Clock_Data_Recovery_OK bit 5: fast_data_RX_link_2_Clock_Data_Recovery_OK bit 6: fast_data_RX_link_3_Clock_Data_Recovery_OK bit 7: slow_control_link_OK (connection to the “TDC-pix Slow-link controller” ASIC is properly working) bit 8: TTC_link_OK ( meaning that the TTC-rq module installed on the GTK-RO card is correctly receiving and decoding the TTC signals) bit 9 .. 15: to be defined- 1x: "Received_Trigger_Number_register": 32bit : number of triggers received by the GTK-RO card in the last burst (Note: it needs the knowledge of burst START and END)- 1x: "Sent_Trigger_Number_register": 32bit : number of trigger response packets sent by the GTK-RO card in the last burst (Note: it needs the knowledge of burst START and END) “off-detector” readout electronics for the Gigatracker (GTK_RO): status report DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE
List of GTK-RO status variables • Variables exposed by the “GTK_TimingUnit “ card: (total of 1 to 3) • - 1x : FPGA temperature - 1x : temperature of the “high quality timing” circuit block- 1x : supply current at +12V power input- 1x : supply current at +5V power input- 1x : supply current from +0.9V regulators for FPGA core - 1x: "Global status register", 16bit: bit 0: UFT clock generators configuredbit 1: TTC_link_OK ( meaning that the TTC-rq module installed on the GTK-RO card is correctly receiving and decoding the TTC signals) bit 2 .. 15: to be defined- 12x: TX optical power feedback “off-detector” readout electronics for the Gigatracker (GTK_RO): status report DCS Meeting, CERN (vydio), Jun 25th 2013, A. Cotta Ramusino for INFN and Dip. Fisica FE