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Business Process Management. Mahendrawathi ER, Ph.D. Outline. Sejarah dari Business Process Management Proses Bisnis Otomasi Proses Bisnis Manajemen Proses Bisnis. Sejarah BPM. What is Business Process Management???. Currently, BPM is being used by:
Business Process Management Mahendrawathi ER, Ph.D
Outline • Sejarahdari Business Process Management • ProsesBisnis • OtomasiProsesBisnis • ManajemenProsesBisnis
What is Business Process Management??? Currently, BPM is being used by: • some vendors who only focus on the technology solution of process improvement • other vendors who think of BPM as business process modeling or business performance management • some consultants who use BPM to continue their message on business process reengineering • some managers who want to jump on the BPM bandwagon, with no idea where it is going • some process analysts who use BPM to inflate their process-modeling aspirations.
General Perspectives of Business Process • “A collection of related, structured activities that produce a service or product that meet the needs of a client” Critical to organizations: generate revenue and represent significant proportion of costs
Manusia vs. Teknologi • Prosesbisnispadadasarnyaadalahfenomenamanusia. • Tetapidalamdunia yang sudahterotomasidewasaini, otomasidandukunganteknologiuntukmeningkatkankinerjamanusiatidakdapatdikesampingkanbegitusaja • Dukunganteknologiinimelibatkanotomasitransaksirutindankolaborasimanusia yang dinamis
ProsesBisnisdiDunia TI • Di dunia TI, istilahprosesbisnisseringkalidianggapsamadenganmanajemenproses middleware atauintegrasipekerjaan-pekerjaanperangkatlunakaplikasi • Cara pandanginiterlalusempit • Perludiperhatikansaatmembacamakalah-makalahrekayasaperangkatlunak yang menyebutprosesbisnisataupemodelanprosesbisnis
OtomasiProsesBisnis • Manusiatertarikpadasolusi yang mudahuntukmasalah yang kompleks • Di duniabisnismanusiaberusahamenyelesaikanmasalahsecaracepat, jikatidakmakaberartiperluotomasi • Di perkantoranhampirsemuaprosesdiotomasi: • Mengetiksurat • PembukuanPelaporan • Persediaan • Penjualandanpemrosesan order • business workflow and document management. • Jikaberhadapandenganmasalahproduktivitas, efisiensidankontrolbisnis, saatinipertimbanganpertamapastimembelisolusiotomasidarimasalahtersebut!!
Business Process Automation • BPA simply means automating a business process. • For primary activities: workflow systems, Internet technologies such as application servers • For support activities, companies have embraced technology to streamline and speed up their for greater operational efficiency.
Business Process Automation The first rule of any technology is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. (Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation)
Tantangandalam BPA • Teknologiapasajadapatdigunakanuntukmengotomasiprosesbisnis • Tantangannyaadalahbagaimanamengoptimalkandanmengelolaproses-prosesinisetelahdiotomasisebagianatauseluruhnya. • Setiapterjadiperubahandalamprosesbisnismaka BPA harusmemperbaiki program komputer yang kompleks • Iniberartibagian TI, bukanorangbisnis, harusmelakukanperubahanpadaprosesbisnis yang telahterotomasi
Tantangandalam BPA • Perubahandalamprosesbisnismembutuhkanbiayabesardanmelelahkanuntukmemperbaikiteknologi • Olehkarenaituperubahan yang dibutuhkanseringdilupakankarenadianggaptidakpraktisataufeasibel. • Iniberarti BPA tidakdapatmembawaperusahaanmelebihiapa yang dimilikisaatini perusahaanterjebakdengan BPA yang kaku • Walaupundenganalatpemodelanprosesbisnis, stafteknistetapdibutuhkanuntukmelakukanperubahanbisnisdalamberbagaiskenario BPA
Tantanganutamadalam BPM • Tidakhanyamengotomasiprosesbisnis, tetapipengelolaannyasetelahdiotomasi perubahanitupastiakanterjadi • Olehkarenaitu, perusahaanharusbergerakmelebihiotomasiprosesbisniskearahmanajemenprosesbisnistanpaterjebakolehteknologi.
Business Process Management • BPM is a business discipline or function that uses business practices, techniques and methods to create and improve business processes. • Just about any process improvement discipline or activity, including reengineering, TQM or Six Sigma quality methods, outsourcing and lean manufacturing, can be considered as BPM. • Thus, from an extremely general perspective, BPM has no distinguishing definition at all; it’s just about anything that contributes to process improvement
Business Process Management • Sebagaipendekatanmanajerial, BPM menganggapproses-prosessebagaiasetstrategisdariperusahaan yang harusdipahami, dikeloladanditingkatkanuntukmemberikanprodukdanlayanan yang bernilaikepadapelanggan • Cara pandanginisangatmiripdengan TQM atau Continuous Improvement fokuspadamanusia • BPM majuselangkahdenganmenekankanbahwapendekataninidapatdidukungataudimungkinkanolehteknologi
BPM: Piecemeal vs. Holistic • Whether manual or automated, companies have learned that the piecemeal process improvement methods and techniques they have scattered throughout their organizations don’t produce breakout results. • If manufacturing division uses Six Sigma, and marketing department uses voice-of-the-customer techniques, without talking to one another, that doesn’t mean you have a process-managed enterprise, the kind of enterprise that produces outstanding and sustained business results.
BPM Holistic Approach • BPM in its contemporary context is a holistic vs. piecemeal approach to the use of appropriate process-related business disciplines that are used to drive business performance improvements, not just across the departments in a single company, but also across multi-company value delivery systems. • This approach has only now become practical as a result of the new category of BPM software systems.
BPM Systems • BPM systems are technologies designed for the complete management, not just the automation of business processes, from creating innovative new business processes, to their redesign and improvement over time. • BPA, the one-off automation of a business process, is only a part of a complete BPM system. It’s the “M” in BPM that really counts, for change is not a one-time affair.
BPM Systems function BPM systems provide computer assistance for: • supporting all process work such as Six Sigma initiatives; • mergers and acquisitions; • overriding processes embedded in ERP systems; • Implementing industry-specific collaboration protocols such as Rosettanet Partner Interface Processes for the IT industry supply chain; • or complying with regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Duasudutpandangdari BPM • BPM adalahpendekatanuntukmengintegrasikankemampuanberubahbagiorganisasibaiksecara SDM maupunteknologi • BPM meliputiduasudutpandang: • Manusia • Teknologi
So, BPM is… • more than just software • more than just improving or reengineering your processes – it also deals with the managerial issues • not just hype – it is an integral part of management • more than just modeling – it is also about the implementation and execution of these processes, which requires analysis.