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Suffixes -ant, -ent, -ist, -ian. COOLANT. Divide the word into syllables. cool/ant What is the suffix? ant What is the root word? cool. ATTENDANT. Divide the word into syllables. at/ten/dant What is the suffix? ant What is the root word? attend. RESIDENT.
COOLANT Divide the word into syllables. cool/ant What is the suffix? ant What is the root word? cool
ATTENDANT Divide the word into syllables. at/ten/dant What is the suffix? ant What is the root word?attend
RESIDENT Divide the word into syllables. res/i/dent What is the suffix? ent What is the root word? reside
PRESIDENT Divide the word into syllables. pres/i/dent What is the suffix? ent What is the root word? preside
JOURNALIST Divide the word into syllables. jour/nal/ist What is the suffix? ist What is the root word? journal
GEOLOGIST Divide the word into syllables? ge/ol/o/gist What is the suffix? ist What is the root word?geology
COMEDIAN Divide the word into syllables. co/me/di/an What is the suffix? ian What is the root word? comedy
LIBRARIAN Divide the word into syllables. li/brar/i/an What is the suffix? ian What is the root word? library