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Managerial Economics in a Global Economy

Explore optimization techniques and new management tools in Managerial Economics to maximize profit and express economic relationships through equations, graphs, and cost analysis. Learn the concept of derivatives and rules of differentiation for efficient decision-making.

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Managerial Economics in a Global Economy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Managerial Economics in a Global Economy Chapter 2 Optimization Techniquesand New Management Tools

  2. Expressing Economic Relationships Equations: TR = 100Q - 10Q2 Tables: Graphs:

  3. Total, Average, andMarginal Cost AC = TC/Q MC = TC/Q

  4. Total, Average, andMarginal Cost

  5. Profit Maximization

  6. Profit Maximization

  7. Concept of the Derivative The derivative of Y with respect to X is equal to the limit of the ratio Y/X as X approaches zero.

  8. Rules of Differentiation Constant Function Rule: The derivative of a constant, Y = f(X) = a, is zero for all values of a (the constant).

  9. Rules of Differentiation Power Function Rule: The derivative of a power function, where a and b are constants, is defined as follows.

  10. Rules of Differentiation Sum-and-Differences Rule: The derivative of the sum or difference of two functions U and V, is defined as follows.

  11. Rules of Differentiation Product Rule: The derivative of the product of two functions U and V, is defined as follows.

  12. Rules of Differentiation Quotient Rule: The derivative of the ratio of two functions U and V, is defined as follows.

  13. Rules of Differentiation Chain Rule: The derivative of a function that is a function of X is defined as follows.

  14. Optimization With Calculus Find X such that dY/dX = 0 Second derivative rules: If d2Y/dX2 > 0, then X is a minimum. If d2Y/dX2 < 0, then X is a maximum.

  15. New Management Tools • Benchmarking • Total Quality Management • Reengineering • The Learning Organization

  16. Other Management Tools • Broadbanding • Direct Business Model • Networking • Pricing Power • Small-World Model • Virtual Integration • Virtual Management

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