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Psalm 101 A Commitment To Walking With Integrity

Explore the importance of personal commitment, steadfast love, and just behavior in building true integrity. Upholding virtue and fighting against wickedness are key themes in this inspirational reflection.

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Psalm 101 A Commitment To Walking With Integrity

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  1. Psalm 101 A Commitment To Walking With Integrity

  2. A Commitment To Integrity • True integrity is the result of a personal commitment to pursuing it: • Steadfast love & justice would characterize him (vs. 1) • Not necessarily speaking of God’s love and justice, but a statement about what this song to God would be about • He is making a personal commitment to these characteristics • Love and justice are not opposite extremes or opposite sides of a coin, but are inseparable components of integrity • David understood that true integrity starts in the heart with a pursuit of a blameless life (Psalm 101:2) • Be careful or ponder… He took integrity seriously! He’d study the blamelessness path, like a student pursues a degree • Devoting to do right consistently in every circumstance • Externals wouldn’t matter if heart not right (Mt 15:18-19)

  3. A Commitment To Integrity • True integrity is the result of a personal commitment to pursuing it: • Practically speaking, he pursues integrity by refusing to put anything worthless before his eyes (vs. 3) • Integrity isn’t something that just happens. As a virtue that must be developed it also must be protected & nourished! • David understands that the things which he sees and hears will have an impact on him and will enter his heart. • Like Solomon’s instructions to his son (Prov 4:24-27) and the commitment Job made concerning young women (Job 31:1)

  4. A Commitment To Integrity • True integrity is the result of a personal commitment to pursuing it: • If we are going to be people of integrity, we must pursue it, protect it, and nourish it: • In a world of moral relativism, situation ethics, & self-centered morality we must make a deliberate decision to pursue it • Takes a commitment to integrity like Job (Job 27:3-6) • At home, work, play, & religion strive for strong character, unwavering morals, & uncompromising convictions • We must guard our hearts! It is from the deepest chambers of our hearts that integrity is formed and maintained • Is the food we are feeding our souls building our integrity or bringing us into a position to compromise our integrity?

  5. A Commitment To Integrity • A commitment to integrity means a commitment to hating the works of the wicked: • David knew everyone would not seek integrity, so he made known his hatred for wickedness (vs. 3b – 5) • Because he was a man of God, David was deeply tormented by the unrighteousness & wickedness he was subjected to • His words may sound harsh, but he is also dealing with this wickedness from the standpoint of a ruler of a nation • Like Lot, who’s righteous soul was vexed (2 Peter 2:7) • Four types of evil doers who’s works David hates: • Those who fall away – Unfaithful to men or unfaithful to God • A perverse heart – Way of living is corrupt, twisted, crooked • A Slanderer – Spreads destructive information about others • Haughty & Arrogant – Person of pride, puffed up

  6. A Commitment To Integrity • A commitment to integrity means a commitment to hating the works of the wicked: • How David committed to dealing with these people • He refuses to allow their ways to cling to him – Won’t let their sinful behavior to “cleave” to him (like marriage) • He keeps his distance from them so he can maintain his own innocence. He knows the influential power of sinfulness • He will punish them – As a king, this is his responsibility. The point is that he will not let wickedness be ignored • These words are written from the standpoint of a ruler: • We may find it difficult to personally apply these phrases because of the punishment personally meted out • But the way their wickedness tormented him and the way he limited their influence on himself should be copied

  7. A Commitment To Integrity • A commitment to integrity means a commitment to hating the works of the wicked: • Like David, if we want to be people of integrity we must take a strong stand against unrighteousness: • Proverbs 8:13; Romans 1:32; Romans 12:9 • Some say, “I don’t ____________, but I don’t care if you do” or at least they will simply overlook the problem • How do we react to sin & a lack of integrity? Does it entertain us or are we tormented by it? Are we accustomed to sin? • What does it say about us if we choose to surround ourselves with people who are dishonest, immoral, & unrighteous?

  8. A Commitment To Integrity • David also upheld integrity by upholding people who were innocent or pursuing faithfulness: • He didn’t just resist the wicked, but stood up for those who suffered as a result of their wickedness (vs. 5, 8) • He will not sit by and do nothing as the names and lives of good people are being destroyed… He got involved! • Were these “neighbors” wealthy, prominent, or necessarily personal friends of David? No, they were just innocent! • David as a king was a busy man, but not too busy for integrity! • He upheld integrity by showing special favor to those who were striving to be faithful & blameless (vs. 6) • Likely speaking about employment in his courts & in his service, but where would he look for such people? • By showing favor, he taught others that the way of integrity is to be valued, appreciated, protected, & rewarded

  9. A Commitment To Integrity • David also upheld integrity by upholding people who were innocent or pursuing faithfulness: • He pursued integrity by surrounding himself with people of integrity (Psalm 101:6) • What kind of reputation would David have had if he chose to surround himself with dishonest & immoral people? • He not only showed favor, but brought them to dwell with him • What a relief it would be to know you had a friend in the king! • People of integrity both naturally and purposefully surround themselves with other people of integrity

  10. A Commitment To Integrity • David also upheld integrity by upholding people who were innocent or pursuing faithfulness: • People of integrity today will uphold and appreciate others who are also striving for integrity: • True integrity will not allow us to sit idly by as innocent people are being hurt, slandered, or mistreated • God has always sought people who would stand up for the poor, mistreated, and dejected (Ezek 22:29-30) • We understand that evil companions corrupt good morals, but do we understand that good companions will help build and maintain good morals? (I Cor 15:33; Prov 17:17)

  11. A Commitment To Integrity • David was not only committed to integrity in his public life, but also in his home life: • David possesses a strong desire to make his home a fortress of integrity and character: (vs. 7, 2b) • Many, especially in public leadership, work hard to protect their public image, while their home goes neglected • David had his hands full, but he commits himself to making his home a priority in instilling and protecting integrity • He probably often emphasized this in his house (Ps 15:1-5) • Sadly, his home did not bear the marks of integrity in its latter years? David did stumble, but that appears to be the exception, not the rule. Did his emphasis wane? • Like Joshua’s resolve – “As for me and for my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15)

  12. A Commitment To Integrity • David was not only committed to integrity in his public life, but also in his home life: • Being people of integrity starts in our home: • It matters none at all if the masses respect and admire us, so long as our home life is being neglected or is a wreck! • Many want to make the world a better place, make an impact, win lost souls… Start within the courts of your own family • People say character is what you do when no one is looking… the same thing can be said about integrity! • Whether they are at home, work, or play, people of integrity do not worry about who is looking because they are seeking to please God and they know God is always looking!

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