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Hohe Str. 6 D-01069 Dresden Internet: ipfdd.de E-mail: ipf@ipfdd.de

Hohe Str. 6 D-01069 Dresden Internet: www.ipfdd.de E-mail: ipf@ipfdd.de. History of the institute • October 01, 1948

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Hohe Str. 6 D-01069 Dresden Internet: ipfdd.de E-mail: ipf@ipfdd.de

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  1. Hohe Str. 6 D-01069 Dresden Internet: www.ipfdd.de E-mail: ipf@ipfdd.de

  2. History of the institute • •October 01, 1948 • Foundation of a textile research institute at the spinning mill Mitteldeutsche Spinnhütte Pirna-Copitz near Dresden to be developed to an institute of the Dresden College of Advanced Technology • •January 01, 1950 • Integration into the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (German Academy of Sciences) as • Institut für Technologie der Fasern(Institute of Fibre Technology) • •April 04, 1984 • Renamed to Institut für Technologie der Polymere (Institute of Polymer Technology) • •January 01, 1992 • Refoundation by Federal government and Saxon government as • Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. (Institute of Polymer Research) • •April 2002 • Opening of the Max Bergmann Center for Biomaterials • • April 2004 • ‘Leibniz‘ becomes part of the official name of the institute • •Juli 2007 • Opening of the ‘Werkstofflaborgebäude‘

  3. Organization Board of Management Managing Director Managing Director & CSO & CFO Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit Achim von Dungern Scientific Affairs Council Management Assistents Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Institute of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics Institute of PolymericMaterials Research Division Biofunctional Polymer Materials within the Max Bergmann Center Research Technology Administration and Technical Services Achim von Dungern Dr. Michael Wilms Prof. Dr. Gert Heinrich Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit Prof. Dr. Manfred Stamm Finance / Controlling Regina Buls Human Ressources Christa Jacob Procurement and General Services Kerstin Nitsche Library Ursula Umlauf Laboratory Equipment and Technical Building Services Falk Wünsche Information Technology Jens Müller Polymer Structures Polymer Interfaces Composite Materials Dr. Doris Pospiech Dr. Frank Simon Charge and Structure at Biointerfaces Dr. Ralf Zimmermann Hemocompatible Surfaces Dr. Claudia Sperling Matrix Engineering Dr. Tilo Pompe Device Development and Construction Device Fabrication and Workshop Services Prof. Dr. Edith Mäder Polymer Reactions and Blends Polyelectrolytes and Dispersions Processing Prof. Dr. Udo Wagenknecht Dr. Michael Wilms Dr. Frank Böhme Dr. Ulrich Scheler Analysis Nanostructured Materials Reactive Processing Dr. Klaus-Jochen Eichhorn Prof.Dr.Manfred Stamm Dr. Dieter Lehmann Group Theory of Polymers Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer Mechanics and Structure Dirk Zimmerhäckl Dr. Konrad Schneider

  4. Our mission: Application-oriented basic research • Objective: • Development of fundamentals of functional polymers and polymer materials with novel or improved properties and combination of material development with innovative and sustainable manufacturing and processing technologies • Scope of work: • Holistic materials research ranging from synthesis and modification via characterization, theory, processing and testing up to control of properties of polymer materials, biomaterials and composites by selective interface design • Unique characteristics: Combination of • Competence in the field of interfaces, in particular with regard to their role in applications • Close interdisciplinary co-operation of scientists and engineers • Materials research ranging up to the point of transfer into an industrially used product

  5. Concept: Interdisciplinary Approach Modelling/ Theory Synthesis Processing/ Testing Physical Chemistry/ Characterization

  6. Applications Surface finishing Coating Blends Reinforced Polymers Micro- and nanostructures Polymers for application in microelectronics and medicine

  7. Guests at the IPF • (visiting scientists, postdocs, students)

  8. status quo in gender

  9. Staff • Ratio of employees paid for by ordinary budget and third party funds (December 31, 2009) total number: 463 Coworkers subdivided according to kind of occupation (December 31, 2009) GENIS LAB-questionnaire: DOW – page 12 ff Total: 463 Women: 213 = 46 % (permanent: 57) Men: 250 = 54 % (permanent: 55) (*BA: Berufsakademie = University of Cooperative Education)

  10. Personnel development Proportion of women

  11. (2010)

  12. What we expect to achieve for our organization by the end of GENIS LAB? Which are the most successful gender equality policies and measures that have been implemented in our organisation? Increase share of women (in leading positions) Learning from other partners what is their gender policy and comparison with own institution Analysis about status quo (strenghts/weakness)  implementation Continuous review in parallel to review „berufundfamilie“ • Women´s representative since February 1995, Voting process • Kerstin Wustrack (public relation), substitute: Kerstin Arnhold (technician) • - Gender officer since 2004, Voting process • Dr. Victoria Albrecht (researcher); substitute: Kerstin Arnhold (technician) • Report about gender equality (2004-2008) • Plan of gender equality (2009-2012) • Certificate „berufundfamilie“ since May 2010; next audit 2013 • -

  13. Certificate „berufundfamilie“since May 2010 • current arrangements • Flexible working time • Full time /part time models • Partial retirement • Family friendly meeting dates • Offers to attend health courses • (back care, massages) • Child care offers (around the • clock, weekend) • Room for nursing and swaddling • future arrangements • contracts with child care facilities • to reserve places for IPF- personnel • Communication (special web areas), • also during parental time • Training of leading people concerning • compatibility job and familiy • Flexible place of work? (work from home) • Working time models get more flexible

  14. …in addition Christmas for childrens at IPF 02.12.2010 Night of Science 18.06.2010 at IPF Girls Day 22.04.2010 at IPF

  15. WP 6- Dissemination and Awareness campaignleader IPF • Objectives: • To raise relevant stakeholders awareness on the need/possibility of structural organisational changes in • scientific organisations in order to contrast the under representation of women in research institutes and • universities • To create cooperative environments supporting structural changes in organisations • To disseminate intermediate and final project outputs, in the European Scientific Community • Deliverables: • (M2) dissemination plan of the project will be elaborate in the first two months of the project; it will focuses on definition of: project logo, project brochure; project presentation (ppt); dedicated website containing a blog; periodic newsletter(one every 6 months); national launching conferences; high level training addressed to HR managers in scientific organisation; networking and clustering with other similiar initiatives; transnational final conference • (M48) guidelines of efficient gender management tools tailored for scientific institution: the guidelines of efficient gender management addressed to research organisation and universities and case studies resulting from the project will be published in all partner´s languages at the end of the project • Milestones: • (M20) - WP 4 Guidelines for definition of action plans • (M24) - WP 4 start of the implementation of the action plan • (M48) - WP 5 Final evaluation on the implementation of the self-tailored Action Plans and the structural changes

  16. LOGO –DRAFT!!! (first ideas) H2O GENIS LAB GENIS LAB

  17. Ein paar Fragen von mir: Dient Genis lab ausschließlich der Frauenförderungen im Technischen/Wissens. Bereich? Geht es nur um die schon existierenden Wissenschaftlerinnen oder soll Schule und Studium auch mit angesprochen werden (also geht es nur um Arbeitsbedingungen oder wie man allgemein Frauen mehr für Technik und Wissenschaft begeistert?) Kann man in Genis Lab auch Frauenförderung/Nachwuchsförderung und Netzwerkbildung betreiben? Kann dafür Geld ausgegeben werden? Gibt es Veranstaltungen zu denen wir unsere (Nachwuchs)wissenschaftlerinnen schicken können? Werden z.B. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen europaweit aus den Instituten vernetzt? Treffen? Datenbank? Können/sollen wir was am IPF machen? Und: wir haben ja keine Probleme am IPF sondern einen hohen Frauenanteil was plant denn Genislab um Frauen mehr in leitende wissenschaftliche Positionen zu bringen oder zu motivieren eine Hochschulkarriere anzustreben? Deutschland hat wenigstens das Problem, dass es viel zu wenige Professorinnen in den techn./wissenschaftlichen Fächern gibt 8außer Bio/medizin)

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