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Planning for the next 5 years, this project focuses on migrating remaining high priority legacy data sets to PDS4. The identified missions include New Horizons, Voyager 1 and 2, Clementine LIDAR, GRAIL, Magellan, Mars Global Surveyor, Phoenix, Viking Lander 1 and 2, Huygens, MSL, Juno, and Galileo. This effort requires assessing uniqueness, user demand, availability of experts, software tools, and funds. The migration effort for active missions and planning for LRO are also discussed.
PDS3-4 Migration Finding #6 Planning for the next 5 years • Remaining High Priority Legacy Data Sets Previously Identified for translation to PDS4 through 2021: • (data sets & est. funding from spring 2017, to be updated for spring 2018) • New Horizons (Pluto and Jupiter only) • Voyager 1 and 2 (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) • Clementine LIDAR, Lunar Topo, LWIR, Gravity • GRAIL Cal/Resampled Science, Derived Gravity Science Data Products • Magellan • Mars Global Surveyor MOLA, TES • Phoenix MECA, TGA • Viking Lander 1 & 2 LCS, Labelled Release, Seismology. • Huygens ACP, DISR, DWE, GCMS, HASI, SSP • MSL REMS • Juno • Galileo
Questions to Consider and Discuss • The uniqueness of the archive -- is this the only data of its kind now in PDS or likely to be in the near future? • How high is the level of user demand for a PDS4 version of the archive? • What is the availability of data providers, who are the experts on their data sets, and PDS personnel, who are archiving and PDS4 experts, to do the migration? • Are there already good PDS3 or PDS4 software tools for the data? • Availability of funds for both PDS personnel and data providers: identify data migrations that might be high cost.
Planning for LRO PDS3-4 migration • What data should be translated? • All PDS3 data sets? • Ancillary data: browse, calibration, extras, etc. • For each data set, is it A, B, or C and what work is involved? • A = PDS-compliant: PDS3 keywords easily mapped into a PDS4 label. • B = PDS-compliant: some dictionary work needed to make a PDS4 label. • C = Data are not PDS-compliant. • What software will need to be acquired, revised, or created? • What documentation will need to be revised or created? • Who is best positioned to do the work: Instrument team or PDS node?
Estimated PDS3-4 Migration Effort for LRO data sets LRO Total Effort: PDS Total Effort: Hours: 3517 FTE: 1.7 Hours: 2249 FTE: 1.1 • LRO instrument teams and PDS may do some preliminary work before End of Operations (EOO) as time and resources allow (i.e. primarily work related to data labels). However, we make the baseline assumption that instrument teams will not start work until EOO. • SPICE: NAIF will perform all needed conversions for LRO SPICE datasets at no cost to the mission
PDS4 Migration Plans • Examples of tasks that can be completed either before or after EOO: • Create label templates • Create labels • Mission dictionary work • Mapping of PDS3 keywords to PDS4 dictionaries • Examples of tasks recommended for completion after EOO: • Data set/label migration from PDS3 to PDS4 • Assemble collections/bundles • Documentation work • Software Development • Validation • Peer review