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The second global benchmarking for cross-platform tools and services constitutes a detailed comparison of 40 CP Tools based on 10 criteria which are essential for the selection of the right tool for an app project. In addition, the benchmarking report aggregates ratings and experience of 2,188 CPT users who have used more than 150 CP Tools. This makes the CPT Benchmarking the largest and most comprehensive evaluation of tools that support cross-platform app development. Since the last year, the market for CP Tools and services has become significantly more crowded. CPT vendors have started to put more emphasis on catering for the enterprise segment. CP Tools fall into 5 categories: App Factories, Web App Toolkits, Cross-Platform Integrated Development Environments (CP IDEs), CP IDEs for Enterprise (CP IDEs Enterprise), CP Compilers and CP Services. Android and iOS continue to be the most supported mobile platforms. WP8 is the platform which tops the wish list of CPT users. 36% state that they wish their CP Tool supported WP8. Overall, users of CP Tools are satisfied with their choice. This becomes evident in the way they have rated the CP Tools they use. 93% of all CPT users would recommend their tools to other app developers. One of the main reasons why app developers make use of CP Tools is to save time. 30% report they have realized 50% time savings thanks to their CP Tools. For the vast majority of app developers the use of CP Tools does not come at the cost of app quality. 81% claim that the quality of the apps developed with CP Tools is as good as or even better than apps developed with a native IDE . CP Tools are mainly used for app projects of shorter time span. 73% of app projects realized with a CP Tool last three months or less. 17% needed only a few weeks or even days to be completed. Short project duration is in line with the average project budget that a CPT user spends.
Cross-Platform Tool Benchmarking 2014 Find the right tool for your app project June 2014
Research2guidance is a market leading analyst and advisory company in the mobile app market. About research2guidance research2guidance is a strategy advisor and market research company. Our mission is to give guidance in the app economy. Contact: Oranienburger Strasse 27 Phone: +49 30 989 3360 10178 Berlin Germany cpt@research2guidance.com www.research2guidance.com
CPT Benchmarking CPT Market Landscape CP Tools andservices: comparison CPT userfeedback & Top 10 lists CP Tool Benchmarking 2014
Download benchmarkingreporttogainaccessto all theresults • CPT marketoverview • 40 CP Tools and services: comparison • Ratings of 2,188 CPT users • Top 10 lists • 20 benchmarking criteria • 53 Pages • Published: July 2014 • Including special offers from our partners Cross-Platform Tool Benchmarking 2014: The 2nd edition of the annual study DOWNLOAD FREE REPORT: http://research2guidance.com/cross-platform-tool-benchmarking-2014/ Special offers in the report
The CPT Benchmarking 2014 representsthe global CPT usercommunity CPT user participation by region Europe North America 38% 27% Asia Pacific 27% Africa 2% Central & South America 6% Legend
Benchmarking studiesbelongtomostpreferredinformationchannelsof CPT users Preferred information source for CP Tool selection CPT Benchmarking
CPT Benchmarking CPT Market Landscape CP Tools andservices: comparison CPT userfeedback& Top 10 lists CP Tool Benchmarking 2014
There are 6 categoriescurrent CP Tools andservices fall into Categories of CP Tools and services low Web App Toolkits Cross-PlatformServices App Factories Complexity Web 2 Native Compiler Cross-Platform IDEs Cross-Platform IDEs for Enterprise high Hybrid/Native Apps Web Apps Output
There are only 16 CP Tools withbrandawareness of 20% or more Developers’ awareness of CP Tools and services Comment: An increaseordecrease in awarenessisassumedwhenevertherehasbeen a 5% absolute changeascomparedwith 2013.
Andoridahead of iOS: 76% of CP Tool userspublish on Android Platforms CPT users publish their apps on
Output, quality of referenceappsandcosts are theprimaryselectioncriteriaforchoosing a CP Tool Primary selection criterion for choosing a CP Tool
User basevariesbetweenvendors. Somereport 100,000s ofusers (including free trial users) User numbers by CT Tools and services
Information & communicationissues are the mainbarriersto CPT market´sgrowth Major barriers to CPT market’s growth Comment: An increase/decreaseisassumedwhenevertherehasbeen a 5% absolute changeascomparedwith 2013.
CPT usershave an optimisticview on the further incorporation of CP Tools into app development In 3 years CP Tools will be used to develop... Interested in more infoonthe CPT marketlandscape? Download the free report: http://research2guidance.com/cross-platform-tool-benchmarking-2014/
CPT Benchmarking CPT Market Landscape CP Tools andservices: comparison CPT userfeedback & Top 10 lists CP Tool Benchmarking 2014
iOS and Android are the must have output platforms for a CPT vendor Platform support by CP Tool and service • The top 5 platforms which are supported by CP Tools and service providers are iOS, Android, WP8, BlackBerry 10 and HTML5. • iOS and Android are the must have output platforms for a CPT vendor. • Over the course of a year, WP8 has made a significant progress in terms of the number of tools which support native WP8 app output.
The majority of CP Tools require no programming skills Compatible programming skills by CP Tool and service • The majority of tools can be used without any programming skills. “Drag & drop” solutions allow anyone to develop an app. • Web developers experienced in using Java Scrip, HTML and CSS are targeted by a larger share of CPT vendors. • Some CP Tools like GeneXus and Magic XPA require their users to learn their propriety language and commands.
Smartphones and tablets are the most widely supported devices Supported devices by CP Tool and service Wanttoseethese & 7 othertableswhich compare thefeatures of CP Tools and services? Download the free report: http://research2guidance.com/cross-platform-tool-benchmarking-2014/ • Most CP Tools focus on supporting app development for smartphones and tablets. • Only few address the needs of desktop PCs, TV-sets, game consoles, in-Car devices or feature phones.
CPT Benchmarking CPT Market Landscape CP Tools andservices: comparison CPT userfeedback & Top 10 lists CP Tool Benchmarking 2014
33% estimate 50% + time savings thanks to CP Tools Estimated time savings realized with CP Tools Slower Faster
Users of theleading CP Tools reportdifferentextent of time savings Top 10 CP Tools: Greatest time savings
Quality of appsdevelopedwith CP Tools isratedas same orbetterthan of purely native apps Quality rating of apps developed with a CP Tool - compared to native development
Overall quality of apps developed with CP Tools: better than of nativelydeveloped Top 10 CP Tools: Best overall app quality (design, usability and performancecum.)
50% of CPT userssaythatdevelopingappswith CP Tools ledto „lowcostsandgreatresults“ Cost-performance ratio of developing apps with CP Tools Poor value:way too high total costs and bad results Costly:in total more costly than pure native development and unconvincing results Average:not significantly cheaper than developing from scratch and sufficient results Okay:cheaper than developing from scratch and good results
CPT users claim that the tools deliver good value for money Top 10 CP Tools: Cost-performance ratio Wanttoseethese & 7 other Top 10 listswhichreflectusers´ viewonthe performance of CP Tools and services? Download the free report: http://research2guidance.com/cross-platform-tool-benchmarking-2014/
Want to read more of the report´s insights? • Download the free report and get access to more insights, • these include, among others: • A detailed overview of the CPT market‘s landscape • Comparison of 40 CP Tools and services along other than already mentioned qualities • CPT user ratings: more Top 10 lists • Results based on the responses of 2,188 CPT users • Discount codes for the special offers of: Appear IQ, Marmalade, Qt, Unity,, V-Play DOWNLOAD FREE REPORT: http://research2guidance.com/cross-platform-tool-benchmarking-2014/
Want more details: Read our new report about CPT user profiles and a comparison of 14 leading CP Tools • If interested in an direct comparison of the leading CPT solutions, check out the newest report: CPT User Profiling and Market Leader Benchmarking 2014 • A comparison of 14 leading CP Tools (Adobe Air, Corona SDK,Cocos2D, jQuery Mobile, KonyOne, Marmalade, PhoneGap, Unity, Qt, SenchaTouch, Titanium, V-Play, Windows Visual Studio, Xamarin • 50 different benchmarking criteria • User profile for 150 CP Tools • User profiles and usage for 14 leading CP Tool • CP Tools compared with each other and against market average • 99 pages • Publishing date: July 2014 FIND OUT MORE: http://www.research2guidance.com/shop/index.php/cross-platform-tools-market-leader-benchmarking-2014
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