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GNSS data for Ionospheric Science and Space Weather

Explore the current state, utilization, and potential enhancements of GNSS data for ionospheric science and space weather research. Understand the impact of space weather on GNSS applications and the importance of network optimization for accurate data analysis.

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GNSS data for Ionospheric Science and Space Weather

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  1. GNSS data for Ionospheric Science and Space Weather Anthea Coster MIT Haystack Observatory

  2. 1. Elucidate the current state of the network 2. Illustrate the current uses of network data 3. Identify potential new utility of the data 4. Determine the optimal configuration moving forward: Ideal number of stations, Placement of stations, Replacement and upgrade of stations, Data management. - how does your science use the current GNET? - to what extent does your work depend on the entire network? - how could the network be improved to support your work? - what new work could be enabled with this network, related to your work or not?

  3. Strong growth in GNSS applications - surveying, drilling, precision agriculture, navigation, aviationSpace weather leads to degradation in accuracy or availability IONOSPHERE


  5. Shue et al. magnetopause (blue) Near-Earth Space: Solar-Terrestrial Interaction

  6. Near-Earth Space: Terrestrial Environment

  7. The Aurora

  8. How can we predict the occurrence of, and reaction to, Space Weather?Strong growth in GNSS applications - surveying, drilling, precision agricultures, navigation, aviationSpace weather leads to degration in accuracy or availability Large scale TEC gradients Rapid change in the TEC due to solar flare Increase in background noise level due to solar radio bursts Scintillation

  9. Storm-Enhanced Density • Severe ionosphere gradients • Impact on DGPS and SBAS positioning applications, among others

  10. Space Weather: Gradients over the Poles

  11. Enhanced TEC measured at ~ 24 UT

  12. nain

  13. Space Weather - Scintillation SV velocity vs Incident wave Ionosphere Wave front: uniform phase uniform amplitude Irregularities Wave emerging from below irregularities: non-uniform phase quasi-uniform/non-uniform amplitude Plasma drift vp Diffraction/interference pattern Ground

  14. The Aurora Polar Region Auroral Oval

  15. Example: Auroral Arc Near South Pole All-sky imager (120 km altitude) (G. Bust) GPS signal

  16. Auroral Arcs and Scintillation  (rad)

  17. Patchy Pulsating Aurora

  18. E. G. Thomas (Space@VT) GPS TEC & SuperDARN CEDAR-GEM, 2011


  20. 1. Elucidate the current state of the network 2. Illustrate the current uses of network data 3. Identify potential new utility of the data 4. Determine the optimal configuration moving forward: Ideal number of stations, Placement of stations, Replacement and upgrade of stations, Data management. - how does your science use the current GNET? - to what extent does your work depend on the entire network? - how could the network be improved to support your work? - what new work could be enabled with this network, related to your work or not?

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