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ST. JOSEPH PARISH STAFF Front row left to right: Donna Welsch, Julianne Mackey, Cheryl Zeilman, and Kurt Juchartz.

ST. JOSEPH PARISH STAFF Front row left to right: Donna Welsch, Julianne Mackey, Cheryl Zeilman, and Kurt Juchartz. Second row: Diane Kroll, Julie Mizak, Scott Anastasia, Denise LaKuta, Colleen Crotty, Ann Turner, Toni Searls, Katheryn Hoekst, and Penny Zukowski.

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ST. JOSEPH PARISH STAFF Front row left to right: Donna Welsch, Julianne Mackey, Cheryl Zeilman, and Kurt Juchartz.

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  1. ST. JOSEPH PARISH STAFF Front row left to right: Donna Welsch, Julianne Mackey, Cheryl Zeilman, and Kurt Juchartz. Second row: Diane Kroll, Julie Mizak, Scott Anastasia, Denise LaKuta, Colleen Crotty, Ann Turner, Toni Searls, Katheryn Hoekst, and Penny Zukowski. Third row: Fred Elias, Mary Lazuka, Katie Darin, Phyllis Reed, Fr. Brad, Mason Koch, Pat Sattler, Lisa Bilk, Tom Clark, and Karen Johnson. Maybe you’ve never had the chance to meet, chat, or enjoy a cup of coffee with members of our office and school staff. They would certainly enjoy the opportunity to get acquainted with you. Recently, each staff member was asked to fill out a questionnaire, sharing information about themselves, their position,and ministry within the parish.

  2. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Part-Time Administrative Assistant. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Employed on July 23, 2012. Before that I was volunteer Assistant to the Business Manager from October, 2011 until I was employed by St. Joseph Church. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities include assisting the Business Manger with bookkeeping for the Church and keeping track of the tuition for the school, supporting the editor of the Church Bulletin, arranging for funerals with the funeral homes, coordinating and training of the phone volunteers, making sure visitors or people who call in are helped in any way they need, taking minutes at the staff meetings, ordering of supplies for the Church and office, distribution of commission minutes received to the pastoral council and any clerical duties that are needed in the running of the office. I help the students at the school practice for the Friday Masses. I have been a Women's Guild member since 2001 and Treasurer since 2005. All three of my children have been students at St. Joseph Parish School and I also was a volunteer and lunch mom there. I was on the Worship Committee for eight years as the lector coordinator. In addition, I have been a lector for 20 years and Eucharistic Minister when needed. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? My most spiritual experience with my job is interacting with parishioners, co-workers and the people who come to the office enables me see God in others. I feel His presence at those moments and am very blessed to have this opportunity to experience those moments. What do you find most rewarding? The most rewarding thing I find is not only being a member of the congregation but also someone who helps the church run more smoothly. I am here to serve. Donna Welsch What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? 7th Grade Homeroom Teacher (middle school English Teacher). How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? I have been working at St. Joe's since 2011. Describe your job and responsibilities. As the 7th grade homeroom teacher, I teach religion, English, world cultures, Literature, and spelling to my 7th grade students; I also teach the 6th grade and 8th grade English classes. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? With my job, I have the unique opportunity to talk about and reaffirm my spirituality on a daily basis. The open discussion and dialogue that occurs between my students and I is not only helping them grow and learn about their spirituality, but is also allows me the same opportunity. What do you find most rewarding? The most rewarding part of my job is being able to watch my students make progress and succeed. Whether they are applying concepts they've learned into real life situations or making connections across subject areas, these successes truly allow me to see the fruits of my profession. Katie Darin

  3. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Grade 5 Teacher.  How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? 7 years. Describe your job and responsibilities. I teach all major subjects except for math. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? When my students and I pray the “Prayer Celebration” together after each chapter in our Religion book. What do you find most rewarding? Watching my students learn and grow throughout the year. Toni Searls What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Parish Administrative Assistant. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at St. Joseph August, 2012. Describe your job and responsibilities. Assist in day to day activities within the parish. Editor of the parish bulletin. Assist parishioner as well as staff with any questions and/or concerns they have regarding the Parish. Sacrament record keeping. Coordinate funerals between Parish staff, families and funeral homes. Administer Baptismal & Wedding information & Certificates. Julianne Mackey • What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? • In the past 4 years I have lost one of my best friends, both of my grandmothers and my Father. It was difficult trying to find ways to cope with the depression and day to day activities. I knew when I was looking for a job, it wasn’t just a job I was looking for. I would only look on the Archdiocese website because I know at that point I needed to have a relationship with the Lord. I had interviewed with a couple different churches and then St. Joseph’s. As soon as I left my interview, I went straight to the cemetery to tell my Dad I had to work here. I knew in my heart that I need to work in a church where the parishioners were more like a “family” than just acquaintances. My faith has grown since I have been here in ways I cannot express in words. I talk to people every single day that have recently been in the same situation I have been and in talking with them, I realize that I am actually not only helping him/her, I am helping myself also. I am a better person because of the people I am surrounded by on a daily basis and I thank God every single day for the kindness they bring to me. • What do you find most rewarding? • Day to day activities can be so hectic and almost to the point when I think that I am NEVER going to get all of this work done in the time allocated but a wise parishioner once said to me, not to long ago…“There is always enough time in God’s world”. Since then, I have come to realize that He knows what I can do and how long it may take. I know that every single thing I do helps another person whether it be a parishioner, a staff member, or someone in need. At the end of the day I always leave work knowing that in someway, somehow…I helped someone. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Grade 5 Teacher. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? 7 years. Describe your job and responsibilities. I teach all major subjects except for math. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? When my students and I pray the “Prayer Celebration” together after each chapter in our Religion book. What do you find most rewarding? Watching my students learn and grow throughout the year. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Parish Administrative Assistant. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at St. Joseph August, 2012 Describe your job and responsibilities. Assist in day to day activities within the parish. Editor of the parish bulletin. Assist parishioner as well as staff with any questions and/or concerns they have regarding the Parish. Sacrament record keeping. Coordinate funerals between Parish staff, families and funeral homes. Administer Baptismal & Wedding information & Certificates. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? In the past 4 years I have lost one of my best friends, both of my grandmothers and my Father. It was difficult trying to find ways to cope with the depression and day to day activities. I knew when I was looking for a job, it wasn’t just a job I was looking for. I would only look on the Archdiocese website because I know at that point I needed to have a relationship with the Lord. I had interviewed with a couple different churches and then St. Joseph’s. As soon as I left my interview, I went straight to the cemetery to tell my Dad I had to work here. I knew in my heart that I need to work in a church where the parishioners were more like a “family” than just acquaintances. My faith has grown since I have been here in ways I cannot express in words. I talk to people every single day that have recently been in the same situation I have been and in talking with them, I realize that I am actually not only helping him/her, I am helping myself also. I am a better person because of the people I am surrounded by on a daily basis and I thank God every single day for the kindness they bring to me. What do you find most rewarding? Day to day activities can be so hectic and almost to the point when I think that I am NEVER going to get all of this work done in the time allocated but a wise parishioner once said to me, not to long ago… “There is always enough time in God’s world”. Since then, I have come to realize that He knows what I can do and how long it may take. I know that every single thing I do helps another person whether it be a parishioner, a staff member, or someone in need. At the end of the day I always leave work knowing that in someway, somehow…I helped someone.

  4. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Business Manager. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at S. Joseph May 13, 2013. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities include: Understanding and ensuring compliance with Archdiocese of Detroit financial policies and procedures. I manage personnel Fred Elias salaries, benefits and policies. I seek competitive bidding on services and products. I act as a liaison to Archdiocesan administrative agencies. I am the primary staff liaison to the Parish Finance Committee. I work with pastoral and lay staff and key volunteers to facilitate fund raising events, pledge drives and parish offertory collections. I manage/direct activities of the parish staff as directed by the pastor, to ensure necessary work is completed. I supervise day-to-day financial tasks, such as processing and recording payments to vendors, recording deposits, process payroll and payroll taxes, monthly bank reconciliations, enrolling/updating employees in benefit plans, preparing and submitting benefit plan and other documentation to MCC. I prepare the parish budget with input from the Pastor, Finance Committee and other appropriate staff members. I handle bank relations to include management of accounts and problem solving. I am responsible that all federal, state and local taxes are paid in accordance with federal, state and local laws. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? This may sound crazy but when I worked in the private sector and we would have staff meetings they were always strictly business. I never really felt the presence of God in those meetings. After I started to work for the church the first thing I noticed was we prayed before any meeting, always asking God to help us in our discussions. Here at St. Joseph we also take time once a week to get together as a staff and pray I find those times so rewarding and I feel like my job has a real purpose in supporting God’s great plan here on earth. Those are moments in my work when I feel closest to God. What do you find most rewarding? I have been so fortunate to have worked at four different parishes here in the Detroit area. At every parish I have made friends and have seen people grow in their faith in part because of the support I was able to give to the different programs our parish offered. Even though I am only the Business Manager I feel a real sense of responsibility to our parishioners. This is your money we use to build our parish and I am responsible to make sure we are using the recourses you have generously provided in the most cost effective way possible. Knowing that I am helping in some small way to help build the Church of God is more rewarding than anything I have ever done in my professional life. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Business Manager. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at S. Joseph May 13, 2013. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities include: Understanding and ensuring compliance with Archdiocese of Detroit financial policies and procedures. I manage personnel salaries, benefits and policies. I seek competitive bidding on services and products. I act as a liaison to Archdiocesan administrative agencies. I am the primary staff liaison to the Parish Finance Committee. I work with pastoral and lay staff and key volunteers to facilitate fund raising events, pledge drives and parish offertory collections. I manage/direct activities of the parish staff as directed by the pastor, to ensure necessary work is completed. I supervise day-to-day financial tasks, such as processing and recording payments to vendors, recording deposits, process payroll and payroll taxes, monthly bank reconciliations, enrolling/updating employees in benefit plans, preparing and submitting benefit plan and other documentation to MCC. I prepare the parish budget with input from the Pastor, Finance Committee and other appropriate staff members. I handle bank relations to include management of accounts and problem solving. I am responsible that all federal, state and local taxes are paid in accordance with federal, state and local laws. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? This may sound crazy but when I worked in the private sector and we would have staff meetings they were always strictly business. I never really felt the presence of God in those meetings. After I started to work for the church the first thing I noticed was we prayed before any meeting, always asking God to help us in our discussions. Here at St. Joseph we also take time once a week to get together as a staff and pray I find those times so rewarding and I feel like my job has a real purpose in supporting God’s great plan here on earth. Those are moments in my work when I feel closest to God. What do you find most rewarding? I have been so fortunate to have worked at four different parishes here in the Detroit area. At every parish I have made friends and have seen people grow in their faith in part because of the support I was able to give to the different programs our parish offered. Even though I am only the Business Manager I feel a real sense of responsibility to our parishioners. This is your money we use to build our parish and I am responsible to make sure we are using the recourses you have generously provided in the most cost effective way possible. Knowing that I am helping in some small way to help build the Church of God is more rewarding than anything I have ever done in my professional life.

  5. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Principal of the school. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? This is my first year at St. Joe’s. Describe your job and responsibilities. Manage school employees, coordinate school activities with the school committee such as the Beer and Wine Tasting Event, Carnival, and Fish Fry. I evaluate the programs and processes in the school ensuring our students are challenged, receive a Catholic Education, and the school is improving with new technology and curriculum aligned to the Common Core. The benefits: I get to play outside for recess on occasion, laugh with the children, and watch them grow year after year. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? It is so special to feel the inner peace in praying the Rosary with the children in the school. As leader of the school community during the May Living rosary, stations of the cross, and daily morning and evening prayer with the students, prayer and the importance of being Catholic becomes more relevant for me Monday through Friday. It is so comforting to see the supportive parents and grandparents come to events the students participate in. Students participate at weekly Mass with Father Brad and I see all of the parents there in support of their children. This is a very spiritual time for me and the school family. The times the parish staff and school employees get together brings us all closer to God and our mission to the church. I pray and understand that God has called me to share in little ways, my spirituality, joy, and love of God with school children. I’m hopeful that a few of those children I am in contact with in my years as principal will also be called to be teachers or Catholic School Principals because of my kindness, love, or discipline they have learned from me. What do you find most rewarding? My most rewarding time is when I hear from past students and how they loved the time they spent in their elementary years. I enjoy sitting next to students at lunch and chatting about their lives outside of school. In my short time at St. Joe’s School I have met the most amazing parents who love and care for their children, their church, and their faith. They also have welcomed and allowed me to Christ’s Love through them. I’ve been invited to hockey games, basketball games, Girl Scout events, DYPAC plays, and Ladies Guild events like I am one the the St. Joe’s family members. Thank You. Karen Johnson What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Substitute teacher and the school Media Coordinator. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at St. Joseph School March 2002. Describe your job and responsibilities. For the past eleven years I have been filling in as a substitute teacher when the regular teachers are absent. In addition, I have been the Media Coordinator for the past four years, maintaining the school library and coordinating the yearly book fair. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? Helping students to grow. What do you find most rewarding? Seeing the students excitement over books, reading and learning. Julie Mizak

  6. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Kindergarten Teacher. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? 14 years. Describe your job and responsibilities. 1. Provide a caring, safe, and happy learning environment. 2. Guide the students to learn to work and play cooperatively with others. 3. Help the children develop a positive attitude toward school. 4. Encourage each student to see themselves as competent learners. 5. Encourage each child to try his/her best and always come to me if he/she needs help. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? One of our Bible stories in Kindergarten is “Let Little Children Come to Me”. The disciples think Jesus is too busy and tired to see the children and tells the children to go away. When Jesus saw what the disciples were doing, he said “Let the children come to me”. Following Jesus’ example and being there for the Kindergarteners, helping them to grow and learn and to feel good about themselves. What do you find most rewarding? The thing I find most rewarding is watching the children grow and learn from August to June. Seeing them smile, and laugh, and enjoy school is very important to me. I enjoy spending each day with my children and this makes me feel closet to God. Penny Zukowski What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Music Minister. How longhave you been employed at St. Joseph? I began working at St. Joseph August 7, 2011. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities include working with the adult choir, the children’s school choir, cantors and other volunteer instrumentalists. Also, I coordinate music and people to sing or play instruments at weekend Masses, funerals, weddings, and school Masses. Finally, I am a part of the Worship Commission which is to provide leadership in the areas of Liturgy and ecumenism in the church. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? I am brought closer to God in my job by working with volunteers and parishioners. Guiding them through worship with the music brings me closer to God because with the talents God has given me I am able to share my knowledge of music with the church to enrich their lives in Faith! What do you find most rewarding? The most rewarding part of my ministry is people reaffirming that they like what I am doing. It reminds me that God put me here for a reason. Mason Koch

  7. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? I am the first grade teacher at St. Joseph School. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? I began teaching at St. Joe’s in January of this year. Describe your job and responsibilities. I teach my class of 18 students Religion, Reading, Phonics, Math, Handwriting, Language, Social Studies, and Science. I also incorporate creative and extra literacy-based activities to encourage a love of reading and learning. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? What I find most spiritual about my job is seeing my students live the concepts we discuss as part of our Religion curriculum, like having respect for and serving others, and realizing that God guides us in our daily lives. What do you find most rewarding? One of the many things that I find rewarding are the times when my students are excited about a new concept or unit we are studying, and are anxious to participate and share their ideas with others. Kathryn Hoekstra What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Program Director. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? 12 years. Describe your job and responsibilities. Keeping parish records updated, which includes entering all parishioner information into our data base. New registrations, changes in family history, deaths, births, weddings, baptisms, and entering all stewardship donations. Plan and organize special parish events. Parish picnic, breakfasts, and any one time special events. Chairperson for the Activity Committee. The committee coordinates other special parish including Friday Flicks, Trenton Christmas Parade, and our annual January event. We always try to come up with new fun ideas for the whole parish to enjoy! Senior Moments. I plan and organize gatherings for the senior citizens of St. Joseph. Trips, speakers, luncheons, etc. Debt Reduction Campaigns. Includes all mailings and recording of all donations. Supply Pastor, Business Manager, and AOD with updated reports. Protecting God’s Children. Work with staff to ensure PGC certification of volunteers and staff. Keep records up-to-date for both parish and AOD. Maintain parish web-site. Maintain office computers. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? When I am reaching the point of feeling overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines, I really try and stop for a moment and remember where I am. Sometimes, I see someone during the day in church praying or lighting a candle, or the parishioners that are always ready with a warm smile and a hug. Parishioners that share a very personal thought or event with me that is happening in their lives, or knowing I can make a phone call to those parishioners I am closest with just to talk will always make me feel happy. The co-workers that are always willing to stop what they are doing and pray with me. It is in these moments that make me pause and reflect on my relationship with God and to always value the people in my life and the journey He is guiding me on. What do you find most rewarding? It’s the parishioners of St. Joseph. The volunteers I get to work with. The notes I receive that say “Thank You” for what you do (I have kept everyone of them!). Having a successful parish event and afterword sitting around with the volunteers that helped, laughing and enjoying one another’s company and knowing we made people happy. For the lasting friendships I have made here. Diane Kroll

  8. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Pastoral Associate and Director of Christian Service. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at St. Joseph July 1, 2007. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities include providing pastoral care to the community and assisting the pastor. This happens in the area of Pastoral Care which includes ministries to the sick, funeral liturgies, spiritual counseling, parish planning (such as the annual Parish Mission) supporting volunteers and leading prayer, the area of Social Justice which includes helping the poor, creating a more just society, upholding the respect for human life, promoting peace, stewardship of nature and creation, the area of ChristianInitiation (RCIA) which includes teaching the faith and preparing ritual celebrations as well as the celebrations of the Sacraments, the area of Adult Faith Formation which includes developing and implementing opportunities of adult learning, infusing Christian values in the life of the parish, expanding Catholic Social Teaching, and Evangelization. I also coordinate various liturgical activities such as infant baptism preparation, adult Confirmation and finally, assume a leadership role in decision making when the pastor is absent. I am a member of the Faith Formation Commission, Christian Service Commission, Parish Pastoral Council, and St. Vincent de Paul group. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? The moments in my work when I feel closest to God are the times when I have put a great deal of effort into planning and coordinating an event at Mass and then everything goes perfectly or the times when people have had very difficult things happening in their lives and I am not sure what to say to them, but God seems to give me the words that the person needs to hear. What do you find most rewarding? The rewarding part of my ministry is working with the RCIA. The beautiful Catholic faith and ancient traditions used to help people become members of the Church are rewarding in themselves, but being privileged to be part of how these things change and improve people’s lives is truly overwhelming. ScottAnastasia What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Fourth Grade Teacher. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? 6 years. Describe your job and responsibilities. I teach the fourth graders all subjects, but science. I teach the fifth graders math. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? I feel close to God when our class prays together for special intentions. What do you find most rewarding? I enjoy teaching and learning along with our St. Joe’s students. Anne Turner

  9. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Second grade teacher. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? I have taught here for 11 years and I have been teaching for a total of 30 years. I also attended St. Joe’s as a child. Describe your job and responsibilities. I teach all subjects (Religion, Math, Reading, Phonics, Spelling, Handwriting, English, Science, and Social Studies) to my second graders. A responsibility I have is to maintain our “St. Joe’s Wall of Fame”. If you haven’t walked inside our school recently, you should stop in to see all of the pictures that are on our “Wall of Fame”. Teachers take pictures of their students doing various activities and our Technology Coordinator prints the pictures. I laminate the pictures before taping them on the wall. I also hang up pictures from our local newspaper and from the parish bulletin. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? What I find most spiritual about my job is when I prepare my students for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. Both sacraments are very important in developing my students’ faith lives. My students are so excited and eager to make both sacraments. What do you find most rewarding? The most rewarding part of teaching is when I can see growth and improvement in my students from the beginning of the year to the end of the school year. I also find it rewarding when a student says that they are so glad and feel lucky that we can talk about God and Jesus anytime of the day here at St. Joe’s. Denise Lokuta

  10. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? I teach 8th grade as well as 6th - 8th grade Math. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? I have been teaching at St. Joe’s for 6 years. Describe your job and responsibilities. It is my responsibility to help my students learn, grow, and embrace Christ’s teaching to be the best they can be. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? I find that my ability to share in Christ and His teachings with my students the most spiritual aspect about my job. What do you find most rewarding? I find watching my students learn and grow most rewarding about my job. • Colleen Crotty What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Assistant to the Director of Religious Education. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working at St. Joseph on January 15, 2001. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities include assisting in the faith formation of our pubic school students. This includes registering families, setting up and maintaining our religious education classes and updating records. We currently offer classes for grades K through 8 on Mondays and Tuesdays. I also solicit, assign, and support catechists ensuring they have the proper background checks and PGC seminar completed, that all of their organizational needs are met to run a productive classroom, as well as encourage their attendance at training classes towards catechist certification. Coordinating the preparation and reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, as well as the planning and facilitation of meetings, workshops, and retreats for St. Joseph School and Religious Education students and families. I contribute in the development of new ideas for our overall program. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? Having the fulfilling experience to teach our youth about our faith and/or our church. The positive response gives me hope that they, in turn, will go out and share what they have learned and spread the passion. After all, isn’t that what Jesus asks of us? What do you find most rewarding? The joint effort between our strong leadership, caring parents, and dedicated catechists and volunteers, as they share in the faith formation of our children and the holy sacraments of the church. Such an important ministry that I may have had some influence is most rewarding. Mary Lazuka

  11. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Maintenance and Facility Director. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working here February 22, 2005. Describe your job and responsibilities. My job includes all repairs to entire parish big and small, maintain and keep beauty of our parish. Try to run parish on a controlled budget. Do all snow removal and grounds. Do all cleaning of our parish, school, church, office with help. Ordering supplies for school, church, and office. Basically, whatever has to be done on a day by day basis.  What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? Taking care of the Lord’s house. Seeing and being with all our parishioners and watching our children grow year by year. • Phyllis Reed What do you find most rewarding? Knowing I’m serving God every day by the job I do, helping out and watching my faith grow every day in the job I do. Also, when our kids come back years later just to say hello Mr. Kurt, that really touches me. Kurt Juchartz What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? I am the third grade teacher. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? I have been employed at St. Joseph for 21 years. I started as a substitute teacher in 1992 and then became a regular employee as the school librarian in 1997. I have been the third grade teacher since the 1999-2000 school year. Describe your job and responsibilities. Teaching third grade. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God?Teaching Religion classes and helping the students prepare for leading weekly Masses. It is enriching to touch their lives and see them grow in their faith. What do you find most rewarding? It is rewarding to guide students forward, helping them become stronger and more capable students. Independent learners. I have taught the children of past students, and their happiness is an achievement of which I am very proud. Phyllis Reed

  12. What is your position with St. Joseph Parish? Pastoral Associate with primary responsibilities as Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministries. How long have you been employed at St. Joseph? Began working with St. Joseph Parish on July 1, 2007. Describe your job and responsibilities. My responsibilities as Director of Religious Education include developing and directing the parish Religious Faith Formation for our school children and our public school children. This entails the type of formation material used both in school and in our Faith Formation Program along with the preparation of the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation for our children. Tom Clark A director of Youth Ministries we gather youth together not only for the sake of gathering but to assist them in continuing their Faith education by means of specific catechetical meetings, retreats and mission trips to Lower Brule South Dakota Indian Reservation. We keep active within community outreach through city activities, making service orientated trips to outreach programs such as Gleaners Food Bank, Capuchin Soup Kitchen, parish outreach such as cleaning up our historical cemetery, and providing Spirit Night to the parish to name a few. Of course we have our days of outright fun and Laser Tag seems to be tops. No one to date has ever matched the Bald Ninja in Laser Tag. Most of our programs are primarily supported through fund raising activities which many of you have participated in. Youth Ministry is a parish ministry and is at its best when there is a strong adult foundation supporting our young people. My duties also have me serving within the Adult Faith Formation of our parish. This includes working alongside dedicated parish volunteers as we seek to develop and implement opportunities of adult learning. Adult Faith Formation is an ongoing ministry of outreach to the adults of our parish to assist our adults in continued education of our Catholic Faith and to help them build the desire to further live out their faith within their own homes, community and our St. Joseph Parish. What do you find most spiritual about your job, that you feel brings you closest to God? This is a difficult question to answer because I see my work not as “Work” but as ministry. This means for me to put all I do, first for God. This too, becomes my answer. To put oneself in the hands of God so as to endeavor to do His will becomes a most beautiful spiritual experience. I can then experience God’s presence within the full scope of my duties. Whether it is in planning our sacraments, forming our young people or talking deeply with parents and other parishioners or especially praying with them, this is all so very moving to me. What do you find most rewarding? In it all, I love getting to know the people of our parish. I love hearing their stories and sharing my own in return. I love talking with the people of our parish about our Faith and how it matters in our lives. To then take a few moments to pray with them and see in their eyes and feel in my heart that what we just experienced will matter far beyond the moment. God matters, Faith matters, living out our Faith matters, and to share this with others is deeply valuable.

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