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Group presentation Libyan civil war. 2 조. Libyan civil war introduction. There are armed conflicts occurred between Muammar Gaddafi’s supporters and Anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya, North American country from February 15, 2011 to October 20, 2011. Background of the Libya situation.
Group presentation Libyan civil war 2조
Libyan civil war introduction There are armed conflicts occurred between Muammar Gaddafi’s supporters and Anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya, North American country from February 15, 2011 to October 20, 2011
Background of the Libya situation Muammar Gaddafi
Background of the Libya situation 2011. 2. 15 Libya situation was started. Libya situation : Peaceful anti-government demonstrations of Gaddafi’s coercive regime that has ruled for 42 years and Libya. Polarization was intensified in Libya. The general populacehad a difficult life. Revolution broke out in Egypt, Libya citizensdemandedreforms in the government and joined in the protests. Domestic problems : Gaddafi’s iron fist The manufacturer of all on National interest was occupied by Gaddafi’s eight child.
Background of the Libya situation Pro-democracy movement was generated from the capital city of Benghazi which is called second Libya ↓ Pro-democracy movement have spread Libya as a whole ↓ Gaddafi ‘s Strong suppression ↓ Anti-government protests took control of the capital, Gaddafi regime collapsed
WHAT AND HOW International Organizations (IOs) intervened in the issue! 1) UN • On '11.2.26, United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held conference about Gaddafi’s genocide, torture, detention and adopted resolutions that was called the "1970 resolutions"
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) • On ‘11.3.1, United Nations General Assembly stop Libya’s member country qualifications of Human Rights Council. Member country qualifications • On '11.3.18, UNSC adopted resolutions that was about ‘flight prohibited area’ to Libya.
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) • On 11.8.25, Secretary-General of the United Nations held an international conference for preparation after Gaddafi’s ended iron fist. • On '11.12.16, UNSC removed freezing of the Libyan Foreign Bank(LFB)’s asset and Libya central bank. freezing
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) 2) UN multinational forces • On '11.3.19, Multi National Forces (France, UK, Canada, America..) launched military operation that was called "Odyssey Dawn". • On '11.3.20, Multi National Forces did second air raid to Libya government forces. • On '11.3.23/ 3.24/ 3.26, Multi National Forces made an air raid and destroyed Gaddafi's armored vehicle and cannon forces.
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) 3) Another IOs. • On '11.3.3, ICC(International Criminal Court) judged that they had a right to figure out Libya's bloodshed and decided to investigate about it( Libya's bloodshed). • On '11.3.2, EU regulated Libyan civil war(=Libya situation) was "not accepted situation" and demanded Gaddafi's retirement.
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) • On '11.3.8, EU froze Gaddififamiliy's assets, visa issue and LIA(that was founded by Gaddafi)'s assets • On '11.4.2, EU (the European Union) decided to make support army to reduce demage death rate.
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) • On '11.3.8, NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) started flying on patrol in Libya's sky. • NATO blocked the suspicious sea that was considered there were weapon and mercenary transport.
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) • On '11.3.26, NATO decided to deal with only watch on flight prohibited area of Libya. • On '11.5.11, NATO bombed an official residence of Gaddafi.
Intervention of the IOs(international organizations) • On '11.3.25, AU(African Union) demanded Gaddafi and rebels to stop all hostilities and make peace through accept of a political reform road map. • On '11.5.28, G8 decided to support a pro-democracy movement of North Africa and • the Middle East and to demand resignation of Gaddafi.
Was intervention of IOs effective? positive Effectiveness negative
Why? Positive aspects... • Libya Intervention of International Organization fulfilled ultimate outcome; The rebels winning and Gaddafi falling • Libya Intervention reduced more Libyan protestor’s sacrifices and times.
Positive aspects... • Actually, UN and IOs prevented Libya people from genocide of Gaddafi regime. (They performed RtoP) • ICC(International Criminal Court) and IOs made sure that violations against human rights should be punished through this Libyan intervention. • They planned limited intervention goals, “Prevention of civilians massacre.“
Negative aspects... • Interpretation about ‘no fly zone’ set, and multinational force injection • Humanitarian intervention and justification Why?
Negative aspects... • General public massacre occurred in libya and in the process of struggling military intervention measures, no-fly zone discuss has emerged as a viable alternative. But this is no different about the fact that an act of war. To neutralize Libyan air defenses, they must be accompanied by pre-emptive military action. • Western countries led by the United States. Their interest was hiding under the protection of human rights justification. The problem military intervention has been carried out under the guise of protecting human rights, but rather cause considerable human rights violations against civilians.
Source http://www.agendanet.co.kr/zb41pl7/bbs/view.php?headfile=&footfile=&id=dip_sub1&headfile=&footfile=&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=134 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Union http://www.newshankuk.com/news/content.asp?news_idx=20110302092904n2416 (http://blog.naver.com/rieusj?Redirect=Log&logNo=70105307396 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=104&oid=018&aid=0002400183 http://blog.naver.com/oofbirdes?Redirect=Log&logNo=100186526315 http://cafe.naver.com/snzoomma/335 http://cafe.naver.com/historygall/19132 http://blog.naver.com/talswlt7?Redirect=Log&logNo=70131403145 http://blog.naver.com/ttyyrrkrt?Redirect=Log&logNo=50041698152 http://blog.naver.com/don7356?Redirect=Log&logNo=40162801693 http://blog.naver.com/kdhkdy2011?Redirect=Log&logNo=40173285162 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=081&aid=0002172507 http://cafe.naver.com/3war/91 http://blog.naver.com/naljava69?Redirect=Log&logNo=60126106994
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