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3 rd Grade PowerPoint Biographies. Mrs. Siverly’s 3 rd Grade Biographies. Martin Luther King Jr. Kailey.
Martin Luther King Jr. Kailey Martin Luther King, Jr. changed the laws about black and whites. The laws were not fair to the black people. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15,1929 in Atlanta, Georgia; and as a young boy, he loved to play football, basketball, and the piano. Martin wanted to be a minster and Martin met and married Coretta Scott when he was studying in Boston. In 1953 they were married. In 1953 Martin received a doctorate degree. He could now be called Dr. King. Rosa Parks was arrested because she didn’t give her bus seat to a white man. She was a friend of Martin’s. In 1963, Dr. King gave a famous speech which said “I have a dream that little black girls should be treated equally.” http://www.lexington1.net/technology/instruct/lessons/elementary/mlking/king_files/mlk.jpg Martin Luther King, Jr. by Amy Paston
Alex Elizabeth Blackwell http://www.sba-list.org/sites/default/files/content/u7/images/earlySuff5.jpg Elizabeth Blackwell is famous because she showed diligence. She was the first woman to be in medical school. She started a medical school in London. She was born in the city of Bristol, Great Britain. She opened a clinic for poor people in New York. Elizabeth Blackwell A life Of Diligence by Ann-Marie Kishel
Billy Francis Scott Key Since 1960 the flag of the United States has had fifty stars and thirteen red and white stripes and the stripes stand for the thirteen original states. The Star Spangled Banner is the national anthem of the United States. The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key. The Star Spangled Banner is a nickname for the flag of the United States. http://starspangled200.org/History/PublishingImages/FSK.JPG The National Anthem by Patricia RyonQuiri
Blade Abe Lincoln Abe Lincoln is famous because he freed and he stopped slavery. He was born in 1809. He was six years old when he went to school. He went fishing with his first friend. Abe`s mother Nancy Lincoln died in 1818. http://0.tqn.com/d/dc/1/0/4/S/1/Abraham-Lincoln.jpg Stand Tall, Abe Lincoln by Judith St. George
Eion Richard Petty Richard petty is famous because he made racing better. Richard drove in his first NASCAR race in an Oldsmobile convertible in Columbia, South Carolina. Richard won his first NASCAR at Columbia. Richard won his first Daytona 500 and first the NASCAR points championship. Richard has a record of 27 races and his second points championships. Richard Petty by A.R. Schaefer
Emma Joan Baez Folk Singer of Peace by Martisa Romeo She was born on January 9th 1941 on Staten island New York. Joan was raised as a Quaker and they don’t believe in violence. She was invited to sing at the Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island in 1959. She protested the Vietnam war in 1968 and was put in jail. http://www.greatthoughtstreasury.com/sites/default/files/Joan+Baez%5B1%5D.jpg
Justin Bieber Grace Justin Bieber is famous because he is a double platinum artist as well as a superstar. He taught himself to play guitar ,piano, and the trumpet. He plays the drums too. He sings about young love, setting goals , and growing up. Justin was born on March 1 , 1994. He grew up in the small city of Stratford , Ontario , Canada, with his mother, Pattie Mallette. His fans are what keep Justin excited about making music and touring. As Justin said in an interview with MTV “At the end of my day my fans are my everything.” http://static0.therichestimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Justin-Bieber-Wallpapers-Hd-1920x1200.jpg Justin Bieberby Gillian Gosman
Mary Breckinridge Holly Mary on Horseback by Rosemary Wells Mary Breckinridge is famous because she cured the poor and fixed broken bones.She is a nurse and a very helpful lady. She wants to help the poor people feel better. Her voice has a softness to it. She loves to find out new things. http://www.frontier.edu/images/courier-internship/courier_photo_3.jpg
Helen Keller Jaden Helen Keller is famous because she won the medal of freedom prize. Helen Keller was a writer and speaker. When she pushed someone she meant go. She learned to read by feeling tiny bumps on paper. Later Helen wrote other books. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 and she was both blind and deaf. Helen Keller by David A Adler http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Helen_KellerA.jpg/220px-Helen_KellerA.jpg
Martin Luther King, Jr. Jayden Martin Luther King, Jr. is famous because he believed in the value of self dignity, and self respect. He was a respected activist and pastor known for fights for African American civil rights through nonviolent practices he believed all people were equal. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. He was shot on April 4, 1965 by someone in Memphis, Tennessee . Mr. King had a large role in ending segregation. Mr. King loved school and enjoyed writing and giving speeches. In 1964,Martin Luther King Jr. Was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. http://www.suzannahgalland.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/couragelg.jpg Learning About Dignity from the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Jeanne Strazzabosco
Oprah Winfrey Kadence adence Oprah Winfrey is famous because she is on television and a movie star an owns a company. Winfrey was born in Mississippi in 1954 she lived on a farm with her grandmother. When she was 19 Winfrey got a job on the radio where she read the news. Later Winfrey got a job reading the news on television. When she was 13 Winfrey went to live in Nashville Tennessee with her father. http://www.realbollywood.com/upimages/Oprah-Winfrey154891.jpg Oprah Winfrey by Will Mara
Kayla Ray Charles Ray Charles is famous because he sang and played piano. His neighbor Mr. Wiley had a piano on his front porch that he used to learn. Kids called Ray ‘’Foots’’ because he didn’t have any shoes. Ray was blind. When he was a kid, other kids teased him. When he was 15 he would say he was 21 to get into a music club. He was a successful performer and people still listen to his music. http://assets-s3.rollingstone.com/assets/images/music/2010/galleries/ray-charles/ray-charles-84197/500x595/002_ray_charles.jpg Ray Charles by Sharon Bell
George Washington Koren George is famous because he helps people when there sick. He was famous because he was the first president. He was famous because he was a farmer. He explored the wilderness for 33 days. It took 8 years for George to lead the army to victory. George Washington by Tracy Dils http://0.tqn.com/d/coins/1/0/V/3/-/-/Presidential_Dollars_Washington_Coin.jpg
Amelia Earhart Liam Amelia Earhart is famous because she was the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. Amelia became a teacher and she taught at Purdue University in Indiana. The kids called her The Flying Professor. She wrote a book called 20 Hrs. 40 Min. She also wrote about flying for Cosmo http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/media/uploads/films/heroImages/amelia_banner_newsize.jpg Amelia Earhart Pioneers of the Sky by John Parlin
Vince Carter Libby Vince Carter is famous because of his Dazzling Dunks! He also is famous because he was a member of the 2000 United States Olympic Basketball Team. He and his teammates won a gold medal! Vince Carter was born on January 26, 1977, in Daytona Beach , Florida. Vince played the saxophone when he was young. Later, he played in his high school marching band. Carter even helped write his school’s Homecoming song. Carter also was a drum major. For college he went to the University of North Carolina and he was drafted by the NBA’s Golden State Warriors and was then traded to the Toronto Raptors. Carter took part in the slam-dunk contest and the fans loved it and the other All- Stars enjoyed it, too. Shaquille O’ Neal stood with a video camera, his mouth dropped open in amazement. Other players stared in disbelief. http://s3.amazonaws.com/cuttings/backgrounds/105790/play_pow14.jpg Super Sports Star Vince Carter by Stew Thornly
Abraham Lincoln Lillian Abraham Lincoln is famous because he ended slavery. He loved to read books and loved school and was nice to people. He grew up as a poor boy and worked hard. When he was older he was rich and he got lots of jobs. Then he became president and then nominated him president the second time because they liked his rules. Abe Lincoln by Lynda Jones http://chexydecimal.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/abraham-lincoln.jpg
Marcy George Washington http://www.history.com/images/media/slideshow/george-washington/george-washington-portrait.jpg George Washington is famous because no man was better suited to be nation`s first president. When George could not spell a word, he began looking through his father`s books. George had a willingness to learn everything he saw, heard, and did. He became a symbol of strength, honor, and unshakeable faith in freedom. George Washington Young Leader by Laurence Santrey
Peyton Manning Matthew Peyton held dozens of passing records and was named the national football league’s Most Valuable player(MVP). Peyton's powerful arm made him a star and set national records. Many (NFL) teams wanted Peyton to play for them. In 1998, the Indianapolis Colts choose him for the very first pick in the draft. Peyton became the quarterback that coaches hated to face. He was among the best passers that anyone had ever seen. Peyton became a talented passer and as a starting quarterback. He took the Colts on to win the SUPER BOWL 41. Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts By Michael Sandler http://joyhog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/peyton-manning-sportsman-cover-2013.jpg
Nevaeh Justin Bieber In 2010, Justin broke his foot win he was 15. Justin is left handed. He had a song called Never Say Never. His favorite color is purple. He was in a movie. Justin Oh Baby Bieber By Justin Bieber http://www.hdpaperwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/justin-bieber-2013-justin-bieber-33194067-1295-1500.jpg
Abraham Lincoln Oistin Abraham Lincoln is famous because he was the 16th president of the United States of America. He lived in the White House. He was great. He helped slaves in the war. He was shot. His life felt good. He was a wood cuter. He loved books. Abe. Lincoln The Boy Who Loved Books http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/L/Abraham-Lincoln-9382540-2-402.jpg
Theodore Roosevelt Rylan Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president. Theodore Roosevelt married Edith Carow and had many children. He was the head of New York’s police. Theodore Roosevelt was born on October27, 1858 in New York. http://centenary.bahai.us/sites/default/files/imagecache/lightbox-large/images/press_clippings/Theodore-Teddy-Roosevelt-955x1196.png Amazing President Theodore Rosevelt by Mary Dodson
Peyton Manning Tanner Peyton Manning is a player in the NFL because his dad was. He set some of the best world records. Peyton manning wore 18 as a tribute to his brother. Because his brother had something wrong with his spine. Peyton manning got married to Ashley Thompson. Hurricane Katrina took damage to Peyton’s parents house. http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/73b5cff96a669c767848ba46d4c9e27805262c9e/c=0-0-534-402&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/WBIR/WBIR/2013/10/04/1380887006000-peyton-manning.jpg Peyton Manning by Geoffrey M. Horn
Waylon Rosa Parks She was tired of being treated unfair. She got arrested because didn`t give up her seat on the bus for a white man. Her husband was a barber. They put posters up to help Mrs. Parks. Black people had to sit in the back of the bus. Nikki Giovanna http://blog.thedetroithub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/rosa-parks-bus2-650x400.jpg
Mrs. Sitarski’s 3rd Grade Biographies
Macy TomieDePaola TomieDePaola by TomieDePaola TomieDePaola writes books for little kids. TomieDePaola had a tornado in 1939. Tomie drew pictures of his family on the walls. Tomie went to the movies and Buddy, his brother, got scared. Tomie and his family finally moved into their house and loved the house. http://www.scbwi.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Tomie-dePaola3002-copy.jpg
Eddie George David http://i.usatoday.net/sports/_photos/2012/06/02/Will-Eddie-George-lose-8550-square-foot-home-0P1JIT1I-x-large.jpg Eddie George is famous because he was a famous football player. His nickname is the beast. He was the best NFL runner. He was born in 1973. In 2004, he played for the Dallas Cowboys. Super Star Eddie George by Stew Thornley
Barack Obama Madilyn Fritz Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. He has a little sister named Maya. He loved to play basketball when he was in High School. Barack has 2 girls, Sasha who is 7 and Malia who is 10. http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/O/Barack-Obama-12782369-2-402.jpg Meet President Barack Obama by Laine Falk
Rosa Parks Jade Rosa Parks did not give up her seat because she wanted to make a stand so everyone was treated the same. Rosa Parks rode the bus everyday after work. She stood up to the bus driver when he told her to move. Rosa Parks was friends with Martin Luther King, Jr. She was born on Feb. 4, 1913. http://www.communityjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/8x10-Rosa-parks-2.jpg I Am Rosa Parks by Rosa Parks
Harriet Quimby Brave Harriet Quimby By Marissa Moss Harriet Quimby was famous because Harriet was the first lady to ride an airplane over the English Channel. One thing I learned from Harriet was no matter what happens keep trying. Do it again. I learned never to have fear. Be fearless. Harriet taught me to live my dream. To do what I want to . The last thing is to go my own way. Live your own life. Alexandra Harpole http://www.vanderbiltcupraces.com/vcrsys/Images/Alco/0303018_1.jpg
Keysha Gabrielle Reece Gabrielle Reece is famous because she is a famous volleyball player. Gabrielle Reece was born on January 6, 1970 In La Jolla, California. When Gabrielle was just two her mother got divorced. Her mother decided that she couldn’t take care of her so she decided that she was going to live with her friends in New York. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3ZgoTfclKCY/TT9_qftQ1MI/AAAAAAAAAGc/a-Uadh0xd4I/s1600/gabbyreece.jpg She stayed with her mother’s friends for five Years. Gabrielle Reece Star Volleyball Player by Liza N. Burby By the time Gabrielle was 15, she was six-feet, three inches tall.
Babe Ruth Grace R. Babe Ruth is famous because he was pretty close to a god when it comes to baseball. His record is 714 homeruns. Babe was born on February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. Ruth died on August 16, 1948 in New York , New York. Babe went to St. Mary’s. That’s where he learned to play baseball and to hit and to pitch. Babe’s team was the Yankees. On his first day, his teammates played a trick on him. Babe Ruth won the silver bat for best hitter. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTczODA1Mjk1NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTcxMzYxMQ@@._V1_SX214_.jpg Babe Ruth by Matt Christopher
Jimmy Hines Ward Hines is a Receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Hines ward has been chosen to play in the Pro Bowl four times. Hines is one of very few Asian American players in the NFL. Hines’ catch helped lead to a Steelers touchdown. Hines Ward and the Pittsburgh Steelers By Michael Sandler NFL teams with the best regular season records are rewarded. http://cdn.fansided.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/58/files/2012/03/hines-ward2.jpg
George Washington Zane George Washington was born in a Virginia farmhouse. George’s schoolmaster would say he was a born leader. When he was twenty he became a major in the Virginia army. One day George met a lovely lady named Martha Custis. When he beat the England Army, they made George the first president of the United States. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/common/b/b6/Gilbert_Stuart_Williamstown_Portrait_of_George_Washington.jpg Our First President George Washington By Garnet Jackson
George W. Bush Cary Carney He was the 43rd president of the United States. George was born on July 6,1946. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/GeorgeWBush.jpg He grew up in Texas with his family. President Bush has two daughters. George W. Bush by Mary Hill George W. Bush became governor of Texas in 1995.
LarryBird Carah Larry Bird was born in French Lick Indiana in Dec. 7, 1956 . He went to Spring Valley school. He graduated in 1974.Larry started playing for the Boston Celtics in 1979 – 80. He was the rookie of the year and they won 61 games and lost 21.He was 6 foot 9.Larry was a good player. http://www.realclearsports.com/blognetwork/rcs_sidelines/larry%20bird%20shot.jpg Larry Bird Cool Man on the Court byBertRosethal
Laura Bush Abby Laura Bush is famous because she was The First Lady of United States of America. She was born in Midland, Texas on November 4 , 1946. She was the only child of Harold and Jenna Welch. Laura began teaching in elementary schools in Texas in the 1960s. She also became a librarian. In 1977 , she met a man named George. Laura and George married a few moths later. They had twin daughters. Their names are Jenna and Barbara. Laura’s husband became the 43red president of the United States in the year 2000. She went from being The First Lady if Texas to the First Lady of Texas to the First Lady of the United States. Laura Bush by WilMara http://alt.coxnewsweb.com/cnishared/tools/shared/mediahub/03/17/00/slideshow_1001732983_klw_laura_bush01.jpg
Laura Welch Bush Laura Bush is famous because she was our First Lady and married George W. Bush. They lived in the White House for 8 years. She had twin daughters named Jenna and Barbara. They were named after both of their grandmothers. Laura Bush was a librarian and enjoyed reading to children. She loved books because of her mother. Laura Bush and her future husband George were both from Midland, Texas. “Take Time for Kids” is a magazine for parents that Laura helped create in both English and Spanish. Annie Laura Welch Bush by Tanya Lee Stone http://sojo.net/sites/default/files/mainimages/blog/139445120.jpg
Gary Payton Brandon Gary Payton is famous for basketball. He lived in a bad neighborhood he played street basketball. Gary and is wife live in Oakland California with their three children. He supports big brother groups.. In August 2000 Payton was elected to be one of the three captains. http://www.insidersportsdeals.com/assets/images/products/mc/Gary-Payton-Sonics-16x20.jpg Gary Payton by Judith Mandell
Jane Goodall Brendon 1.Jane Goodall is famous because she like studying chimpanzees for more than 40 years. She has been loyal to the animals she loves 2.Jane Goodall was born in Great Britain in 1934. She loved playing outside and watching animals. She was curious. She asked many questions about nature . 3.Jane liked to read stories about animals in Africa. She told her mother that one day she would study wild animals in Africa. 4.Jane went to Africa when she was 23 years old. She visited a friend that lived in in a country called Kenya. Jane decided to stay in Kenya. 5.Jane met a scientist named Louis Leaky. They work together at a museum. http://davidkiyokawa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/jane-goodall.jpg Jane Goodall by Kristin Sterling
AbeLincoln Bryleigh Abe Lincoln is famous because he is the sixteenth president. Abe was born in Kentucky in a log cabin. He was poor. They lived in a cabin with a dirt floor. Abe had an older sister. Abe’s mom died. Abe read about George Washington. He chopped trees for his dad. Abe saw people being slaves he thought it was wrong . http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ASDSxWYakic/TD55XVNIXvI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/XiWtXykmwOk/s1600/Abe+Lincoln.jpg Honest Abe by Edith Kunhardt
George Bush Caitlyn George Bush was the forty first president of the United States of America . George Bush was born on June 12,1924. George Bush was also in the navy as a pilot. His plane was shot down during the war. He was also a war hero. George Bush went into the oil business. He was very successful. He also had five kids. He became interested in politics in his thirties. He wanted to make the country a better place. In 1988 he won the election for president. http://bangordailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/president-george-w-bush.jpg George Bush by Mack Suffin
RALH BAER Carson Ralph Baer is famous because he invented home video games. He was born in Germany in 1922 and word to America when he was sixteen. His family needed money so he worked in a factory. Baer worked in a tiny locked room. Baer built his first video game machine, called the Brown Box . http://archive.sltrib.com/images/2011/1107/Tech_RalphBaer_110711~3.jpg RALH BAER by Elizabeth Franklin
Cole Annie Oakley Annie Oakley is famous because she could out shoot any person. She and Frank had a shooting contest to see who won. The winner got 50 dollars. Annie won the contest. Annie and Frank got married and they had a dog named Dave as part of their act. Annie had many fans and one was Sitting Bull he named Annie Little Sure Shot Annie died in 1926 at age at 66. Frank died 18 days later. http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/media/uploads/films/heroImages/oakley_film_landing2.jpg Annie Oakley By Jennifer Kroll
Bill Russell Gage Bill Russell is famous because he played in the NBA. He was born Feb. 12, 1934 in Monroe, Louisiana. He grew up poor and survived hard times with his family. His full name was William Felton Russell. Bill was 6 feet 5 inches tall as a high school senior. Two years later he was 6 feet 10 inches tall. Bill was one of the only African American players in the NBA when he joined the Celtics in 1956. Bill moved with amazing speed for a man his size. He was as quick and smooth as a cat. Bill was 35 years old when he left basketball. During his retirement, Bill made family a major part of his life. http://cache.nba.com/media/history/history_summary_russell.jpg Bill Russell by Nick Healy
Abe Lincoln Gregory Abe Lincoln he was the president. He was born in a cabin and he was adopted. His mom died because of her cold. His sister died . He was sad. He wanted to go to school. Young Abe Lincoln by Cheryl Harness http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ASDSxWYakic/TD55XVNIXvI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/XiWtXykmwOk/s1600/Abe+Lincoln.jpg
Martin Luther King, Jr. Hailey Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was famous because he fought to make things equal for everyone. Lots of people liked him. He became a pastor. He gave speeches in churches and other places. He wanted all people to live in peace. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Pamela Walker http://www.lexington1.net/technology/instruct/lessons/elementary/mlking/king_files/mlk.jpg
James Naismith Hallie James is famous for invented the game of basketball in 1891. James Naismith lived from 1861 to 1939. He grew up in Canada when he was eight years old his mom and dad died . After finishing high school , James went to school in Canada and wanted to be a minister. James students played the first game of basketball In December 1891 . http://www.davison.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/James-Naismith.jpg James Naismith by Sara Latta