GOTH.ORIGIN. • The part the punk of groups has replaced the sounding with more depressive and image .Bauhaus, Sex Gang Children, Joy Division, Southern Death Cult have generated Gothic the post-punk a wave, the audience did not lag behind the idols by way of image and the general aesthetics of this period can be described as dark punk. There were groups played gothic rock, without bright a post-punk of roots - Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, The Mission and others later.
Goth or not Goth? • Unlike the majority of subcultures, with definition of an accessory of the person to Gothic subculture all is very uneasy, if we can name metallists any person listening music in one of metal styles, with Goths difficultly. The problem consists in the biggest grasp of subculture, there is no "standard" Goths and consequently it is impossible to result any general criterion for Goths. Four criteria are most frequent: 1. Visiting of places of "gathering" of Goths 2. Gothic outlook 3. Gothic image 4. Love to Gothic music
Gothic image • It most often used criterion - is valid, if we see the girl in a black velvet dress, with a gloomy make-up we with confidence can name it Gothas it looks as Goth. It is possible to tell, that Goths carry black clothes, have black hair, paint nails and lips in black color well and as use eye shadow. Though all these elements approach not to all Goths, but the most part looks so.
Gothic outlook It is characterized by predilection for "dark" perception of the world. As a whole it is the special is romantic-depressive outlook on life reflected in behavior, perception of a reality, attitudes with a society.
Clothes • Corsets
Footwear Combat Boots Gothic sharp-nosed boots Fetish Boots
Ornaments • The basic metal silver, products from gold are never used. Can be also iron, stones onyx, agate, a pomegranate are used, in complex ornaments there can be any stones.
Hands • Various kinds of rings - usual, on a phalanx, on a nail, on all finger, " sisterly rings ", etc., differ from usual "Gothic" design and effects. Bracelets - any forms and the sizes.
Ears ear rings are often applied, they silver, large on the size
Neck the most various suspension brackets, crosses, ankh, magic symbols, various symbols of death, a bat
Gloves more often velvet, lacy or mesh, both short, and long
Umbrellas • black color (sometimes meet also white), lacy or velvet, the basic purpose - protection against the sun (instead of from a rain).
Androgyn Goth AndrogynGoth it not the concrete kind of image, Androgynmeans without sex, the most part AndrogynGoths man's and a women look so, that it is heavy to understand, what representative of a floor before us
Corporate Slave Goth Generation 90, Goths working in the large companies in which exists dress code - is required to put on by the certain rules - for them there is a set of sites in the Internet with useful advice on a theme of that how to correspond to " office style " and thus to keep gothic style
CyberGoth Goths gravitating to the cyberpunk to an aesthetics in spirit of William Gibson, appearance represents fetish Goths with "technogenic" particularities - in the form of wires, chains and rings with technological design
Punk Goth Goths nostalgy on old kind to 80-th - to primary style of Goths. iroque, safety pins, fragmentary jeans, leather jackets - all this here, differ from punks more stylish and gloomy kind
VampIre Goths Goths gravitating to vampire aesthetics, they consider themselves as vampires, increase or implant to itself long canines, in clothes prefer romantic style.