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He is risen! ... n ow what?. 2 Cor. 5:10-21 We seek to please the Lord, knowing we are accountable to Him – 10-11 Christ died for us and we died with Him. He is now risen to new life and we should live for Him – 12-21. He is risen! ... n ow what?.
He is risen!... now what? 2 Cor. 5:10-21 We seek to please the Lord, knowing we are accountable to Him – 10-11 Christ died for us and we died with Him. He is now risen to new life and we should live for Him – 12-21
He is risen!... now what? 2. Christ died for us and we died with Him. He is now risen to new life and we should live for Him – 12-21 That involves: understanding His death and resurrection – 12-15 a new way of seeing everything – 16-17; 2 Cor.10:7 being His ambassadors – 18-21
He is risen!... now what? The way Jesus did it… John 3 John 4 John 9
He is risen!... now what? Jesus basic “method” was to address the person, their needs, their interests.
Showing ‘em some love They are the point! 1) Name? 2) Where are you from? 3) Tell me about your family (details) 4) Work, school, spend most time 5) Sports, hobby, interests?
He is risen!... now what? 6) Movies, books, music? 7) Ideas – talk about ideas 8) Problems, frustrations, concerns or challenges 9) Goals/dreams? 10) What motivates you, fires you up? 11) What can I pray about for you?
He is risen!... now what? The start Pray For your heart For your opportunities 2 Cor. 2:2; Col. 4:3; Rev. 3:8 For wisdom For them 2 Cor. 4:3-6 Some things, only God can do!
He is risen!... now what? The Plan Has to start with prayer “How am I going to do this?” Intentional Include others, disciple your family
He is risen!... now what? The Goal John 20:31-31 John 11:25-27 John 3:16 1 John 5:1
He is risen!... now what? Christ did not die for Easter Eggs. Christ is not enamored with mere ritual. Christ died for people! It is His desire that all men are saved!
He is risen!... now what? Scripture says He has given us the message of reconciliation! We are His ambassadors! We bring the message of life to people!
He is risen!... now what? To miss this is to miss the heart of Easter! To miss this is to miss the heart of God.