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Reach Out To Primary Care

Development of an outreach library service for primary care staff in Oxfordshire region, focused on improving accessibility to health information resources through training and support activities. Addressing challenges such as lack of IT skills and time constraints. For more information, contact Miss Caroline Papi.

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Reach Out To Primary Care

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  1. Reach Out To Primary Care Development of an Outreach Library Service for Primary Care Staff in Oxfordshire

  2. Oxfordshire Primary Care • 5 Primary Care Trusts • PCTs employ circa 2,200 staff • Podiatrists, GPs, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Community Nurses, etc. • 87 General Practices • 6 community hospitals

  3. Library Services in Oxfordshire • Local Health Care Libraries • University of Oxford Health Care Libraries • Horton Hospital, Banbury • National Strategy • Local Implementation Strategy

  4. Aims of the Outreach Service “To improve the ability of practice and community staff to access networked information resources available to them, and to act as a named library first point of contact for PCT staff, and act as a gateway to other library staff and services.”

  5. Outreach Activities • Training • Training pack • Basic Health on the Internet • Advanced Health Information on the Internet • Search Skills Training • Using Library Services • Full Text Health Information on the Internet • Ten Minute Training • Tailor made sessions • Awareness • Cold calling • Primary Focus • Conference/meeting attendance

  6. Issues Raised • Recognition • Isolation • DLNet • Cyber-cafe • Thames Valley Outreach Librarians Group • Time • Literature searching • Ten Minute Training

  7. Evaluation • Internal • Post-training evaluation form • Statistics • External • School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield

  8. Lessons Learnt • Lack of IT skills - ECDL training • Insufficient time - Ten Minute Training • Training is not a priority - Primary Focus • Overwhelming - Short, concise handouts

  9. Conclusion The future lies with primary care staff and their health information needs.

  10. Further Information Miss Caroline Papi MA DipLIS MCLIPcarolinepapi@hotmail.com University of Health Care Librariespcenquiries@cairns-library.ox.ac.uk Primary Focus bulletin http://www.medicine.ox.ac.uk/cairns/PrimaryCare/Enquiries/PrimaryFocus.htm Health Libraries in Oxfordshirehttp://www.oxfordshire.nhs.uk/libraries/

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