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2013 -2014 New Student Organization Information Session

2013 -2014 New Student Organization Information Session . Purpose of today’s session. Outline 2013 – 2014 registration process Introduce clubs to benefits of registration Inform clubs of university policies Identify University and campus resources

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2013 -2014 New Student Organization Information Session

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  1. 2013 -2014 New Student Organization Information Session

  2. Purpose of today’s session Outline 2013 – 2014 registration process Introduce clubs to benefits of registration Inform clubs of university policies Identify University and campus resources Outline responsibilities to proactively manage risks

  3. Student Organization Support Staff DOWNTOWN- AJ Montes POLYTECHNIC- Lauren Dunning TEMPE- David Reali WEST- Julia Garleb • Assist student organizations with • Registration questions • Event planning and risk analysis • Campus resources • Campus policies

  4. Tempe campus SOS location 3rdfloor of the Memorial Union Open 8 – 7 pm Monday – Friday • www.asu.edu/clubs

  5. Also on the 3rd floor… ASASU Business Office Fraternity & Sorority Life Leadership programming Maroon & Gold Ambassadors (MGA) Programming & Activities Board(PAB) Student Coalitions American Indian Council Asian-Asian Pacific Islander Students Coalition Black & African Coalition Coalition of International Students Latino Student Alliance LGBTQA Coalition Womyn’sCoaltion Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Visit us!

  6. Registering your club Registration requirements At least 3 officers who are currently ASU students A faculty or staff advisor An advisor commitment letter website under REGISTER OrgSync under SETTINGS An electronic constitution sample on website under REGISTER Attendance at an Information Session once a year Must maintain up-to-date organization information

  7. Advisor Faculty or staff member Full- or part-time, benefits eligible Act as facilitators Familiar with organization’s constitution and University policies Create a productive, safe, enjoyable, and educational environment

  8. Benefits of registration Use of university facilities and resources Reserve indoor and outdoor space Eligibility to apply for funding Advertise events on campus bulletin boards and calendars Participation in university activities and programs Assistance from the Student Organization Support staff

  9. asu.edu/clubs Upcoming events FAQs Handbook for student organizations Located under the resources tab Policies Funding Forms Event planning Travel forms Model constitution Advisor commitment letter

  10. OrgSync Organization management tool Keep info current at all times Membership information Communication email text message polls/voting discussion boards Calendar promote to ASU community track attendance Create to-do lists for members Host your website • Manage budget • Request Appropriations funding • Cloud file storage • access org files • access SOS stored files & forms Good stuff!

  11. OrgSync sign in • How to get there • asu.orgsync.com • asu.edu/clubs • Click on OrgSync Sign in • Log in with your asurite and password

  12. OrgSync profile First time in OrgSync? Set up your personal OrgSync account Permission-based system Must have an account to have permissions

  13. New club registration process 1 • Hover over “Organizations” • Click “Add Organization” 2 • Click “Register New Organization”

  14. Re-registration process Registration is good Oct. 1- Sept. 30 Must be renewed annually Select organization from menu

  15. Filling out registration form Click on Settings Must have Administrator permission level access Any current org Administrator can give access Under People menu

  16. Filling out registration form Last renewed date on or after 5/24/12 Make any changes Click “Next” • Complete all required information fields • Attach constitution • Click “Finish”

  17. Search directory • Pulled directly from Profile • Used by campus offices to verify • Reserving space • Printing • Used by student looking to get involved • Used by community members looking to connect with your organization • KEEP UPDATED

  18. Reserving classroom space Visit the classroom scheduling website https://astra.oasis.asu.edu/astraweb/index.jsp?start_page=home.htm Search “classroom scheduling” on asu.edu Under bookmarks on OrgSync community home page Go to “Request Events” Organization must be listed as “Customer” If not in list, email rooms@asu.edu Individual reserving must be listed as customer “Contact” To be added, email rooms@asu.edu No food or drink is allowed in the classrooms Reservations for a semester at a time

  19. Reserving Memorial Union space • Typically Free • Charges for • Charging admission • >50% attendees non-ASU affiliated • Cancellation • No-shows • Late requests • Contract • Do not rearrange furniture • Glitter, confetti, and candles prohibited • READ contract before signing • Contact Event & Meeting Services (8a-5p) • Main level MU, behind Information Desk • 480-965-3406 • MUReservations@asu.edu • Reserve • Inside Memorial Union • MU North Stage • Mall space surrounding Memorial Union • Student Services Lawn • Hayden Lawn • Vista Dome

  20. Changemaker Central • Provides the resources and opportunities to inspire, catalyze and sustain student-driven social change • Locations: • @Tempe - Memorial Union / First Floor • @ Polytechnic - Academic Center Building • @ Downtown - Post Office / First Floor • @ West – Devils’ Den /Verde Dining Pavilion • Contact: • changemaker@asu.edu

  21. Changemaker Central • Meeting space • Helpful change agents to assist in supporting your organization with your service and entrepreneurial events • White boards to advertise events related to our mission (service, entrepreneurship and social awareness) • Monthly themes highlighting one student organization and promoting student organizations event around our theme • Monthly challenge question/win $500 for your organization • Funding for service projects over for 50+ students

  22. Food policy Authorized catering services must be used for ALL on-campus events ARAMARK – exclusive caterer in the MU Student organization menu • Food waiver needs to be obtained under special circumstances • Donations, special menu, giveaways • Must be turned in 14 days prior • Use licensed & insured food manufacturer or super market • No home-made food or drink is allowed

  23. Fundraising • Student Activity Fee • Vendors on campus • Percentage sales • Stadium clean up • Sodexo Sports and Concessions • T-shirt sales • Collaborate • Raffles are NOT allowed All part of a larger fundraising strategy

  24. Student Activity Fee Appropriations • 3 appropriations cycles every year • Fall, Spring, Summer • Funding requests through OrgSync • Treasury  Budgets  select current cycle • Only open to submissions during submission period • Also review previous requests • Provide as much information as possible • Work with ASASU Business Office to directly pay expenses • Money tied to specific events and items • Does not roll over

  25. Opening a bank account Generally a bank will want 2 co-signers Meeting minutes listing co-signers Tax ID EIN (Employer Identification Number) Form SS4 on www.irs.gov Also available on OrgSync under FILES

  26. Posting policy Kiosks – no approval needed Bulletin boards Subject to requirements of department or unit that maintains board Chalking not allowed ASU posting of materials on campus policy: http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/pdp/pdp208.html No materials may be posted or placed in or on any other objects or surfaces, including vehicles, buildings, classrooms, parking structures, trees, plants, planters, trash receptacles, benches, signage, light poles, or sidewalks

  27. Alcohol policy Is this a good idea? Procedures for student organization events with alcohol Off-campus events only Licensed, insured 3rd party vendor Must be in compliance with all federal, state, county, city and university regulations and SOS procedures. Check with SOS office first http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/mu/clubs/docs/Hosting_events_with_alcohol.pdf http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/mu/clubs/docs/Hosting_events_with_alcohol_procedures_for_reg_orgs.pdf http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/mu/clubs/docs/Third_party_vendor_checklist.pdf

  28. Trademark and Licensing • Use must be authorized • commguide.asu.edu/elements • No sunburst • Sparky can be used with permission • Student Organization Support staff and Trademark office

  29. Showing movies DVD purchases and rentals Typically include the right to show the movie for home use only ASU videos with public performance rights library.lib.asu.edu Search including “public performance rights” Swank Motion Pictures www.swank.com Partner with MU After Dark

  30. Student code of conduct Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities 480-965-6547 asu.edu/srr Student orgs bound by the same code of conduct as individual students Application based on ‘who you are’ not ‘where you are’

  31. Hazing Any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a student against another student, and in which act committed in connection with initiation into any organization affiliated with the university act contributes to substantial risk of potential physical injury or mental harm Strictly prohibited Consent is not a defense

  32. Insurance policy ASU DOES NOT provide student organizations with insurance Contracting to receive services from a third party Confirm third party has sufficient insurance InsuranceServices@asu.edu / 480-965-1851 for guidance Individual students should show proof of adequate medical coverage Before attending a group activity Organization leadership should keep for own records and protection Sign a waiver or release form containing emergency information http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/mu/clubs/docs/Travel_Release_Form.pdf

  33. Travel guidelines Travel worksheet recommended 7 days before travel On OrgSync under FILES On website under FORMS Release, Indemnity, Assumption of Risk & Consent to Medical Treatment form Recommended before travelling http://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/mu/clubs/docs/Travel_Worksheet_for_Advisor.pdf If driving, copy of ID and insurance to advisor Consider charter bus http://uabf.asu.edu/buying_sunmart_bus No 12-15 passenger vans If going abroad, consult local SOS office 14 days prior

  34. Risk Management Identify risks and take steps to minimize them Goal is to have safe and successful events Detailed 1:1 sessions offered

  35. Types of Risk • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University

  36. Physical Risks • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University • Can result in physical harm • Food borne illness • Risks associated with alcohol • Travel • Insurance

  37. Reputational risks Can result in negative publicity for your org or your members Conduct at events Technology and online presentation • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University

  38. Emotional risks Negatively impact feelings of a participant at your event Hazing Inappropriate costumes • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University

  39. Financial risks Affecting the financial stability of your org Handling cash and inventory Fundraising • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University

  40. Facilities risks Potential for property damage Lack of space • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University

  41. Sustainability risks Negatively impacting the environment Paper usage Lights Catering Green team • Physical • Reputational • Emotional • Financial • Facilities • Sustainability *Information adapted with permission from Student Activities Risk Management at Texas A&M University

  42. Questions? • sorc@asu.edu • 480-727-6984 • asu.edu/clubs

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