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Today we will:. Examine the rationale and process of moderation as applied to writing in Argyll
1. Building the Curriculum Curriculum for Excellence Moderation of Writing
2. Today we will: Examine the rationale and process of moderation as applied to writing in Argyll & Bute.
Evaluate the impact of the moderation process to date.
Describe possible next steps including the application of moderation to other areas of the curriculum.
3. Background
The AifL Programme.
Concerns about the quality of NNAs.
‘Angst’ about Writer’s Craft.
3 year decline in secondary attainment in
writing 2005-07.
Decision !!!! discontinue the use of NNAs
for writing.
4. Rationale ‘Assessment by staff, peers and the learners themselves is
likely to be the main means of assessing each young
person's achievements during the period to the end of S3.’
From CfE Website
The need to develop a robust, reliable and consistent system for
assessing writing which would:
Ensure that pupils are presented with appropriate writing tasks.
Ensure that all teachers understand the standard and apply their
professional judgement with consistency within and across sectors.
5. The moderation process
All schools maintained folios of writing.
10 twilights across authority.
Focus on explaining/clarifying the process and sharing the standard.
19 schools selected for moderation.
16 primary.
3 secondary.
Schools submit writing folios for named pupils.
6. The moderation process
A moderation team comprising 3 primary and 3 secondary teachers meets for 2 days in early June.
Working in pairs.
Moderation to focus on the task, the evidence and the level assigned.
Was the task appropriate ?
Was the assigned level supported by the evidence?
Written, formative feedback to each school.