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College Readiness
High School Options within Gwinnett County Public Schools
SHILOH HIGH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a rigorous, pre-university course of study for students in their junior and senior years of high school. Students entering into the program in the 9th grade will have modified schedules to prepare them for IB classes.
Benefits of an IB Diploma
Recognized and accepted world wide as a superior secondary school qualification. Gives students access to college and university study throughout the world. Students will be able to speak a second language at a high level. Exceptional writing skills Exceptional college level research skills Excellent critical thinking skills Extensive community service activities
IB Program Requirements
Overall GPA of 3.0 in core subjects (Foreign Language, if applicable) Responsible attendance and discipline records Excellent teacher recommendations from core teachers A review of standardized test scores
A charter school that offers students the opportunity to pursue mathematics, scientific inquiry, and discovery in bioscience, engineering, and emerging technologies. The challenging curriculum was developed by Gwinnett County master teachers and representatives from area colleges and universities. Applications available online in November. Lottery system for admission may apply; depending on the number of applications received. Bus transportation is provided from all Gwinnett County home high schools.
Gwinnett Online High School
During the week, students log into their courses to participate in learning activities Monday through Friday. The online environment allows students to log into their classes on a more flexible schedule. Students can also use GOC to make up courses, get ahead in earning credits toward high school graduation, or resolve scheduling conflicts.
PHOENIX HIGH SCHOOL An alternative and complement to the traditional high school program. This school setting exists to ensure the success of students who may be unlikely, for a variety of reasons, to reach their potential in a traditional setting. You must be at least 16 years of age AND have attended at least one year of high school. You may attend Phoenix full-time, but will be required to withdraw from your home high school. You may attend Phoenix as a seventh period student (student is taking an extra class). There is a cost involved in attending for one class.
Students can attend Grayson Tech during the 11th and 12th grade. Students attend class for the AM block (1st – 3rd Periods) OR the PM block (4th – 6th Periods). Students must provide their own transportation to Grayson Tech. Programs Offered: Advanced Engineering Biotechnology Commercial Photography Culinary Arts Computer Information Technology & Network Systems Music Recording Digital Media Design & Animation Sports Medicine Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Veterinary Technology Video Production & Television Broadcast
MAXWELL HIGH SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Students can attend Maxwell Tech during the 11th and 12th grade. Students attend class for the AM block (1st – 3rd Periods) OR the PM block (4th – 6th Periods). Bus transportation is provided from all Gwinnett County home high schools. Programs Offered: Aircraft Flight Operations Culinary Arts Architecture, Drawing & Design Early Childhood Education Automotive Repair & Services Electronics & Robotics Construction Graphic Communications & Design Cosmetology Healthcare Science Law & Criminal Justice Welding