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BFA DT Thesis Spring 2013. Anezka Sebek January 29, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= XlH6UDnjFNE.
BFA DT Thesis Spring 2013 Anezka Sebek January 29, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlH6UDnjFNE Sebek_1_29_13
Thesis is your passport into the next phase of your LIFE work whether that is professional, artistic, or personalWe start here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4Uwith Ken Robinson Sebek_1_29_13
5 min write a list5 min discuss Write down all the“take aways” of what you just saw Sebek_1_29_13
COLLABORATIVE TEAM QUESTIONS (2 min ORGANIZE INTO GROUPS—2 min time):1. a. When was the Enlightenment?b. What did they believe in?c. Can you name THREE Enlightenment Philosophers?d. What period preceded the Enlightenment? 2. What periods followed the Enlightenment?3. What period are we in now? Sebek_1_29_13
ANEZKA’S STUDIO EXPECTATIONS • Arrive on time. We start class at 12:10. • Stay in communication with me about any thesis problems that occur inside/outside class. Arrange to meet with me as often as you need to. • Read and refer to the blog and emails from me about instructions for class. • Your thesis work occurs primarily outside of class and with other classmates and other collaborators and mentors. • At the beginning of class we will always start with a 10 minute free-write. I will sometimes ask you to turn these in when they are meant to give feedback and critique of the class process • We will spend class time on the components that I will be grading you on—BUT you will need to dedicate at least 10-20 hours outside of class (sometimes more to complete your work). • The syllabus has a fairly exact map of the rubric for the class. IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT—EMAIL ME OR ASK IN CLASS. There is bound to be someone else who is just as confused as you are. Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis?Assessment Free write 1(10 min): What do you already know about thesis? I will be collecting these. If you could give a classic definition of it, what would it be? Discuss (OPEN-5 min : What do you already know about thesis? Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? FREE WRITE 2 (10 min): You will hand these in to me. They are confidential. Please put your name at the top of the sheet. 1. What grade did you get in your previous studio? 2. What grade did you expect? 3. If there is ONE thing that you want to master in Thesis Studio this semester (except your project, of course) what would it be? Examples: be on time, explore more, do better research, have more fun with my ideas (divergent thinking), learn how to plan my time better, etc. etc. Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? REVIEW OF GROUND RULES AND EXPECTATIONS (the academic/industrial age stuff) REVIEW OF SEMESTER PROCESS/SYLLABUS http://bfadtspring2013thesis2.wordpress.com REVIEW OF THE RUBRIC AND GRADING REVIEW OF PROJECT REVIEW OF PAPER Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? (10 min-5 min/5 min) one on one with each other : What would you do if your thesis was due on Tuesday of next week? Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? I encourage you to SUBSTITUTE MY RULES WITH YOURS as long as we agree on them and as long as you don’t choose to break the University’s attendance rule (you miss 4 classes and you fail). This means all the classes at the end of the semester. Discuss with me before you are absent!! Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? You need to master how to: PAEMA • P • A • E • M • A Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? You need to master how to: (10 min write-10 discuss w partner) • Plan your approach • Assess the demands of the task at hand, • Evaluate your own knowledge and skills, • Monitor your progress • Adjust your strategies as needed From: Ambrose, et. al. How Learning Works,((2010) p 191 Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? A classic, academic thesis sets forth a statement about a domain or field that is maintained, proven, disproved and/or advanced through argumentation, inquiry and dialogue in written and oral form. Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? Instead, the design and technology thesis is maintained, argued and advanced through iterative production of artifacts or experiences that serve the human condition. Iterative production of artifacts becomes argumentation Sebek_1_29_13
What is DT Thesis? Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? As a result, the thesis emerges tangibly out of systematically tested, questioned and analyzed artifacts to prove or disprove the proposed thesis statement. Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? Research of historic and current cultural context of the work as well as rigorous documentation of methodology, testing, and exhibition are fundamental parts of the DT thesis process. Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? PHILOSOPHICAL (ACADEMIC) FOUNDATIONS • Ontological-what is the nature of reality? (Evidence ofexistence from many different perspectives) • Epistemological-what is the nature of knowledge? How do we know what we know? (Objectivity stems from first person evidence) • Axiological-what is the nature of the valuesthrough which we see the world? (Interpretation through a specific lens or bias) • Rhetorical-What is the language we use to describe what we do? (What is our personal language-how does it fit into the language of others?) • Methodological-What is the processwith which we find what we are seeking? (Inductive method that emerges from personal context to world context view) Sebek_1_29_13
The Design Process • Problem Statement • Analyze the Problem • Research the context and precedents for solutions • Study the research and redefine (make distinctions) the problem • Objectify the problem in a prototype (experience or object)-remember to make a list of time and resources that is required for the production of your prototype. • Notice how prototype works with an audience or user group • Study and evaluate the prototype’s success or failure • –the cycle begins all over again by a redefinition of the problem with further distinctions that define the problem in an even more focused way. Unfortunately we are humans living on earth and we are bound to time. The resource of time is always in limited supply but it often helps us to focus our problem more narrowly so that we can achieve a final product. In our case, we have to fit within the parameters of the 15 week semester. Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? Thesis is About Your Your position in the world=Context/Precedents Your work in the world=Creativity/Content The gift of your voice and vision=Contribution Sebek_1_29_13
What is Self-directed Learning? You need to master how to: PAEMA • P • A • E • M • A Sebek_1_29_13
What is Thesis? You need to master how to: • Plan your approach • Assess the demands of the task at hand, • Evaluate your own knowledge and skills, • Monitor your progress • Adjust your strategies as needed Sebek_1_29_13