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Understanding Personality and Traits in Psychology

Explore Freudian theory, personality assessments, defense mechanisms, and psychological perspectives on acquiring traits. Learn about key psychologists and famous personality models.

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Understanding Personality and Traits in Psychology

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  1. CH 10 - Personality Partner Review Game

  2. :25 According to Freud, which part of the mind acts as a person’s conscience? • Eros • Ego • Libido • Superego • Id

  3. :25 Serena fills out a personality inventory several times over the course of one year. The results of each administration of the test are extremely different. Serena’s situation suggests that this personality inventory may not be: • Reliable • Standardized • Normed • Projective • Fair

  4. :25 Which approach to psychology would argue that we acquire our personality traits as we go through life, mimicking others’ personality traits that we see as favorable? • Psychoanalytic • Humanistic • Trait • Behaviorist • Biological

  5. :25 One of your classmates remarks that “Mary is all id.” What does she likely mean? • Mary uses a lot of defense mechanisms • Mary is a highly ethical person • Mary is a perfectionist • Mary frequently pursues immediate gratification • Mary is in constant conflict over the proper course of action to take

  6. :25 The belief that personality is created by the interaction between a person, his or her behavior, and the environment is known as: • Combination theory • Interactionist perspective • Reciprocal determinism • Mutuality • Circular creation

  7. Participant Scores

  8. :25 Juan has a huge crush on Sally, but he never admits it. Instead, he tells all who will listen that Sally is really “into him.” Psychoanalysts would see Juan’s braggin as an example of: • Displacement • Reaction Formation • Sublimation • Denial • Projection

  9. :25 Dr. Li asks her clients to interpret ambiguous pictures of people in various settings. The method she is using is called: • The Rorschach test • The MMPI • The TAT • Factor analysis • The WISC

  10. :25 Which psychologist believed that people have free will and are motivated to self-actualize? • Abraham Maslow • Sigmund Freud • Albert Bandura • B.F. Skinner • John Watson

  11. :25 Which is NOT one of the big five personality traits? • Extraversion • Openness • Agreeableness • Honesty • Conscientiousness

  12. :25 Feminist psychoanalytic critics of Freud most commonly argue that: • There is no proof that the unconscious exists • Freud devoted to much attention to childhood • Women’s superegos are just as strong as men’s • Men and women use different defense mechanisms • While women all suffer from penis envy, men all suffer from womb envy

  13. Participant Scores

  14. :25 Jamal sucks his thumb until age eight. As an adult, he smokes, chews gum, and thinks constantly of food. Psychoanalysts would describe Jamal as having: • An obsession • An orally controlled libido • An Oedipus complex • An oral fixation • A mother complex

  15. :25 Someone who has an external locus of control is likely to have: • A positive self-concept • A high sense of self-efficacy • A strong libido • A belief in luck • A high IQ

  16. :25 What kind of psychologist would be most likely to use a projective personality assessment? • Social cognitive • Trait • Behaviorist • Humanist • Psychoanalytic

  17. :25 Redirecting one’s unacceptable urges into more socially acceptable pursuits best defines which of the following defense mechanisms? • Intellectualization • Denial • Sublimation • Rationalization • Regression

  18. :25 Adam loved the girlfriend who dumped him, but acts as if he’s glad to be rid of her. His behavior most clearly illustrates which of the following Freudian defense mechanisms? • Repression • Projection • Reaction formation • Sublimation • Regression

  19. Participant Scores

  20. :25 Which Freudian personality system is guided by the reality principle? • Id • Libido • Ego • Unconscious • Superego

  21. :25 In contrast to the blank slate view of human nature held by the behaviorists, humanists believe humans are born: • Evil and instinctively selfish • Good and with an inner drive to reach full potential • Neutral and that personality is based on perceptions of reality • Neither good nor evil, but personality is a product of their environment • Weak and needing others to find a meaning and purpose in life

  22. :25 Which of the following is a good example of a Jungian archetype? • John, whose domineering mother’s voice is always in the back of his head • Patty, who is haunted by her memories of child abuse • Yan, who always roots for the underdog • Tariq, who consciously strives to be the best tennis player he can be • Kendra, whose power motive influences everything she does

  23. :25 Bertha is tall, thin, and frail. She enjoys studying and reading science fiction novels. She prefers to be alone rather than in a large group. According to Carl Jung, she would be considered a: • Ego Driven Person • Ectomorph • Mesomorph • Extrovert • Introvert

  24. :25 The most commonly used personality assessments are: • Projective tests • Naturalistic observations • Structured interviews • Self-report inventories • Behavior assessments

  25. Participant Scores

  26. :25 Self-efficacy, according to Bandura, is: • How you view your worth as a person • How you think about your self-image • All you know about your deficiencies and weaknesses as a person • What others have conditioned you to see in yourself • How competent you feel to accomplish tasks and goals

  27. :25 Mother Theresa’s altruism showed in everything she did. According to Allport’s trait theory, Mother Theresa’s altruism was: • A common trait she shared with most other religious people • A cardinal trait • One of several central traits that characterized her exceptional life • Basically inherited from her father • A surface trait that was visible to others

  28. :25 Adler would not have agreed with the importance of which of the following ideas? • Birth order • Styles of life • Striving for superiority • Inferiority complex • Penis envy

  29. :25 Roberto believes that he is the master of his ship and in charge of his destiny. According to Rotter’s theory of personality, Roberto has: • An external orientation to the world about him • An internal locus of control • An extraverted personality • A low sense of self-efficacy • A positive self-image, but is not self-actualized

  30. :25 A relatively permanent characteristic of personality that can be used to predict behavior is: • The id • The ego • The superego • A defense mechanism • A trait

  31. Participant Scores

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