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This experiment aims to identify the requirements and establish a baseline for implementing EO services using GRID technology. The main objectives are to reduce time to market, encourage users to utilize EO data, and demonstrate the suitability of GRID-based technologies. The experiment will last for 12 months, with preliminary results expected in the early stages.
BE7-Earth ObservationSpeaker & ROLE in the BEcontact info & organisation
Earth Observation Experiment Main Objectives • Identify the requirements on a EO service implementation to enable GRID technology. • Establish a baseline for incoming Earth Observation services. • Reduce the time to market of Earth Observation services. • Demonstrate and encourage the users to use EO data and EO services, by copying their needs. Challenges • Experiment duration will be 12 months = > goal is to provide preliminary results in the early stages of the experiment. • Demonstrate the suitability of GRID based technologies to enable EO services. EO sector includes both institutional and private organisations, i.e. meteorological and environmental agencies, health authorities, related industrial providers,…
GlobAerosol Service • Service description: • Produce daily global aerosol maps for 1995-2005 from (A)ATSR, MERIS and SEVIRI data. • This service will support the information needs of users in climate and meteorological research, transboundary pollution and air quality agencies. • DUE (Data User Element of the Earth Observation Envelope Programme) project • Users: • ARPA-Lombardia : Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente,Italy • CNRM : Centre National de Recherche Meteorologiques, Meteo France, France • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting • EMEP : European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norway • LUA-NRW : Landesumweltamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany • Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Greece • MPI-Met : Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany • VMM : Flemish Environment Agency, Belgium
GRID-ify Technology • Application integration environment allowing the implementation and configuration of composite services requiring the use of substantial computer and data resources. • Simplified access to generic high performance computing services for scientific and industrial applications taking advantage of state of the art grid standards and technology • Accessible by desktop or web interfaces, the design infrastructures can be plugged-in into existing systems or used as end-to-end production environments • Developed from the Grid on-Demand ESA Project and re-implemented in the pre-incubations activities of Terradue Srl.
GRID-ify Web Portal Interface • Different applications and users • Access to catalogues and inventories • Access to different computer and storage elements • GUI for Job selection, submission and live status • Visualization in Web Map standards • Support for show case for demos, products delivery and documentation
Expected Results & Impact Expected outputs • GRID enabled service for atmospheric retrieval parameters of importance for pollution, health and meteorological applications. • The design will be modified and it will use existing GRID infrastructure keeping unchanged the scientific algorithms. • Input data is available at ESA premises => it will serve to demonstrate the near real time capabilities. Exploitation • BE 07 will be market oriented => design to cover specific user needs. • The service continuity will be warranted. • Try to make shorter the distance between processing and products • Make it applicable for GMES operational services.
Links • Links • http:// www.globaerosol.info • http://eogrid.esrin.esa.int • http://eopi.esa.int/G-POD • http://www.gmes.info Thanks for your attention !!! Any questions?