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Facilitating Teacher Candidate Guided Reflection through Self-Recorded Video Assessment and PLCs

This model for success initiative utilizes self-recorded video assessment and professional learning communities to enhance teacher candidates' readiness and skills for effective teaching on "Day One" of their professional career. The program includes guided reflection, collaboration with school districts, and the use of online resources for ongoing professional development.

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Facilitating Teacher Candidate Guided Reflection through Self-Recorded Video Assessment and PLCs

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  1. Facilitating Teacher Candidate Guided Reflection through Self-Recorded Video Assessment and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) SAISD Cohort 2 Model for Success Initiative (MSI) SAISD Cohort 3 Southwest Teaching and Learning Conference Texas A&M University-San AntonioApril 5, 2014 Faculty, Mishaleen Allen,Ph.D. Faculty, Edith Esparaza-Young,Ed.D.

  2. Model for Success Initiative (MSI)Ready from Day One! • Ready from Day One! • Increase teacher candidate readiness and skills for effective teaching on “Day One” of their professional career. • TAMU-SA Teacher Preparation Program Model (MSI) • Flex (traditional) • Cohort (18 month commitment on same campus with same mentor teacher) • Collaboration with School Districts began in 2009 • Cohorts are now within all 12 participating school districts with Cohort 5 beginning Fall 2014 in SAISD • TAMU-SA "Ready from Day One!" 8th Gr Math Co-Teach (J. Castillo, Whittier MS)

  3. Increasing the Rigor…Faculty’s Perspective • Current System: • F2F observations with evaluation form notations • limited visual data (still pictures only if taken) • Type of feedback varies by evaluator (scores only, notes, etc.) • Reflection using a form with questions • “filling in the blanks” rather than higher level critical reflection • Reflection often times “after the fact” when student’s schedule permits • Limited structured opportunities for mentor teacher/teacher candidate dialogue on skill development • Input based on evaluation form (scores/notes) • Limited to no visual data • Review/feedback often times “after the fact” when mentor/candidate’s schedule permits 5th Gr Social Studies Intro (A. Palacios, Forbes ES)

  4. Increasing the Rigor…Faculty’s Perspective • Proposed System • Self Recorded Video Assessment • Used by select programs across the country based on best practices for national teacher certification and program review • Guided Reflection • Provides a framework for which to provide student reflection as well as mentor and supervisor dialogue for skill development and evaluation • Professional Learning Network (PLNs) • Provides online collaborative environment for ongoing professional development and relationship building within the group • Provides online exchange of resources

  5. Increasing the Rigor…Faculty’s Perspective SWTLC $500 Grant Recipient: The following objectives guided the study as applied to teacher candidates seeking EC-6 Generalist with English as Second Language (ESL) endorsement certification (Cohort 2) and EC-6 Bilingual (BIL) certification (Cohort 3) at elementary schools within San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD). • Implement video-based assessments for documentation, analysis, and evaluation of effective teaching skills of teacher candidates in an eLearning rich environment. • Provide guided frameworks for purposeful teacher candidate online self-reflection of videos demonstrating teaching skills for effective teaching. • Increase dialogue between teacher candidate, mentor teacher, university supervisor, and peer regarding effective teaching skills and using social media networking. • Determine teacher candidates’ perceptions regarding impact of eLearning tools and Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) on effective teaching skill development. $$$ Purchased video cameras, memory disks, microphones, and tripods/stands; students could also use personal iPads, smartphones, and cameras

  6. Increasing the Rigor…Self-Recorded Video Assessments Students recorded their mentor and themselves teaching lessons Supervisor recorded observation lessons Recordings were uploaded to Edmodofor collaboration and analysis (student’s individual folder created by supervisor) R.Ortega (1st Grade Math; 2/19/2014)

  7. Increasing the Rigor…Guided Framework for Reflection 4th Gr Language Arts (J. Mendoza, Bonham ES) Modified from the following source: Kong, S., Shroff, R., & Hung, H. (2009). A web enabled video system for self reflection by student teachers using a guiding framework.. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(4), 544-558. • Dimensions • Curriculum Planning & Evaluation • Lesson Preparation • Pupils and Pupil Teacher Interactions • Student-Teacher Relations • Discipline and Classroom Management • Mastery of Discipline Skills • Professional Knowledge • Mastery of Teaching Skills

  8. Increasing the Rigor…Guided Framework (Mentor Observation) 1st Grade Mentor Observation (R. Ortega, Douglass Academy)

  9. Increasing the Rigor…Guided Framework (ST Self-Reflection) 1st Grade ST Self-Reflection (R. Ortega, Douglass Academy)

  10. Increasing the Rigor…Guided Framework (ST Self-Reflection – Bilingual Writing) xx Grade ST Self-Reflection (BIL) (x. xxx, xxx xx)

  11. Increasing the Rigor…Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) Edmodo (https://www.edmodo.com/)

  12. Increasing the Rigor…Preliminary Study Results (Surprises) Mentor Teachers want to use the video self-assessment as well to see what they are doing!

  13. Increasing the Rigor…Survey Study Results (MSI Enrollment)

  14. Increasing the Rigor…Survey Study Results (PLCs)

  15. Increasing the Rigor…Survey Study Results (Self Reflection)

  16. Facilitating Teacher Candidate Guided Reflection through Self-Recorded Video Assessment and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) SAISD Cohort 2 Model for Success Initiative (MSI) SAISD Cohort 3 Faculty, Mishaleen Allen,Ph.D. (mallen@tamusa.tamus.edu ) Faculty, Edith Esparaza-Young,Ed.D. (eesparza@tamusa.tamus.edu )

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