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Learn about the history of toxicology, basic terminology, dose-response relationships, toxic effects, and more in industrial toxicology. Understand the effects of toxic agents on living organisms and the importance of dose estimates.
Industrial Toxicology BASIC PRINCIPLES Sho’im Hidayat
INTRODUCTION What is Toxicology ? - Traditional : the science of poisons - The study of adverse health effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organism What is Industrialtoxicology ? Industrial toxicoloy is the science of poisons whereby is used, produced or byproduced in industry
History : Ancient time (1500 BC): Have recognized the use of plants and animal poisons extracts for hunting or warfare : hemlock, opium, arrow poisons, certain metal With time : Poisons become widely used and with great sophistication Victims : Socrates, Cleopatra, Claudius Renaissance & Enlightenment : Fundamental concept of toxicology began to take place (Paracelcus, 1500 AD and Orfila, 1800 AD)
Paracelcus : • Specific chemical actually responsible for toxicity of the plant and animal poison • His famous statement : dose–response relationship All substance are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. Orfila : • Often referred as founder of toxicology • Prepared a systematic correlation between chemical and biological properties of poisons • Demonstrates effect of poison in specific organ by autopsy
Basic Toxicology Terminology There are varies in terminology : toxicant toxin poison toxic agent toxic substance toxic chemical
Toxic agent : Anything can produce an adverse biological effect(chemical : cyanide; physical : radiation; biological: snake venom) Not included : infected by microorganism Biological toxin : Chemical excreted by microorganism which is the basis of toxicity Ex : tetanus toxin (neurotoxin), produced by Clostridium tetani
Toxic material : Doesn’t consist of an exact chemical Ex : asbestos (fiber and other chemical) Organic toxin : Substance originally derived from living organism (named organic) Contain carbon, large molecule Inorganic toxin : Specific chemical not derived from living organism (mineral) Generally small molecule, consist of few atoms
Xenobiotic : Foreign substance taken in to the body xeno = foreign Xenobiotics may produce : - beneficial effects (such as pharmaceuticals) - toxic effect (such as lead)
Systemic toxin : Effects is in the entire body or many organs rather than a specific organ Ex : potassium cyanide, it effects virtually every cell and organ Organ toxin : Effects only in specific cell or organ (target organ or target tissue), not producing damage to the body as a whole Ex : Benzene blood forming tissue Lead CNS, kidney, hematopoietic system)
DOSE and DOSE-RESPONSE Dose : The amount of a substance administered at one time Parameter needed : number of dose, frequency, total time period Ex : - 650 mg Tylenol as single dose - 500 mg Penicillin every 8 hours for 10 days - 10 mg DDT per day for 90 days
Environmental exposure unit are expressed as the amount of a xenobiotic in a unit of the media Examples : • mg/liter (mg/l) for liquid • mg/gram (mg/g) for solids • mg/cubic meter (mg/m3) for air Smaller unit : µg/ml; ppm; ppb; ppt
Dose Response Relationship Correlates : exposure and spectrum of effects In general, higher dose more severe the response (Based on observed data from animal, human clinic or cell study) Knowladge of dose-response relationship : • Establish causality • Establisth the lowest dose where the induce effect occur • Determines the rate which the injury build-up (slope)
The point at which toxicity first appear threshold dose level • At that point the ability of the body to detoxify a xenobiotic or repair toxic injury has been exeeded. • For most organs there is a reserve capacity so that loss of some organ function does not cause decreased performance • For example, the development of cirrhosis in the liver may not result in a clinical effect until over 50% of the liver has been replaced by fibrous tissue.
Shape and slope important for predicting the toxicity of substance • Some / every substance may has a different type of the curve
Dose estimates of toxic effect : LD50 LD50 20 mg/kg, rat, oral, 5%
Effective doses (ED) :Indicate the effectiveness of a substance
Toxic doses (TDs) :Indicates doses that cause adverse toxic effects
Therapeutic Index (TI) : compare the therapeutically effective dose to the toxic dose
NOAEL and LOAELNo Observed Adverse Effect LevelLow Observed Adverse Effect Level
TOXIC EFFECTS Toxicity : complex process; dose is the most important influencing factor Xenobiotic : - originally toxic - after metabolized Toxicity : - adverse cellular - biochemical - macromolecular change
Examples : • Cell replacement, such as fibrosis • Damage to an enzym system • Disruption of protein synthesis • Production of reactive chemicals in cell • DNA damage
Indirectly : • Modification of an essential biochemical function • Interference with nutrition • Alteration of physiological mechanisme
Factors influencing toxicity : • Form and innate chemical activity • Dosage, especially dose-time relationship • Exposure route • Species • Age • Sex • Ability to be absorbed • Metabolisme • Distribution within the body • Excretion • Presence of other chemicals
Form Examples : - methyl mercury – mercury vapour (element) - Cr3+ - Cr6+ Innate Examples : HCN cytohrome oxidase hypoxia Nicotin cholinergic receptor paralysis Dosage Toxicant :Acute toxicity :Chronic toxicity : Ethanol CNS depressant liver cirrhosis Arsenic GIT damage skin / liver damage
Exposure Route : • Ingested chemicals : intestine liver distributed • Inhaled chemicals : blood circulation whole body Liver : the most active organ for chemicals inactivation Frequenly : diff. target organ for diff. exp. route
Selective toxicity : Differences in toxicity between two species - an insectcide is lethal to insect, not to human - antibiotics lethal for microorganisme, nontoxic to human Age : - parathion is more toxic to young animals - nitrosamines are more carcinogenis to newborne or young animals
Sex : - male rats 10 x more sensitive to liver damage from DDT - female rats 2x more sensitive to parathion Ability to be absorbed : - ethanol is readily absorbed from GIT but poorly absorbed through the skin - organic mercury is readily absorbed from GIT, but inorganic mercury is not
Metabolism = biotransformation Is a major factor in determining toxicity - detoxification (bioinactivation) : process by which a xenobiotic is converted to a less toxic form water soluble - bioactivation : process by which a xnobiotic may be converted to more reactive or toxic form. Distribution : Determine the sites where toxicity occur. Depend on how the lipid-solubility
Excretion : Another major factor affecting the toxicity Excretory organ : kidney, GIT, lung. Sometime also : sweat, tears, milk Presence of other chemicals Antagonism, additivity, potentiation, synergism
SYSTEMIC EFFECTS Toxic effects occur at multiple sites, including : - acute toxicity - subchronic toxicity - chronic toxicity - carcinogenicity - developmental toxicity - genetic toxicity (somatic cells)
Acute toxicity • occurs almost immediatly (h / d) after exposure • Usually single dose at large dose • Examples : Methyl isocyanat accident in Bophal India • Subchronic toxicity • Results from repeated exposure for several weeks or months • Chronic toxicity • Represents cumulative damage to specific organ system and takes many months or years to become a recognizible clinical disease • Ex : cirrhosis in alcoholics, chronis bronchitis in long-term cigarrete smokers, pulmonary fibrosis in coal miners
Carcinogenicity • Complex multistages of abnormal cell growth and differentiation • Need : initiator, promoter • Mutation results initial neoplastic transformation of cellular gene • Developmental toxicity • An adverse effect on developing embryo or fetus • Involving : embryolethality, embryotoxicity, terratogenicity
Genetic toxicity • Results from damage to DNA and altered genetic expression mutagenesis • 3 types of genetic change : gene mutation, chromosome abberation, aneploidy / polyploidy
Organ specific toxicity Type of organ specific toxic effect are : - blood / cardiovasculer toxicity - dermal / occular toxicity - genetic (germ cell) toxicity - hepatotoxicity - immunotoxicity - nephrotoxicity - reproductive toxicity - respiratory toxicity
Blood & cardiovascular toxicity • Toxicity on circulating blood, bone marrow, heart • Ex : - hypoxia do to monoxide - decrease leucocyte do to chloramphenocol - leukemia do to benzene • Dermal and eye toxicity • Results from direct contact or internal distribution to the skin • Ex : dermal irritation, dermal corrosion, hypersensitivity, skin cancer
Hepatotoxicity • Toxicity to the liver, bile dict and gall bladder
Immunotoxicity • Toxicity of the immune system • Forms : hypersensitivity (allergic & autoimmunity), immunodeficiency, uncontrolled proliferation (leukemia & lymphoma), • Ex : contact dermatitis, systemic lupus erytematosus (SLE) • Nephrotoxicity • Succeptibility factor of kidney : high volume blood flow & filtrates amount of toxin • Forms : decrease excrete body waste, inability to maintain body fluid, decrease to synthesis hormon erythropoietin
Neurotoxicity • Damage cell of CNS & PNS • Types : • Neuropathy (neuron injury) • Axonopathy (axon injury) • Demyelination (loss of axon insulation) • Interference with neurotransmitter • Reproductive toxicity • Male and female • Effects : • Impotency / decrease of libido • Infertility • Interupted pregnancy • Infant death / childhood mortality • Childhood cancer, etc
Respiratory toxicity • Upper and lower respiratory tract • Forms : • Pulmonary irritation • Asthma bronchitis • Reactive airways disease • Emphysema • Allergic alveolitis • Fibrotic lung disease • Pnumoconiosis • Lung cancer
INTERACTION Type of interaction :